Gamble 3

Complete silence, nobody wants to go against them. Even people who earlier want to participate are now backing off. Seeing this scene Jin curse in his mind.

' Hell no, He did it again. He scares the shit out of these guys. Now what, do our plan will fail only after one fight? Why does he need to flow so much blood.'

Jin is staring at Eric. Eric on the other hand still has his cool smile on his face. He looks at everyone in the crowd. Most of them try to avoid making eye contact with him. Seeing this Eric starts laughing.


Man look like all pussies come in this academy. Let me give a special offer to you all.

Everyone, I am increasing the pot. If you win I will pay you 150 instead of 100 coins each. You only need to bet 50 coins. I will increase this amount after every fight until I lose. This is a special offer for today anyone interested now."

After finishing speaking he turned toward the crowd. He sees many have shine in their eyes but no one is coming forward. He looks toward Jin. They only need the last push to make gambling a big hit today. This time Jin speak loudly.

" Come on Eric I told you this bunch of cowards is nothing but future slaves for us."

These infatuated many people present there. Many see this as an opportunity to make it big. For managing a group you need a frame. Seeing the opportunity to defeat A ranks some people start coming to participate in bets.

Some people have money on their minds many want to teach them a lesson and much more. Different motives but one goal and that goal is to defeat Eric and Jin. More and more warriors start coming forward to fight. If one come forward other cheer for them this encourages many more to come.

A huge queue forms in front of the referee for participation in the match. Seeing this scene Eric smiled at Jin. Their plan is on right track. Now nobody will be able to stop it. It is like an unstoppable arrow that got released from the bow. Now this will only stop when it reaches its goal.

what is the goal here well who knows?

Eric and Jin start fighting more students. After each match, Eric increases the winning amount of his opponent by 50 coins. This makes the crowd grow crazy to fight against him. Everyone in the crowd starts shouting and cheering for him every time he increases his betting amount.

Jenny is present in the crowd. She is quite shocked by Eric and Jin. According to her, Eric only does training but suddenly he starts betting and gambling. She thinks to herself.

' So this is their plan. I guessed something was unusual about their sudden group leaving. Are they doing it for coins? I doubt that. whatever it is not my problem to think about them.'


After 2 hr of fighting currently. Eric is fighting his 5th match. Around 500+ low-potential students join the crowd at the time Eric is ready to face his last opponent (5th opponent) of the day.

He has a few cut and slash marks on his body. His body is fully covered in blood. Against him in the last match is a duo of sword and dagger wielders. They are both speed-oriented fighters. A counter for a slow fighter like Eric.

As the match started Sword warrior come to a frontal confrontation. Eric needs to go for a head-on clash with him.

Dagger warrior on the other hand is moving around both of them looking for the best opportunity for attack. There are many times Dagger warrior lungs at Eric. Eric has to use clown steps to make them confuse and try to cause a blunder from their site.

But both his opponent always block him. Just like that match is in a deadlock situation. Neither side has the upper hand.

Sword warrior increases his attacking speed and Eric is hardly able to keep up with him. One time Eric has to extend his hand to block a move from the sword warrior.

Using this opportunity, suddenly the dagger warrior dash at Eric and slash at his right arm. To protect his main arm Eric move his left arm to block it. He quickly blocked the warrior but a large wound appeared on his left arm. Blood is constantly flowing down from his left hand.

Seeing this many people cheer for the warriors' duo. Jin has already finished his match and waiting for Eric at the side. He cheers for Eric.

After that attack, the duo often tries to injure Eric but always gets blocked and parried by him. Just like that match entered at the last minute. Now the duo starts recklessly attacking him.

Using the clown step Eric successfully counters an attack and slashes a long cut on the dagger wielder's stomach. This slowed down the movement just like that 20 mins passed and Eric wins the match.

Although Eric wins the match nobody is disappointed except the duo and their team members. Many students run to challenge Eric next. After his 5-win Eric's betting pot reached 300 coins. Winning against him will give them 350 if they win the next round. They surround him. On the side, Jin's loud voice is heard.

"Eric stop it. It is almost time for the next class."

Pushing himself forward Jin walks toward him. Hearing Jin other looks at him angrily. Although Jin also fought 5 fights he always finish his match a few minutes after the start. Jin also takes a break after each fight. On other hand, Eric fights for almost more than 10 min in each fight. He never takes a break after a fight and he is injured now.

In the crowd's eyes chances of Eric losing his next fight is very high. Hearing Jin Eric checks the time after seeing that only a few min left for the next class he reluctantly nodded to Jin. He speaks to the crowd.

"Sorry guys, we cannot fight anymore. I love to fight a few more rounds but time is up."

The crowd shouted they wanted just one more fight with Eric. Many comments.

"Just one more 1 min in the last fight and he would have been defeated.".

"Fool talking about fighting a few more rounds when he can barely stand."

"This is a shame on us that he is walking undefeated."

"Ya man, if the rule is not to finish the match in 20 min then he would not be able to win a single fight."

Seeing the crowd's reaction Jin shakes his head. Looking at Eric Jin thinks to himself.

'You guys have no idea which monster you are against. These scratches are nothing much for Eric. I cannot believe that in 5 fights he only suffers only one single deep wound. I can say from the past month's training that he can fight 2-3 match mores. They will lose more coins from him. He is improving faster than me '

While Jin is thinking all this Eric opens his mouth to speak.

" Guys thank you for helping in the workout. Well, this does not end, Tomorrow at the same time we will come here to challenge you once again you can fight me tomorrow. Before you think much let me tell you that tomorrow I will start with 150 coins. You can calculate how much you can get if you win at the fifth match as I am planning to follow the same 50+ thing tomorrow also. "

Wow, this causes an uproar in Crowd. Everyone starts cheering. Seeing this Eric and Jin smile at each other. Jin motioned Eric to leave toward the hospital. Eric ignores him and raises his hand to make everyone quiet.

Seeing everyone being quiet he speaks.

"Guys I am in good mood so let me give some of you a new way to earn money."

Hearing this Jin look at Eric in confusion. They never talk about providing a new way to earn money. Heck, he does not even know what this new way is. Jin look at the crowd he finds that most of them are ready to rush at them thinking Eric will fight one more round.

He then looks at Eric's face who has a crazy smile. Seeing this he knows that Eric is planning something. Something not so pleasant. He grips Eric's shoulder to restrain him from saying something crazy.


* [Hyper breathing] - Breathing art increases stamina and decreases energy consumption.

Hyper breathing is a breathing art and it has 2 stages in it.

- stage 1: [Blood control]- You can control the blood flow of different parts of the body. This will help to increase the control of that body part.

- Stage 2: [Hibernating state] - The body will only consume a minimum amount of oxygen and energy. Decrease the wastage of energy.

Hyper breathing help to gain more control of the body. It can decrease the wastage of energy and increase digestion.

Hyper Breathing is perfect with Gluttony training. They both complement each other.

*[Mind Eyes] - Increase focus and sense of presence around you.

It is meditation art that needs to circulate mana through the eyes and brain in a fixed pattern. Like the hyper mind, it has 2 stages.

- Stage 1- Improve your Eyesight and level of concentration.

- Stage 2 - You can Feel the change in mana from the surroundings.