

             ~ Caroline~

"All done! With no thanks to you". I slammed the door behind me. Alan was leaning against the railings with his arms folded. I really wish I could push me off but it would be murder.

He didn't offer any assistance, I carried all 8 buckets myself.

"You're welcome. And I think you've learnt a big lesson. Women can be strong! You didn't need my help at all". He said corkily.

"I didn't ask for your help". I rolled my eyes. My arms and legs are aching right now, I went up and down the stairs countless times with full bucket of water, something I've never ones done at home or anywhere else.

Curse this school and the teacher that gave me the punishment. She clearly knew I didn't do it but she still had the guts to punish an innocent person.

I went to my class to get my bag and Alan went to his.

The walk was a painful one, the school was empty by now as I dragged my sweaty body through the corridor till I got to my class.

Someone was seated on my seat with my bag on his leg. I grabbed my bag off his leg saying nothing.

"Caroline I'm sorry". He dragged my bag making me pause sharply.

I halted and turned to him. "Dare I  will appreciate it if you let go of my bag now. Thank you".

"But wait nah. I've been begging you since morning. What's your problem, piper and I didn't even do anything i swear".

"Did I ask?". I snapped.

"Okay please I'm very sorry babe. I promise it won't happen again. I swear on my life". The jerkface knelt down in front of me swearing.

I stole a glance at Dare's handsome face. I have to admit he's a stud. He's the cutest guy in my class no doubt but I can't forgive him. Even though he's jet black hair was tempting.

"Please babe, you know how much I love you right". He stood up and placed his hand on my cheeks and pulled me to him.

"Dare stop. Leave me". I said but made no attempt to jerk his hand off. "why did you lie I hissed when you know I didn't". I asked suddenly getting angry. This guy doesn't deserve forgiveness.

"I was stupid. You threw my letter without looking at it and I got angry. Babe forget that I'm sorry. I'll tell my mom to tell Mrs Issa to stop the punishment". He brought his lips closer to mine and pecked me twice. My grudge melted.

              🙂 Jacob's POV 🙂

"Why are just coming home now?". My mom asked turning the roasted corn and flipping it on a piece of paper for a customer. She received the money from him and entwined it in her rapper.

"Because I had to walk all the way back. You did not give me money remember?". I dropped beside her and began peeling out the corn cobs.

"Eeya my son sorry. And I told you not to go. See that school is too far and I don't have money everyday to give you. Just stop and start working at that car wash our neighbor just opened. I asked him if you can come already and he said yes. You'll earn money from there".

I paused to stare at her and gave her a long side glance. She peeped at me and sigh. She understood what I meant.

"Go and remove your uniform first before coming here. There's food under the bed, drink the garri and remain small for your sister, I don't know why she's going to school too and it's because of you o. It's you she's copying. You are now so thin and dark from going to that far place. Better stop before you fall sick". She quickly sucked her middle finger into her mouth, the heat from the coal had hurt her.

She just gave me more reason to not give up. My tummy was grumbling but I was used to it. I've only taken a small portion of rice and lots of water since dawn. And it's almost 6.00 clock.

Our house was very close to the ground my mother sells her roasted corn. It took me about two minutes to get home.

We lived in a poorly constructed brick house secured by a rusty red gate with other tenants. The house were built not to far from each other so everyone knows each other's business and backbiting and snooping was common. There were 7 buildings each with one two rooms, we shared kitchen and bathroom except those who cooked in their room or did their business in the bushes.

There were three particular ladies who did nothing all day but seat around and chitchat. We called them Mama peter, mama ini and mama imem.

These women don't have perfect homes themselves but they laugh at others. Mama peter had 5 sons, all bad boys who don't go to school and have turned to street touts terrorizing land owners claiming the land belongs to them, the youngest of them was 19 years old.

Mama ini had three kids. Two boys and a crippled girl.

Mama imem's children were uncountable, she had her aunties children living with them too. Too much in a two roomed house.

"Good evening ma". I did a quick bowed and ran into her house without waiting for their reply. I don't want to hear their fake concern about how I'm doing.

My sister was already at home, she layed on her belly calculating on a sheet of paper. She looked up and saw me.

"Brother Jacob". She sprang up happily and dived into a hug. I hugged her back, I love my sister so dearly.

"Please borrow me your calculator I have mathematics assignment". She pleaded.

"At your age you shouldn't be using calculator yet. You should develop your brain, let me see the assignment". I said.

"Ah ah haba. It's not hard nah. Let's do it together". We settled down on the bare floor and we continued her assignment. In 5 minutes we were done.

"Brother Jacob thank you very much". She smiled and dropped her note neatly into the nylon back she took to school. 

"You're welcome". I said.  "Rachel have you eaten?".

She immediately held her abdomen and fell to the floor. I rushed to her side.

"Don't worry I'm fine it will go soon. My stomach just hurts in this place all the time but it goes after a while". She said still holding on to her abdomen.

"No. No. No. Have you said anything to mom or dad?".

She was starting to feel better. "Yes. Mummy said I should go and borrow small Agbo from mama imem's house. I'm fine sef". She stood up and straighten her oversized skirt.


Later that evening, my mom made eba with egusi for dinner. My father came back and we sat down together in a circle eating from the same bowl.

A dim touch light illuminated the room to stop us from being in complete darkness. The heat was unbearable but we were used to it.

"Ehn ehn! Jacob before I forget. You can't go to your school tomorrow. You have to come and wash my boss car tomorrow. He has about 10 cars and only me cannot do it alone. I need your help".

"But he has to go to school nahh". My sister cried out.

I know my father had made up his mind so I didn't object. It was just for a day.

My mother slapped her immediately. "Is it your father you're talking to like that?". She said shutting her up. Rachel said nothing but I could see her hand move to her abdomen in the darkness. Whatever had happened to her in the afternoon is happening again.

"Rachel needs to go to the hospital". I stopped eating and turned to my parents.

"Why? What happened? She is fine". My dad said nonchalantly.

"No she is not. Her stomach keeps hurting everyday. Maybe something is wrong somewhere".

"Maybe it's her period that's coming". My mother said with a smile. "Oya both of you go and wash the plate. Abeg I don't want to hear anything more. If Rachel is sick she should go and collect Agbo from mama imem's house".

I felt tears of anger in my eyes but it was hopeless. Our lives was hopeless. Even if we did take her to the hospital, there was no money.

"If it's my period that is coming mummy said after my second period she will find a husband for me". Rachel sniffed as we reached the kitchen.


"Shut up. Please don't shout. Mummy said I should not tell you please don't talk". She covered my mouth in the darkness.

"Do you want to get married?". I asked softly.

"No. I want to go to school like you. I want to become a doctor". She sniffed.

"Then that is what you will be. I will never let mummy and daddy marry you off". I promised and held her hand.
