Everyone knows already


                ~ Caroline~

"I love you too". I said before he peeked my lips again.

I turned my head back to the TV. My head was nestled safely on Dare's chest watching Riverdale in the comfort of my room. I insisted he stayed with me because why not, his mom let's him stay out late and my mom isn't here to send him out.

"Would you rather be Archie or Jughead?".

"Archie. He's way hotter than jug".

"Not in the movie....".

The door suddenly swung open. I jilted in shock but quickly recovered, I felt Dare startle below me.

The embarrassed head of my father peeped in.

"I hope I'm not disturbing anything here. I just came to see how my daughter is doing". He said grinning.

He does this every night and I hate it more than I hate anything. My dad .... I mean Mr White is a tall huge man with wide barrel chest and athletic figure, he used to be a footballer back in his days but now he—wait! I actually don't know what my dad does, his occupation is unknown to me — ok I don't care.

Dare was aware of my bad relationship with my dad so he kept quiet. He usually joked how he would need to ask for my hand in marriage from my dad but I'd tell him he didn't need too, dad won't even know when my wedding will be, he should probably just have kids with Evie.

"Please close my door!". I said coldly.

He glanced at me and back to Dare then he winked at Dare and left. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the movie.

Oh gosh, Jughead and Betty's kiss, I love it, I grabbed a handful of popcorn and blushed. 

I heard a beep from dare's phone. I don't know why but I quickly jerked the phone from the bed and looked at the screen.

"Babe no!". He grabbed it back before I could see anything.

"I just want to see if it's from your mom". I said innocently.

"It's from my friends". He cleared.

"Gimme a minute". He dashed into the bathroom making my popcorn spill to the floor.


"Someone is here for you". My lil sister barged into my room not knocking.

"When will you learn how to knock". I turned to her from my reading table with a frown on my face.

"It's Barbara". She said with a wink.

"What?. Just go back and tell her that I'm not here please". I whispered.

"Toooo late Ally".

A curious face appeared across the door. She had a bright innocent smile like always.

"Head boy and head girl should get along together". My little sister said walking off. That little tortoise, I gritted my teeth.

"Your mom said I can come inside your room since I'm here to study". She closed the door walking in.

"Sorry but I'm already done studying. And I study solo". I didn't even invite her to study with me.

"I know why you're shunning me and the rest of the girls in our class". She said out of the blue. For the first time, she spoke to me without a smile.

"Excuse me?".

"Because of that girl that lives beside you. Caroline right. That girl in ss1". She hissed.

I'm too bad of a lair to try to deny. I just stared at her expressionless.

"With all the girls we have in the whole of ss3, do you mean we aren't beautiful enough?. You're falling for a girl in another class, junior for that matter".

"I don't love anyone and who I love is none of your business. Please get out". I stood up walking towards her direction.

I got up slowly.

"If you don't date me I will make sure Caroline doesn't rest in that school. I will make her life very miserable in the school. Till you say yes to me. I'm a prefect and I can do what I want". Barbara's hand were folded in front of her in anger.

"Will you please stop being ridiculous, don't try to bully an innocent girl all because I don't like you back. The reason I've not said yes is that I don't like you barb and I'm not interested in dating you".

"You don't like me? Or your eyes are blinded by that girl". She yelled.

I opened my door wide."Thank you for coming".

"I will make Caroline's life hell in that school you will see. I'm warning you now!". Barbara stormed out leaving my stunned and groaning.

I took my phone immediately and sent a call, harry is the only one who knows about my crush on you know who. How did it get out. 

                ~Dare ~

Piper sent me nudes. Oh shit that girl is something else. Good thing I didn't let Caroline check it.

"Like what you see? Come to me and I'll give all to you". She said below one.

"Piper? Tf?".

I dialed Piper's number and she picked up almost immediately.

"I really miss you". Her sweet voice said.

"Are you crazy? It was you who broke up with me in the first place". I whispered.

"It was a mistake. Come back to me babe. I'll give you everything".

I thought silently for a while. Dating both of them can't be a terrible idea as long as Piper keeps her mouth shut. I honestly want Piper back too.

"If you promise to not tell anyone".

"I promise". She said cheerfully. "Dare I love you. Say you love me back and say my name oh".

"Alright! I love you too Piper". I hung up the call.

I turned around and found the door half opened behind me and Caroline was standing there frowning really hard at me. Holy cow, I flinched in shock.

"Get out!". Her angry voice boomed.

"Oh babe". I ran my hand through my hair.

"Get out of my house right now!". She shouted loudly.

She dragged my collar towards the door. "I forgave and you did it that same day. You rotten pig"..
