Ranks And Power Levels.

[ The four main power elements(Affinities)]





( A person can possess more than one power element. He or she awakened more than one power element. That person can be referred to as talented 'cause some people don't awaken a single affinity)

[ Other minor abilities include]

The healing ability


The ability to read mind(Rare)

And so on.


[ Ranks according to your power element]

A-rank bender: These are children that had just awakened their power elements. They'll be referred to as A-rank benders until they had gotten to the age of thirteen.

F-rank bender: Earth.

B-rank bender: Water.

S-rank bender: Fire.

D-rank bender: Wind.

(A person can possess more than one power element, but the first affinity he/she awakens is what they'll be referred to when it comes to their ranks. For example, a person awakens the fire affinity, then awakens the water affinity later. He'll be referred to as an S-rank bender 'cause he awakened the fire affinity first, that's his main affinity)


[ Different ranks of beasts and the powers they possess]

Rank-1 beasts: This is the lowest rank of magical beasts, they don't possess a single affinity but are strong, but not as strong as the other ranks of beasts.

Rank-2 beasts: This is the second rank of magical beasts. They possess the fire affinity and are also strong, they can bring out fire from their mouths. A person needs to be careful when battling them.

Rank-3 beasts: This is the third rank of magical beasts. They possess two affinities at the same time, that's the fire and wind affinities. They can bring out fire from their mouths, and they can also manipulate wind. They don't have to use their mouths to do so, they can do it with their bodies. And they are also strong.

Rank-4 beasts: This is the fourth and highest rank of magical beasts. They possess three affinities, that's fire, wind, and earth affinities. Just like the rank-3 beasts, they can bring out fire from their mouths, they can manipulate wind using their bodies, and they can also make use of the earth power element. One of the ways they do that is by making the ground crack all of a sudden, and if you aren't careful, you can fall into the ground. They are also strong.


They make use of power elements, but they don't cast spells, that's why I chose to call them 'Benders' not 'Mages'. Mages use magic, and magic involves casting spells. They use superpowers, they don't cast spells, so they are called 'Benders'.