Instruction To Be Cautious.

'They'll most likely come up in the future'. Aiden thought to himself once again, he was referring to the demon goddesses.

At this point, he wasn't sure he had any more questions to ask. He was happy that his dad explained all these things to him, he had learned a lot.

"So do you have any other questions? Do you have something else you're curious about?". Ethan inquired glancing at Aiden.

At that moment, a question crashed into Aiden's head, a sudden thought. Seconds ago, he wasn't sure he had any more questions to ask his dad, but he has one now. It wasn't something he planned, it just crashed into his head.

"Yes, I have one more question to ask". Aiden uttered glancing at his dad.

"What is it?". Ethan inquired.

"The elves and dwarves live in their separate kingdoms, but are we at peace with them?". Aiden inquired still glancing at his dad.