Locating The Mudville River And Glancing At Naked Females.

The moment he strolled out of the living room completely and arrived at the compound, a smirk appeared on his face, she didn't question him.

..But then, the smirk vanished, he was about to go accomplish a quest that could put him into serious trouble, and he was busy smirking?

Was there anything to smirk about?

He glanced at the sky, it was getting darker and darker. Then he began strolling out of the compound. He got out of the compound and began walking on the road as he was passing different people.

As he strolled, he imagined what would happen if he just comes across one of his parents at this moment. They'll definitely question him, and that would be mission spoilt.

He quickly shook the thought off his mind hoping something like that doesn't happen. Now, the main goal was to locate the forest, it wouldn't be that hard, but it wouldn't be easy either.

..He was on a mission to go glance at naked females.