Trying To Make Use Of Her Power.

As of now, Ethan was the only one that wasn't at home. Emma, Alora, and Lydia were inside the house, while Aiden and Hazel were on the compound.

It was morning currently, and Hazel had bragged to Aiden that she was already learning how to use her power, she was already learning how to wield mana...whereas, she hadn't learned a single thing.

Has she gone to any of the academies meant for training benders? Have anyone taught her how to wield mana? Her father, Ethan, could teach her to a certain extent, but he doesn't have time, he was busy.

Emma doesn't even know how to wield mana properly, she doesn't know how to make use of her power element well 'cause she didn't train at all. And that was the same case for, Lydia, she possesses an affinity, but she didn't learn to wield mana.

Alora's own was that she doesn't even possess a power element at all, she doesn't have the mana core in her. So who could have taught Hazel how to wield mana? No one, she just wanted to brag to Aiden.