Completing Quests.

Aiden was already jogging back home, and he had covered meters by now. Balls of sweat were still on his forehead, and he was still panting while jogging. It just seemed like he was exercising his body.

'Even if it isn't punishment, the system could have just informed me she wanted me to exercise. She didn't want to say it directly, so she decided to give it to me in form of a quest'. Aiden thought to himself once again while still jogging.

..But that wasn't the case, his thinking was still wrong.

It wasn't easy carrying his school bag and wasn't easy at all. Sweats were just drizzling out of his body, he felt exhausted, he needed to freshen up. And he was gonna do that once he arrives home.

After he was done freshening up, he'll lay on his bed for a long time. The same thing was still repeating itself, he'll jog for some time, stop to get his breath a little, then continue jogging.

..And by now, he had covered kilometers, he had gotten so close to his house.