He Just Blacked Out.

Even in his previous world before he reincarnated, he had passed through lots of exams. So exams in this world don't scare him at all...they were always pretty easy for him, apart from history.

But some kids become afraid whenever they hear of exams...those days were always trying times for them.

By now, Aiden had already sighted Oliver and Ava in their seats, his two friends...they do come before him most of the time. And after Aiden had entered the class and sat in his seat, there were still students strolling into the classroom.

So he could say, he came before some students...wasn't that nice?

It had gotten to time for the tests to begin, they were gonna be doing all three tests today. They were very important, they'd be added to their marks.

Miss Alice, their class teacher, was the one that was gonna be coordinating the tests until they were done with them. She was gonna be inspecting them while they'd be doing them one after the other.