Finding Aiden.

As he was moving toward Aiden to slash the hell out of him, Aiden was completely ready for him. Reaching where Aiden was, he swung his sword with speed aiming to slash Aiden in the neck.

But by the time the sword was supposed to slash someone, Aiden wasn't there anymore, the sword just swung past. He was now at the side of the assassin some meters away from him.

The assassin glanced at where Aiden was currently, and he was just like, 'What just happened now? How did that happen? Does he possess the speed ability too?'.

..Yeah, Aiden was doing something extraordinary again...the assassins couldn't be more surprised.

The assassin began moving toward Aiden again. And on reaching him, he swung his sword again while shouting,


But the sword didn't still touch Aiden, he was able to dodge it again with the help of the speed dash skill. And immediately, Aiden landed a nice punch on the assassin's groin.