The Truth Mustn't Be Revealed. (How It Happened) (3)

The assassin rode the horse until they arrived at the community where the woman was residing...he still remembered the paths clearly.

"This is the community where she's residing". The assassin in front said to Asher.

"Okay, then let's head straight to her house". Asher voiced out.

..At that moment, he was just hoping no one recognizes him and begin calling his name since he was one of the high-ranked chiefs in this kingdom.

The assassin put the horse in motion once again as they began heading to the woman's house. Arriving in front of the building where the woman's room was situated, the assassin said to Asher,

"And her house is located in this building", He then pointed to a certain door and voiced out once again, "That's the door to her house".

And with that, all three of them came down from the horse. Then Asher uttered,

"Hope no one recognizes me since I'm one of the high-ranked chiefs in this kingdom".