Welcome Back Sex. (R18)

Hearing that statement, Aiden had a slight idea of what Alora wanted from him. In fact, it wasn't a slight idea, he knew what she wanted from him. They had been engaging in it for some time now without anyone's knowledge.

..And again, they were the only ones at home currently, so they had the chance to engage in it fully.

Another thing was the way Alora was standing in front of him and the way she walked toward him...what she wanted was evident. But Aiden still wanted to pretend like he didn't know what Alora wanted from him, he wasn't sure. So he voiced out,

"And what is that? What do you want from me?".

"I want to give you what they call 'welcome back sex". Alora uttered.

And Aiden was like, "Welcome back what?".