Continuous Sex.

"Why are you smiling and nodding your head?". Lucia inquired of Aiden.

"That's 'cause I agree with your statement, it makes sense". Aiden responded.

"I would have loved us to go for another round, like round 2, but there's no time". Lucia stated.

..What does this show? She really enjoyed Aiden and she has high sex energy.

If there was time, they would have definitely gone for another round. Even with all the pounding she's received, she still had strength to go for another round.

When she made that utterance, Aiden was just like, 'Wow! She has energy to go for another round. Her high sex energy isn't just a number'.

..But would he be able to handle another round of sex right now? Yes, he still has energy for it though he pounded her a lot.

He has high sex energy as well, and he was a pervert. This was the next utterance that flowed out of Lucia's mouth while glancing at Aiden,

"So there's something I'd like the both of us to discuss".