For The Third Time.

He was still speaking, "She mustn't find out that something is going on between the both of us. Make sure to erase every suspicion from her mind".

And at that moment, Anne had to laugh a little. And after she was done laughing, she voiced out,

"I'm not stupid, I know she'd question me when I get to the classroom. Yes, she'd definitely be suspecting. Don't worry, I know what answer to give to her for every question she'd ask. That's if she asks more than one question,

She wouldn't find out, I'd make sure she doesn't".

And Aiden was satisfied, yeah, she mustn't find out. Since Anne had given him such an assurance, then he believed her completely.

"Then we'd get to bang tomorrow then". Aiden said to her again.

"Yes". Anne responded nodding her head a little.

"Let's leave here then, I've relayed every piece of information to you, I'd be going now".