It's Time Again.(4)

What exactly was he thinking about concerning the paying of tributes? How would it go? Would things go smoothly as usual? Or would there be some problems this time?

..Yes, there were always problems journeying to both kingdoms, they do come across obstacles.

But this is a different case, would any issue arise while paying tributes to both kingdoms?...Yes, that's what was running through his mind.

Well, he'd find out when they've arrived at the kingdoms and the tributes have been passed on to them. He didn't want to stress his brain too much thinking about it, so he just closed his was about time to go to sleep for tomorrow was another day of journeying.

He closed his eyes, and in minutes, he had already dozed off.


The next day arrived, and the knights and warriors began waking up from sleep one after the other. The ones that woke up first began waking the others...there was no time to waste.