Times Two.

Ethan just stood there glancing at the beast's lifeless body...it's been brought down without any of them getting hurt or killed.

..Would they come across another magical beast when they resume the journey? This no one knows.

Well, they all came together once again, the knights and warriors protecting the horses and carriages weren't protecting them anymore.

They wouldn't do anything to the body just as they did for the first rank-1 beast they killed. They'd leave it there, and the creatures of the sky and land would come feast on it.

They all mounted their different horses as they continued embarking on the journey. Mid-afternoon turned to complete evening, evening turned to nighttime, and so it kept on going.


They had arrived at the Chuvulan Kingdom by now, finally. And you know what? They didn't come across another danger on the way. No wild dogs, no magical beasts, nothing.