Deceiving Them Again.

Aiden nodded his head a little then stated, "Yes, that's what we agreed, but you were aware of what was happening, right?".

"What was happening?". Lucia uttered with a bit of confused facial expression.

"The stuff going on between our kingdom and the Chuvulan Kingdom".

"Oh! Yes, I was aware of that, my dad went for several meetings 'cause of it". Lucia voiced out once again.

"Yes, that's the reason why I couldn't visit your academy within the time that we agreed on. I couldn't just bring myself to come here when those things were happening". Aiden explained.

Lucia nodded her head in understanding then said, "I understand, yeah, it was a bit of a scary situation, imagine if a war had ensued 'cause of it".

"It would have been really bad". Said Aiden.

..Meanwhile, she had no idea that Aiden's father was one of the head warriors that embarked on the journey to pay tributes to both kingdoms and also escorted the king to the Chuvulan Kingdom again.