Little Tournament.(2)

Aiden's hand swung past the moment Oliver dodged his punch, the fist went to waste. But he didn't stop there, he immediately threw another punch that wasn't coming with much force as well.

Oliver also dodged that as Aiden's hand swung past again. Now, it was Oliver's turn to attack, and do you know the attack he came with? A kick.

He threw a kick as it began heading toward Aiden's face. Now, this was a little careless, if the kick touches Aiden's face, he was definitely gonna feel pain from it and it can also take him off the ground.

But Aiden was gonna dodge it, yes, while training him, his dad taught him how to dodge to an extent. Aiden moved to the side a little as Oliver's kick moved past.

And the moment that happened, Oliver didn't waste time throwing another kick, it was a swinging kick. Aiden was gonna feel more pain from this if it touches was heading toward one of the sides of his stomach.