Trailing Her.

He had finished walking out of the academy by now, then he began glancing left and right to know which direction he was gonna follow...he was a little confused right now.

After some seconds of contemplation, he decided he was gonna follow the left-hand side, and that's exactly what he did. He was walking forward currently, and he was doing so at a fast pace.

Once he's walked to an extent, he'd then begin asking people for directions. He had begun asking people for direction, and you know what? Some people recognized him as the son of Ethan Dankworth which he doesn't like.

..But he couldn't do anything about it, he just had to go with the flow.

Well, coming back to the asking of direction part, he asked for direction, and he was given some. He'd follow the directions, and after he's gone further, he'd then ask again for him not to get lost.