He Came.

If her dad sees him and Cara inside the house together, even if a problem were to arise, it wouldn't be that big.

But as said, the case was different, he was alone inside the house. Aiden was already walking toward the door, and this was the thought that ran through his mind,

'Has something not happened to her like this? This is too long'.

He reached the door, opened it, and stepped out. Then he glanced around to see if he'd sight Cara with little hope of seeing her, and he didn't see her.

He was so disappointed, he didn't accomplish anything today, nothing went his way. And once tomorrow reaches, he'd have two days remaining to conquer her.

..As said, it was just like Earth itself didn't want him to accomplish the quest.

What can he do? He began walking heading toward his home, his face wasn't bright at all. This quest was harder than his first quest, no wonder the system gave him 21 days to accomplish it.