Again. (R18)

The information was concerning the level they had reached in receiving basic knowledge and the fact that they'd be the next set of students that would be graduating from this academy.

As the man was speaking, the boy was just waiting for when he'd be done speaking, he was so impatient. He glanced outside numerous times as he could see students walking past, but he never set eyes on Lucia.

The only thing giving him a little hope was that maybe the same thing taking place in his classroom currently was also taking place in Lucia's classroom.

..As said, if that was the case, then he'd still have a chance to find out what he wanted to find out.

Minutes passed, and the man was still talking. Well, he said it though, the information he was gonna pass across to them was gonna take some time.

The boy was impatient waiting for the man to finish speaking, but he kept on talking and talking. He wasn't even listening to what the man was saying anymore.