The Finest Prologue

A young boy is seen walking down a not-so-busy street while holding his cheek jaw area hiding a visibly red and purple area. He walks slowly to see his father standing on the front step angrily waiting for the boy, within ten feet his father looks at his watch and taps his foot fast.

"Kazuhara!" the father yells to startle the boy, in the boy's defence he flinches while holding his cheek. "You were supposed to be here almost two hours ago, you dont have any after-school programs today so you should know the drill." The father tells the boy, while the boy just looks at his father's lower body to avoid meeting his father's aggressive look. The boy tries to speak "I go-", "I dont want to hear it, you know there's bad delinquency starting to happen all over town…" the father says while getting exhausted. "You know my job is important to me Kazu, the last thing I want is to see my son in some gang violence and or caught by them." he finishes.

Kazuhara visibly annoyed by his father drops his hands and then his school bag drops to the ground, "You and your stupid job… it's the same thing every time this happens…" Kazuhara mumbles just loud enough to have his father hear those words, he's shocked then tenses up. "It's not like you care about your son… the only time you talk to me is when I do something wrong…" Kazuhara adds, the father takes a couple of steps toward Kazuhara saying "Listen here you little shit…" and when he reaches Kazuhara he grabs his shirt collar and raises him to the father's eye level. With a pissed-off look, the father says "You dont know what I deal with daily Kazu…" before the father says anymore Kazuhara's shirt rips and he falls to the ground. "Oww," Kazuhara says while getting up, then taking off his shirt and throwing it at the father's feet. Kazuhara opens his bag to reveal a spare shirt and puts that on, "I'm going somewhere…" Kazuhara says while turning around and taking a few steps. The father super pissed off now says "Think about this Kazu, you better come home when I'm gone tonight", Kazuhara doesn't acknowledge it by continuing walking.

Kazuhara walks back up the street he came from, after five minutes of walking he starts to think to himself "As far as I can remember my fathers been like that but I think it has something to do with mom disappearing from us when I was younger. He blames me as the cause since that happened, 'everything was perfect before you were born'. I wasn't old enough to even remember her leaving or anything about her…".

While thinking he walks to a park about the halfway point from school to home, when he arrives he sees a small group of people, about six in total. Looking like about two years older than Kazuhara. Kazuhara sits on a bench a ways away trying to mind his own business, the group seems to talk to each other about random things. Then the group starts walking towards Kazuhara but not directly, as they walk they do it in formation; two little bigger guys in front one taller than the other, two more guys looking average, then the two in the back seem like experienced guys. They get halfway to Kazuhara and the two in front seem to be kicking a rock back and forth with each other, the taller one accidentally kicks the rock in front of Kazuhara. Kazuhara gets up to kick the rock back but before he kicks it back he hears "Look it's Kazuhara!" a voice calls out, he looks up to see the group in a curved line about five feet in front of him;(left to right order) the bigger guy, one average guy, both experienced looking guys in the middle, second average, tall one.

"Hey guys," Kazuhara says in a semi-neutral tone, the one average guy says "Show us some respect junior". Kazuhara starts to bow his head, then the right experienced guy walks up and kicks Kazuhara in the chest sending him back to the ground with his back to the bench. Looking up slowly Kazuhara starts gasping for air and tries to get up but to no avail. "Just stay down it's easier that way" the guy who just kicked him says. He walks to Kazuhara and squats to grab his scruffy-ish hair, "who knew that was all that was needed" he slaps Kazuhara "Look at me now" he adds. Slowly recovering his breath, Kazuhara pushes the guy back stumbling and catching him off guard. The tall one says "oooooh he's still kicking!", Kazuhara gets up slowly and finally recovered, Kazuhara looking down starts to say "you just had to pick on the guy who just had a terrible day…" he starts to laugh softly "ha.. haha.. ha.. haha… hahaha.." Kazuhara looks up with a blank stare to the guy in front of him, he's taken aback by it and then starts to grin "Your not so tough Kazuhara, you get beat up all the time, what makes today different?" he says to Kazuhara.

"Just watch me bring a new generation to this city of delinquents…" Kazuhara says being dead serious still holding his blank stare forward, he starts to walk toward the guy in front of him. The guy retreats and the tall one steps forward to face Kazuhara, the tall one grabs Kazuhara by his shoulder "You seem too sure of this, you're just too weak Kazuhara." he says while winding up his punch, as he goes to punch Kazuhara he tries to do a leg sweep on the tall guy but doesn't work. "Really?" he responds at the attempted leg sweep, the tall guy grips Kazuhara's shoulder and throws him to the bench causing it to fall backwards. Kazuhara seemingly gets up and brushes it off holding his head a little, Kazuhara steps on the bench and it cracks significantly and continues to walk toward the tall guy again. The tall guy gets serious and balls up his fists and meets Kazuhara, "You're pretty resilient for a junior." he says looking down on Kazuhara. Kazuhara steps back ever so slightly and then does a spin kick that catches the tall guy off guard, it connects to the left side of his abdomen making him take a knee while holding that area. "I've been a pushover so far of my life… I'm going to take charge of it now…" Kazuhara says while winding up a punch, the bigger guy starts to walk toward the tall one but is stopped by the other experienced looking one "You might just get in the way.." he says.

Kazuhara lets the punch go and it connects to the tall guy's forehead, the tall guy looks up to the sky and slowly falls onto his back. The other experienced guy says to the rest of them except the first experienced one, "Get him guys...". As the bigger guy and the two average guys close into Kazuhara, they all attack him one after another leaving Kazuhara unable to react and beat him to the ground, the tall guy recovers and eventually joins the unfair beatdown. Kazuhara curls up into the fetal position to protect himself. "Ok, ok, ok, he's had enough.." the second experienced guy says, the four back up into a semi-circle around Kazuhara but leave a path for the second experienced guy to walk through. Kazuhara is seen bleeding from his mouth and his shirt is ripped in a couple of spots, the second experienced guy walks up to Kazuhara slowly while lighting a cigarette. "From now on as long as you go to East Shore Middle you'll fall under us and our gang...' Matsutori's Finest '..."

"This was the start of Matsumae Kazuhara's rise to power..."