
May 10, 2004, 7:14 pm - East Shore Middle School

We see two boys fighting with an audience.

"ah.. ahh.. ahhh.." one boy pants to regain his breath.

"Is that all you got, Kazuhara!" A loud booming voice calls from the opposite side.

There are probably a hundred students in the bleachers, not including the fighters today or the gang. And one of the boys fighting is Mastumae Kazuhara, a gang recruit of Matsutori's Finest.

Kazuhara is 5'4(164cm), about 115lbs(52kg), age 14 with medium black hair. Currently wearing(bottom to top); Black and white shoes, black school pants, white button-up undershirt.

Today is a fight day. Fight day happens once a week, one on one fights to see who will be picked up by one of our gangs' factions or will be put into another fight day. Right now there are only two factions in Matsutori's Finest due to its size and history. No one outside the founding four knows about its purpose or goals, except that our rival gang wants to rule the school and us to be diminished over a trivial matter.

Kazuhara stands up straight and then sets his focus on the other boy across from him. "Finally stopped shitting your pants?" The other boy says while rolling up his sleeves. "I don't want to clean up all the shit from the ground after I beat you, I just want to be in a faction so I can help beat our rivals." The other boy continues to say.

Kazuhara raises his fists just above his chest then tightens his posture to be less of an open target. The crowd starts to chat among themselves, "He can't even fight." "What's that gonna do?" "He's still gonna get owned".

The other boy starts to walk toward Kazuhara while holding his left shoulder as he stretches his left arm in circles. Kazuhara thinks to himself "Just dodge and he'll be tired soon" as the other boy gets within four feet, Kazuhara tries to move his feet but is unable to. Kazuhara barely moves his upper body to try to get his feet moving but to no avail.

"Aw, someone too scared to move?" the other boy who is now in front of Kazuhara, Kazuhara looks up a little to meet the other boy's eyes. The other boy knees Kazuhara in the stomach making him cough up blood and then uppercuts him as well sending Kazuhara rolling back three feet then ends up laying face down. While Kazuhara is lying face down the other boy walks to him, he puts his right foot on the back of Kazuhara's head, holding him down, saying "Look at you like a worm under my shoe. Hahahahaha!". Kazuhara tries to get up, pushing against the other boy's shoe "I'm... not... done... yet...".

Kazuhara finds the strength to push more giving him room to move his head, the other boy plays along with it, letting Kazuhara push more. As Kazuhara gets a couple of inches of room, the other boy quickly winds up a kick and then lets it go just as quickly to Kazuhara's temple. Kazuhara doesn't have the reaction speed to react to the kick and the kick connects to Kazuhara, knocking him unconscious completely while blood splatters in a cone-like area to his right.

After Kazuhara got knocked out everyone scrambles out of fear of Kazuhara possibly dying, including the audience, fighters, and the gang's lower echelon ranks.

Two hours pass and Kazuhara is seen waking up with dried blood in his mouth, "ew" he says then spits out some of the blood. Just after he does that a masculine voice speaks from a distance and says "Hopefully this kid ain't actually dead" then another masculine voice says "Yeah right, not unless someone used a weapon, if that's the case whoever used it is out permanently no question.". Kazuhara can tell the first voice is joking and the second is deadly serious.

Kazuhara knows he can't take two guys on let alone one so he tries to get up to run away, as he tries to get up he gets halfway then falls to a knee. "Aw shit come on," Kazuhara whispers to himself. The joking voice says a bit closer than before "No matter what, this kid didn't want to give up apparently. My second was here watching to scout and confirmed it." the other voice just laughs "haha, I just got a random idea for the next faction".

Kazuhara decides to just stay put knowing whatever might happen is out of his power, as Kazuhara sits down the voices turn to people. One boy was about 5'6 looking with silver short hair and wearing a black base, with red shoulders gang uniform with it open to see his chest. The other boy is slightly taller with blond hair with two black stripes, wearing a gang uniform as well all messed up.

"He's alive!" the blonde yells and starts to run to Kazuhara, "Hey wait up man!" the boy with silver hair responds to the other running. "Hey, kid! How's it feel to get kicked in the face?" the blond says as he skids to a halt meeting Kazuhara, Kazuhara in fear of saying something wrong doesn't respond. The silver hair boy finally reaches the two and then crouches down to Kazuhara's face, "Don't mind him. He's kinda loopy, Come on get up you're kind of a little story going around lately" the silver boy says offering his left hand to Kazuhara.

Kazuhara slowly takes the silver-haired boy's hand and then the silver-haired boy helps Kazuhara up. "Kyoshi really? You called me loopy?" the blond says to the silver-haired boy revealing his name as Kyoshi. "K-Ky-yo-shi?" Kazuhara says barely able to spit out Kyoshi's name, "Yeah what about my name?" Kyoshi responds. "You're Kyoshi the leader of the gang..." Kazuhara says while slowly taking his hand back. "Yo Kyoshi I think he's gonna try to run away," the blond says while leaning on Kyoshi's right shoulder.

Kazuhara takes two steps back and tries to back up more, within two seconds the blond disappears from Kyoshi's back to behind Kazuhara without Kazuhara noticing. As Kazuhara takes one more step he bumps into the blond behind him, "Just relax kiddo" the blond says patting Kazuhara on the head. "I don't know what I did but I'm sorry," Kazuhara says while getting onto his knees and pleading to Kyoshi and the blond behind him. "Aw, I don't like that bullshit, come on get up man," Kyoshi says while the blond just laughs "Hahaha, you're funny kiddo."

Kazuhara gets back up to his feet and stands in perfect posture, the blond behind him throws his arm around Kazuhara in surprise Kazuhara jumps. "Oh Kyoshi I got an idea, let's get something to eat, I'm hungry." the blond says while shaking Kazuhara back and forth a little, "Oh my god Kaii, you're something else," Kyoshi says to the blond revealing his name as Kaii. "I just know the perfect spot for this 'recruit' " Kaii says while poking Kazuhara in the stomach.

Kyoshi is seen ruffling his hair a little bit and then says "Ahhh fine but it better not be too expensive Kaii, I know you.", "Welllll It might be a 'little' bit expensive" Kaii replies making a small gap with two fingers. Kazuhara is just listening to them go back and forth. "Kaii you know I have to pay rent soon?" Kyoshi says while starting to walk towards the nearest street, Kaii encourages Kazuhara to walk to keep up with Kyoshi. Kazuhara finally speaks up "So you guys are really the leader and?", "Aw shit I forgot to introduce myself kiddo, As you know my name is Kaii the one and only Shibata Kaii captain of faction two in Matsutori's Finest at ya service." Kaii introduces himself to Kazuhara with a wide smile and a little laugh.