First Conflict pt. 1

The three walk down the street led by Kaii and towards a quiet-looking part of town, "I know the owner very well, Kazuhara he gives the best portions per serving!" Kaii is seen getting excited by talking about the place. "Oh, is it mister Yamoshi?" Kyoshi asks Kaii. Kaii kind of scratches his head and replies "Uh... I think, or was it Yamishi?" Kaii sighs, "It'll probably come to me when we get there" Kaii adds.

As they talk while getting closer to an open-lit restaurant with three Japanese curtains for the door each saying; Rice, noodles, meat. A loud voice is heard coming from the restaurant "Why won't you serve us food!?", Kaii and Kyoshi hear the voice loud and clear meanwhile Kazuhara is still hard of hearing from his fight. An older male voice says "I don't serve ye delinquents!", Kaii recognized the voice "Mister Yamoshi!".

Kyoshi starts to walk faster while taking his arms out of the overcoat of his uniform and Kaii takes his arm back from around Kazuhara, then Kaii rolls up the sleeves of his uniform seemingly getting ready to fight. Kazuhara just puts on a tough guy walk and face to try and match the energy Kaii and Kyoshi are emitting, as they walk faster about 10-15 feet away another younger voice says "Don't make me trash the restaurant! Just let us order, we have seen you serve the Matsutori's finest shitheads.". Kyoshi speeds up more while Kaii gets a little angry "you're the shitheads actually..." quietly.

As the three get to the door flying their way was a spoon! Kaii and Kyoshi react and dodge it since Kazuhara was behind them he can't react and it hits him in the forehead. "Aw! Come on!" Kazuhara is heard saying, Kaii being the closest to the owner opens the curtains and says "What is going on in here?", the two delinquents disturbing the restaurant turn around and see Kaii and then his gang uniform. Fear is seen being set into the smaller one but the taller one is seen grinning, "Kaii Shibata of the shitheads finest. What an honour to meet you." the tall one says. Now entering the restaurant is Kazuhara then Kyoshi after him, "We just want to see what's going on. and then order from Mister Yamoshi" Kyoshi says.

Now the taller one is seen his grin turning to a frown, "Why you guys here today? Taking a junior for a 'routine dispatch'? The good old final meal before you kill them, Right Shibata?" the tall one tries to rile the three up, meanwhile it got to Kazuhara. The message got to him and started thinking "It makes sense, what they're doing for me, being nice, that just doesn't exist without a price.", seeing himself in a potential worst-case scenario he decides to step in front of Kaii. "If you lose to me you'll leave and if you beat me you'll get some food? Deal?" Kazuhara says to everyone in the restaurant.

"Kiddo is gaining some balls," Kaii says then laughs a little "I agree, that'll be entertaining" he adds. Kyoshi says "I can beat you both so pick this option or leave" advising the two to make a logical decision. "We'll take our chances against him, it'll be easy," the tall one says, "Just do the fighting outside.." Mister Yamoshi says sending them outside. All of them exit the restaurant and separate, Kyoshi and Kaii standing by the restaurant door and the other two delinquents on the opposing side of the street. Kazuhara is seen warming up and taking his shirt off.

The other two talks to each other "I know this kid, apparently he can't fight" the tall one says to the smaller one. The smaller one walks up to the middle of the street and announces himself, "Names Shohei... and yours?" Kazuhara walks about five feet in front of him, "Kazuhara is all you need to know". The two decide to run at each other with fists balled, Kazuhara meets Shohei with a punch first to the stomach, then returns a side punch to the abdomen. Kazuhara winces and holds the pain, he huffs and steps back as fast as he can to get some space.

Shohei doesn't like that Kazuhara is getting space so he steps closer and closer to Kazuhara and then kicks him in the left leg with his right leg causing Kazuhara's leg to buckle a little. Kazuhara reaches back with his right hand and lets a punch go, Shohei looks up to see a balled-up fist come to his face. Within a second of seeing the punch, Shohei moves a little to just make it connect to his cheek. Kazuhara's punch sends Shohei flying to the side of the road. Everyone watching is shocked that Kazuhara did that, Kaii says "Get him kiddo!" and Kyoshi says "You still have more to go man" while the other delinquent helps Shohei up who's visibly bleeding from the mouth. "You said he can't fight!" Shohei says angrily to his partner.

The partner responds "Well I thought he was..." as he finishes helping up Shohei, "look at him he's barely standing there after he threw the punch" the partner says pointing to Kazuhara slightly bent forward panting. "I'm not... going... down... easily..." Kazuhara softly speaks then straightens up, Kyoshi and Kaii look at each other then Kazuhara, "He might be a great captain, I hate to admit it." Kaii says to Kyoshi "Yeah he's got me thinking about something..." Kyoshi replies as he scratches his head, "You better win Shohei or else!" the tall one says.

Shohei starts to run to Kazuhara with both fists balled, as Shohei gets within a couple of feet Kazuhara starts to think about his dream of bringing the best delinquents forward, saying "Like you're going to win... Not when my dream is absolute!" while laughing after, Kazuhara looks violently at Shohei as he gets ready to fight. Shohei punches with his left hand straight to Kazuhara, Kazuhara makes a cross with his arms and catches the punch. Shohei tries to pull his fist back but Kazuhara has different plans, He throws Shohei over his back to the ground.

"Ugh!" as Shohei lands on his back with a thud on the concrete street, everyone watching their jaw drops. "Shohei get up! or I'm joining!" the partner says taking off his jacket. Kazuhara walks towards Shohei and then over him, Shohei tries to get up but is stopped due to Kazuhara pushing him back down while standing by Shohei's feet. "Give up Shohei..." Kazuhara says softly to Shohei while his hair blocks his face and emotions, as Shohei nods to accept defeat his partner rushes in towards Kazuhara.

When the partner gets within seven feet Kazuhara looks up to reveal his maniac-looking face, eyes wide and a huge smile. "Kanjiro! Wait!" Shohei yells to his partner, "Shut up! You lost to this shrimp!" Kanjiro says yelling, "Me and you tough guy! I won't be so easy to throw around!" He adds. Kazuhara just starts to laugh "Ha... Ha... Haha... Hahahaha.. hahaha..." as he laughs Kyoshi and Kaii react to this intently and take note of it, "Come on Kanjiro! Let's dance!" Kazuhara says in his battle-loving state.