WebNovelThe Finest100.00%

First Conflict pt. 2

Kazuhara stands there menacingly watching Kanjiro's every move before he even moves, thinking of all the ways he can possibly go and all the available counters Kazuhara himself can do. Only thinking about it was one part, executing the counter would be way harder due to the size disadvantage Kazuhara has. Watching this unfold Kyoshi and Kaii seemingly get antsy and get ready to jump in to save Kazuhara possibly, "Raaaaah!" Kanjiro yells angrily as he sprints to Kazuhara and starts to wind up a right-hand punch. Kazuhara starts to run as well towards Kanjiro, "What's he doing!" Kyoshi and Kaii yell simultaneously then Kaii covers his face.

They run toward each other and within two feet of Kazuhara, Kanjiro lets his punch go directed at Kazuhara's midsection. "I got you kid!!" Kanjiro yells just before Kazuhara slides below the punch a clear two seconds before it should have connected, "Huh?!?" Kanjiro exclaims really confused. "I'm right here!" Kazuhara yells as he appears behind Kanjiro doing a full spinning sidekick to Kanjiro's head. Hearing his voice allowed Kanjiro to barely evade leaning his head forward and down, only leaving a scratch on the back of his neck.

As Kazuhara stumbles to the ground expecting to get a clear hit, Kanjiro turns left to see him stumble on his feet. "You're quite quick for your group," Kanjiro says applauding Kazuhara for his ability. "If you really have time to talk you could be fighting" Kazuhara replies while he takes a couple of steps back, "I already know I'll win, just look at your buddies over there. They know how outclassed and sized you are" Kanjiro says pointing over to Kyoshi and Kaii. As Kazuhara looks over Kanjiro charges toward Kazuhara with the intent to run him over by blindly rushing him.

Kazuhara looks back to see Kanjiro two feet in front of him, for the first time in Kazuhara's battle state he's not moving. In what seems like slow motion to Kazuhara, he can't move, not an inch. Kanjiro runs full sprint to him with his arm held like a battering ram, Kazuhara gets the feeling like this is happening for a reason, like being locked in place and forced to watch. Kanjiro eventually meets Kazuhara and hits him so fast and hard that all sweat and blood are almost sitting still in the air after the hit, all Kazuhara can see are blurry houses and a non-descript street, feeling the sense of falling but essentially moving at fractions of a second.

After feeling like that for ten seconds Kazuhara is brought back to reality, getting that feeling, but stronger and moving at normal reality speeds. Just after the hit Kyoshi and Kaii are seen doing a prayer, then Kyoshi even says "rest in peace rook". The flow of everything happening is hard to process for Kazuhara, from where he is currently and what his last actual meal was. Everything went back to slow motion while thinking, "Huh, I guess this is where it ends," Kazuhara thinks, "Maybe everything went too smoothly, maybe, just maybe, I'm just brought here to lose..."














Now hearing a constant ringing in his ears...

Everything is being brought back to reality once more..

Vision blurry to the point of pure confusion..

Pain being shot from his head, legs, stomach, and left arm..

But all Kazuhara felt was this pleasant numbing sensation everywhere...

Being wherever he is and if he was in any shape or form of ok...

His vision slowly comes back to see a couple of extra blurry houses now before him instead of the restaurant.

Now after all the adrenaline went through and done its job of numbing before the pain sets in.

The excruciating pain is finally let loose, it feels like electricity going through every ache and pain in his body, Kazuhara tries to open his mouth to ask for help but it won't open nor any sound he makes forms.

Kazuhara can't feel anything and isn't able to move around, before being lifted up vertically a couple of feet by two forces at opposing ends of him. Proper light comes back to him including red flashing lights, "police..? no... can't be fire... ambulance..? for me..?" Kazuhara thinks to himself, some noise comes back to him now. A female voice, soft yet demanding but you can tell she cares a lot, "What happened here?" the voice directed to another person somewhere, that voice response is male about middle age but strict while also having an extremely soft side. "Fight turned attempted murder..."

"Ones still out there apparently, two kids defending this guy said the original attacker ran before they could choose to help or chase him..." the male voice continues, "How could this kid survive this though..?" the female voice replies indicating an injury on Kazuhara. "I don't know, original medical went home soon after we got here. All he was saying was 'they don't pay me enough for that...' " the male voice says confused. "Plus the other two are being held for possible conspiracy for a set-up murder apparently, but that's not my job, just what I heard from the cops over there," he adds. As Kazuhara just lays there as he's being carried somewhere, more of his vision comes back giving him a proper sight directly where he's looking, all he can see is house after house after house for a while not seeing any small shops or even a restaurant. "his blood does carry for a while too though.." the female points out. "Yeah, it seems like he went a couple of blocks just from where it started. And Let alone having that" the male references the injury Kazuhara has.

Meanwhile back to where the police are holding Kyoshi and Kaii for questioning.

"Ok so let me get this straight, the person we're looking for is miraculously the one missing?" A tall cop with a handlebar moustache says, "Yeah, we told you the story a couple of times already.." Kyoshi is seen trying to hit his forehead. A smaller thinner cop says "And your buddy on the stretcher had a what in him?", "Knife" Kaii and Kyoshi say in unison. "And the knife came from?" the handlebar cop says, "Probably had it on him if we're being serious" Kyoshi says being serious. "And this all started from them not getting food..?" the thinner cop says. "Basically" Kaii replies in a french like accent.

Back to Kazuhara being carried.

The flashing red lights get brighter and closer, "Alright careful we can't shake him too much." the male voice says. Kazuhara feels being lifted higher and being put on a bed-like table. "aaa..." Kazuhara finally is able to make a sound, "h..ur..t.." he adds, the female hears his call for help and looks towards him and says "are you awake..?". Kazuhara just nods slowly, "p..a..in.. b..ad.." he mutters, "Ok.. ok.. just try to relax.. we'll get you some painkillers soon." the female says slowly putting her hand on his. She looks down at Kazuhara's abdomen and notices a knife gash semi-closed and bleeding again from a poor job of the first medical.

"a.. am.. I ge..tting.. no..odles.." Kazuhara spits out, as the female medical starts to properly quick fix the gash back up. "Yeah we can get your noodles at the hospital, kid," she says while staying focused, outside the ambulance the male medical talks to a police officer walking up to the ambulance. "Can we question the boy?" the officer says, "Not possible, he's barely even conscious." the medical says in return. "Well he might have a clue or confession to anything, you know there's something fishy going on here," the officer pushes to ask questions, "Hmm... I don't advise you to talk to him. Just come to the hospital after hand.

"We have a bunch of questions that need answers right now!" the officer says angrily, "we need to ensure his survival before questions, if he's dead he can't answer, right?" the medical says finally talking sense into the officer. From the outside is heard Kazuhara scream "Aaa!", the officer just stops talking and then returns the way he came. Inside the female medical is seen finishing the patch up on Kazuhara's abdomen, "Ok.. should be good for now." she says taking off her gloves. "I don't know how you survived this kid, but you should have died." she says while putting on fresh gloves, "To be honest I don't know much..." Kazuhara replies.

"You have to remember something.. at least when you got stabbed," she says while opening some painkillers, "Here" she adds while giving Kazuhara one pill and some water. Kazuhara slowly leans up and with the help of medical, he takes the pill. After he takes the pill he says "All I remember is getting hit then..." he fades to a stop, then a series of flashes of screaming, blood spraying everywhere, a sharp pain in his abdomen when a flash of a knife appears. "Yeah.. I don't remember..." he finishes his sentence from earlier. "Could have been the adrenaline fogging the memory since it was a traumatic experience. I've seen it in some cases." the female says.

As Kazuhara tries to think about what happened, he's met with flurries of pain coming from his abdomen. "Ack!" Kazuhara winces and tries to curl up, "Woah just relax kid you're going to the hospital." the female replies to him trying to move. As the male medical gets into the ambulance driver seat the female straps Kazuhara in and then herself to her seat. The ambulance starts up and slowly drives to the nearest hospital.

Back to Kyoshi and Kaii talking with the tall cop.

"Ok so us three, me, silver hair and stabbed dude walk up to a restaurant where we know the owner very well. Find out bad boys want to destroy the restaurant, then the stabbed boy made a deal to basically fight or no food but if they won they would get some. Ya following me?" Kaii is seen explaining what happened, "Stabbed boy fought original attacker and won, then the tall guy knocked out over there started to join in an unfair way." he continues.

"Distracted stabbed boy, to run him over and knocking stabbed boy out, to everyone's surprise, he gets up, no emotion, no facial expression, just there ya know. He was bleeding from his head quite a bit, then he started to move, one step, another, another, then Shohei had a knife out of nowhere and was running up behind Kazuhara. Us watching from afar couldn't do anything but watch, Shohei ran up behind and thrust the knife into Kazuhara's side abdomen." Kaii starts to straighten the story out,

"Us seeing that happen charge in to help and also chase after but to our surprise, Shohei was gone, just Kazuhara standing there with a knife in his side and Kanjiro unharmed. Then all I see is Kazuhara start walking down the street slowly oozing out blood from his side making a trail and seemingly following a scent, like a trained k-9, it was impossible to get in front of him and stop him. Not until a block or two later he decides to take out the knife from his side, I heard some ripping as he did it, I was following him a bit behind." Kaii explains.

"A spray of blood goes everywhere on the ground," Kaii says pointing just down the road, "All I heard Kazuhara say was 'I'll find that bastard...' as he fell to his knees, then face down with more blood being lost." Kaii points to just a couple of feet where away from the cop car, "Then after that, I remember calling 911 and then talking to Kyoshi, freaking out about the kid" Kaii finishes talking. "Woah... boy didn't want to go down..." the cop says trying to make the situation a bit lighter, "Well my partner is headed over to question him at the hospital, you're welcome to tag a ride." the cop adds, "No thanks we'll walk, I don't want my reputation to make me look like a criminal or a partial offender," Kyoshi says replying quickly not wanting to tarnish any reputation he has.

After the cops take their time leaving Kaii says "Kazuhara looked like a dead man walking after all that", "Yeah, that kid's durability is insane..." Kyoshi responds not really paying attention then adds "He could possibly be a one-man faction if he was trained enough...". "Yeah he could be, don't tell me you're thinking about it still?" Kaii answers making Kyoshi a little uncomfortable. "Yeah... I am..." Kyoshi replies rubbing his forehead. "Actually considering it though..?" Kaii adds going back and forth, and even quieter Kyoshi responds "yeah...".

The two start walking in the opposite direction of the nearest hospital. Then a break in silence "I can't believe that actually happened." Kyoshi is seen just barely getting teary-eyed, "Kid basically signed a death warrant starting the fight" he continues and sniffles after. "That kid reminds me of me..." he starts to ball, "He.. he knew... the whole time... How can you just throw your life away knowing you'll lose..." Kyoshi continues to cry. "Kyoshi.." Kaii says quietly. "I set him up to fail right from the start... but still... he decided to keep going... just to prove us right... How can you not care for him even a little after that..." Kyoshi breaks down fully, on his knees, hands covered with Kazuhara's blood. "Kaii! You coulda stopped this!" Kyoshi says angrily to Kaii.

"Oh, my don't bring me into this Kyoshi Like I would stop you, man. You would kill me if I did that, You know Hajime is the only one who can do that, he's the closest one you have to a real brother." Kaii says walking away, "We gotta make sure he doesn't find out..." Kyoshi starts "Shohei... Kanjiro... they gotta go... we got to cover this up..." he adds. "No Kyoshi." Kaii stops walking and turns around "You do" then continues to walk away into the night.