Naira took the ice water, dripped it with a cloth, and put it on Hector's head. He was having a high fever. She even fed him some hot soup after a while.
Then she laid beside him. Hector was everything to her. Even when she was far away, she was worried about him, but she never interrogated him.
Just then Hector started throwing his legs and became restless. His eyes were yet closed. Naira caught his hands. Then he said in his sleep, "Naira, I might not be there with you forever. But always remember I loved you and will always love you. At first, it was a bet, but then I fell for you. I didn't want to show the recording to that jerk either, but if not then he would snatch away you from me. Please Naira, believe me, I love you. Don't leave me. Please don't go." He was speaking in his sleep.
Naira was surprised. She looked at Hector. 'He... Did he love me? Did he truly love me? Then what about all those things 'he' said to me. Then... Are all those lies? Why did 'he'... Why?' She was asking herself so many questions which were exploding in her head.
"No... Naira... No" Hector continued and this made Naira look worriedly at him.
She clutched his hand tightly. "It's okay. I am here. I won't leave."
After a little while, Hector calmed down. He was now having a peaceful quiet rest.
Naira stood up from the bed and proceeded outside. She got into her car and with a dark look drove it opposite to her house.
After a while, she came in front of an enormous bungalow. She rang the bell for a maid to answer her. Naira entered the mansion which had all classic decorations and a beautiful chandelier on the top.
"Master is in his room." The maid said and asked Naira to follow her. The maid took Naira through a long corridor and near a huge door. The maid then knocked on the door.
"Miss Naira has come to meet you, sir." The maid announced
"Let her in." Came a manly and familiar voice to Naira.
Naira went inside to find a completely dark room. Even in the darkness, the expensive decorations of the room were visible. There was also a huge window next to the bed. A silhouette of a man faced the window. He was the only person in the room including Naira.
"Why did you?" Naira asked without beating around the bush
"What?" Said the man without turning.
"Why did you lie to me all these years? Why did you make me believe you? Why did you tell me that he never loved me and cared little for me? Why did you do all of this?" She asked with terror in her voice.
The silhouette was now attentive. He looked like someone had caught his theft but he hid it well. Then he turned towards her. Naira now clearly saw the man's face. With black-long hair on their back and a dark look in his brown eyes was the only cousin of Naira. Richard!!!
"So what? What if I did all of these? I did it for you." He said
"For me? Have you got crazy or insane? Richard, I had believed you. After what happened at the university, I felt hopeless. I had no one to rely on. So I went to my only uncle from my father's side. I was surprised to know you were his son and turned out to be my cousin. Your father said so many good things about you and I felt that you were better though you had made a bet about me. After we met the next time, we were so close. You treated me so well. You helped me complete my graduation. But then I asked you to not help me, anyone, for I wanted to be independent. But still, you offered to help, though I didn't accept it. You cared for me. But now, thinking of it. Was that all lie? Was that all of gaining my trust to BREAK ME?" Naira asked as she let out a small sob for her broken heart.