
Part 2

As the sun rises in the sky, Yurena rises from the ocean. She regained her legs. She found Kaikane waiting for her on the shore holding her clothes to wear.

Kaikane is also a mermaid who is befriended by Celes, her mother. Ever since Yurena ascended to the human world to carry out her mission, she has lived here.

"Why do you have to go back to the ocean at night? You can hide inside the house like I do," Kaikane said seriously while helping Yurena get dressed.

"I'm fine. I'm used to going back to the ocean when the night comes," answered Yurena.

"By the way, how was your mission? Do you really have to do this?" Kaikane asked with a hint of concern.

"I have to do this to avenge the deaths of our people because of his actions. Once I kill Mao Ferragamo, I will immediately jump into the sea and they will never see me again. And do you know the good news? Mao bought my paintings and I will take them to his office today. He will pay me there, too," Yurena said excitedly.

"And you're still really excited? You're going to kill, aren't you? No one who is about to kill a person will be happy doing that. Yurena, I'm just reminding you that what you're going to do is no joke. Mao Ferragamo is powerful and very handsome. He is a big catch. All women want him for a boyfriend. Then you, you're just going to kill him? I guess that's unfair. Wait, how are you going to finish him off?" Kaikane asked.

"I have with me the extract of the poisonous firefish. I will drop it in the juice that he will drink and then he will tremble and be poisoned," said the smiling girl. She thought it was that easy to kill someone.

"Fire fish? Its poison is easy to treat with alcohol. When Mao drinks the poisoned juice, he will be saved immediately if he takes any alcoholic beverage. Think of something else that has no cure so that you can be sure to accomplish your mission immediately," Kaikane said.

"Don't worry, I will succeed today. Am I going to stop now when I have gotten close to Mao?" answered Yurena.

It was noon when Yurena went to the city to deliver the painting to Mao's office. She was wearing a long dress and there was even a flower on her head that she put to make her look even more beautiful. This is what she sees in the books, women with accessories on their hair are more beautiful so this is what she follows.

When Yurena arrived at Mao's building, she couldn't help but look up and be mesmerized with the tall buildings around her. Things she was able to see for the first time.

"Is that the painting that Sir Mao bought?" the guard asked Yurena when she entered the lobby.

"Yes, this is the painting he bought yesterday," answered the girl while smiling.

"This way, ma'am. Sir Mao is waiting for you in his office," replied the guard and he accompanied Yurena to Mao's office on the 3rd floor of the building.

Mao was busy talking on the phone at that time. He stopped speaking when he saw Yurena enter his office. He was literally surprised by her appearance because the girl's fashion sense was really unique.

"Sir Mao, Miss Yurena, the artist of Synergy Art Gallery, is here. She has the painting you bought," the guard said to him.

"Good afternoon, the painting is here," Yurena greeted with a smile.

Mao laughed because of her appearance. "Why do you still have a flower on your head? Are you getting married that's why you are wearing that? You are beautiful but you're just weird. Come, sit here first," Mao invited.

Mao stood up and took a glass of juice and placed it next to his laptop. This is Yurena's turn. While Mao turned his back, she took the small bottle of fire fish extract and quickly put it in Mao's drink. He even stirred it with her finger to easily spread the poison in the drink.

Mao turned to face her again and smiled. He added ice to the juice and handed it to her. "Yurena, this juice is yours. Taste it, it's delicious because it's made from an imported brand."

Yurena smiled, but she was nervous. She couldn't taste it because it was poisonous. She didn't think that the drink was meant for her. "Sorry, but I don't like that kind of drink," Yurena replied. The girl is already sweating from nervousness.

"Hey, what are you doing? I only offer drinks once in a while, that's delicious because it's my favorite. Let's have a toast together," Mao replied and he filled his glass with wine.

"I really don't want to," the girl refused.

"Please? Just try to sip a little," insisted Mao while smiling. He became even more handsome as he stared.

He raised his glass. "I hope you do many more paintings in the future, cheers!" he said and Yurena did nothing but drink, too. When the juice touched her lips, she immediately felt its poison. Her face turned red and her mouth began to foam.

Mao turned back again and did not notice Yurena. "Do you want chocolate cookies? You know when I'm stressed at work, this is exactly what I eat," he asked as he leaned back and took the cookies.

Yurena's mouth foamed more and she immediately reached for Mao's glass of wine and swallowed it to kill the venom of the poison. When Mao confronted her, she felt okay again as if nothing had happened.

"Oh, why do you have this glass of mine? Are you okay?" Mao asked. He took a glass of wine and drank. "You know, I realized that your painting isn't that weird. I'm sorry if I offended you a little yesterday at the art gallery," he added. He walked over to look at Yurena's painting.

The room is filled with silence.

While Mao was looking at the painting, Yurena gently took out her knife made of shark's teeth. She stood up to stab Mao. She was determined to kill him. Its blade has poison so the wound she would cause can bring severe damage to his body.

Yurena gave Mao a dagger look. Mao continues to observe her painting. "Your work is not really that bad. The good thing is that it looks better in my eyes as I look at it. Tell me, do you believe in mermaids?" Mao asked and when he turned his back, he saw Yurena standing behind him, holding the sharp shark's fangs in her hand.

The girl was nervous, her eyes widened because he caught her holding a weapon. While Mao was just looking at her and was surprised because of her weird behavior. The truth is that Mao didn't really suspect her because to him, she was as innocent as a toddler.

And one more thing, Mao had no idea that Yurena would do anything bad because she is very beautiful and has an extraordinary face. "Is that for me? It's beautiful, ah, very authentic. Where did you get it?" Mao asked upon seeing her special blade. He took it in her hand and pulled her back to her chair.

Yurena is disappointed.

Mao is very lucky and it saves him.

"If you have other paintings, just give them to me. I'll just buy them so they don't go to waste. Maybe, I'll be the only one who can appreciate your weird paintings," added Mao while smiling. Little by little, Yurena noticed the young man's strange good looks. Every time he gave up a smile, it seemed to give a strange thrill to her heart. It's like there's something strange that she can't understand.

Yurena didn't answer, she just stared at the billionaire's handsome face. When Mao noticed this, he just laughed and then snapped in front of the girl's face causing her to return to her trance.

"Are you okay? Do you find me so handsome that you almost cannot take your eyes off me?" he asked.

"You're not handsome, huh. You're also weird like me because you also like weird things," Yurena hissed at the same time. She thinks she can't carry out her mission now. She'll just find another opportunity to do it right.

"Are you leaving? I'm going to take you to the guard. Thank you for your shark tooth souvenir. I hope next time you bring something more unique like a whale tooth or a flying fish wing!" Mao hissed but he was only joking.

Yurena smiled and said, "Okay! I'll bring it." Yurena decided to bring here tomorrow a whale's tooth and a flying fish's wing. Mao was only joking but she was going to do it seriously.

In the afternoon, Yurena stood on the rock again, facing a wide chasm. Today is a full moon so this is a special night for her.

The full moon reminds of her old life at the bottom of the ocean. And when she closes her eyes, the events before she ascended to the human world and carried out her mission come back to her mind.