The Silver Moon

Part 3


Before Yurena went to the high land for her mission..

That night was peaceful. The moon that shines so bright is kissing the ocean. It was a perfect portrait of beautiful scenery that can only be seen in dreams. The ocean is very majestic yet so mysterious.

It was an ordinary night where the fishermen were busy pulling the net for their caught fish. "Pull well! Looks like we caught a lot for today! It's definitely worth a lot of money! Hurry pull, you idiots!" they shouted as they marveled at the number of fish in the net.

While busy with what they were doing, they saw a strange thing swimming on the surface of the water. A strange creature with a glowing tail. And with every movement it makes in the water, the striking silver color is drawn. There are many beautiful fish in the ocean, but this one is really unique. Everyone noticed that it was swimming rapidly around their boat.

At first, everyone was amazed because this thing was really bizarre. Whenever its tail emerges from the surface of the water, everyone is stunned by its shining silver color like the glowing vibrant of the moon.

And every time it moves, the shining sparkly scales can be easily noticed. It is obviously different and odd, especially when it was struck by the moonlight. Due to the intense level of astonishment, the leader of the fishermen could not hold back. He immediately took a sharp spear and threw it with all his might at the eccentric thing swimming around their boat.

"Bullseye!" shouted by the captain.

The spear hit the tail of that outlandish creature causing it to rise quickly and then dive again into the water. They thought it was just a simple whale or shark. But they were surprised to see that it had the body of a woman and the tail of a fish!

They were all shocked by what their eyes saw!

"A mermaid! Catch it!" the captain shouted, full of amazement! He quickly took a piece of dynamite from his equipment and immediately lit it up! Without hesitation, he threw the dynamite where the mermaid was. The dynamite exploded and hit the mermaid causing her body to bleed.

The captain was not satisfied yet, he took two more pieces of dynamite and quickly threw them into the water.

The explosion continues.

The mermaid cried. She released an eccentric and a terrifying sound causing everyone to wonder and panic. Their body hair suddenly rises up with the feelings of explainable fear. They could hardly believe what was happening right now.

"Sir, why did you hurt the mermaid? That will bring you bad luck!" The fisherman said, he was in fear.

"Why? Because I'm the captain and I don't care about bad luck! Do you know how expensive mermaid scales are? It's more expensive than your life, you fool!" the captain shouted. He is really determined to catch the mermaid so he threw another bomb causing the ocean to explode much stronger.

"But, Chief, do you know what the legend says? They say that when mermaids cry, the ocean will become furious! It will roar! Their cries will bring a deluge, especially mermaids with silvery tails like the color of the moon!" another man shouted with fear.

"Don't believe that! Get the dynamite! Blow up the water! Surely, that mermaid has companions and we must catch them one by one!" the captain shouted again. He doesn't care if the ocean was destroyed by the number of dynamite he throws. The important thing is to catch the mermaid because it is worth a lot of money.

The explosion lingers.

That moment, the mermaid cried again.

Then the waves suddenly stopped.

The entire ocean was filled with deafening silence.

Everyone in the boat was surprised because the ocean had lost its waves. It no longer moves and is just like dead water. Soon the sky began to darken, violent thunder began to rumble and sharp lightning flashes all around!

"That's what I'm saying, the mermaid's cry will bring severe flood! You shouldn't have hurt her!" the fisherman cried; it was almost a panic attack.

Despite what's happening, the leader of the fishermen is still unmoved. He feels no fear. He was determined to catch the mermaid at all cost. So, instead of being afraid of the sharp lightning strikes and the deafening rumbling and roaring of thunders, he looked for more dynamites in their boat. His desire to catch the mythical sea creature that he saw earlier increased even more. He ignited all the dynamites on the boat and threw it into the ocean.

The ocean explodes, the fish die beneath it. The corals are also destroyed and it almost causes severe damage to the affected parts.

Soon, it started to rain heavily. Strong winds were blowing in different directions and the waves had started to rise too! The previously peaceful ocean is now furious, creaking and whipping! The ocean now seems to have a life of its own because it moves based on its will!

That moment, they heard another loud cry and the water rose spontaneously. The wave has become almost monstrous until it becomes a tsunami. The legend was true, the mermaid's cry will bring deluge and misfortune for everyone.

The lightning continues to strike.

Heavy rain and roaring thunder continue as well.

A few moments later, the high waves engulfed the boat that the fishermen were riding in. It was gradually destroyed and slowly swallowed by the strong waves. Some fishermen were pulled and drowned at the bottom of the sea and the others were eaten by the giant wave. No one survived that deluge, perhaps this was their compensation for the destruction and abuse of the ocean.

Meanwhile, on the island where the fishermen came from, everyone could clearly see how the water receded on the shore and it was followed by loud roaring thunder and fast strikes of lightning.

Their peaceful surroundings suddenly changed in an instant. And they were even more shocked to see a gigantic wave approaching their island! This is the curse brought by the mermaids! The sin of one is also the sin of all! And everyone will pay big time!

The ocean is very furious and so is the whole sky. As the second passed the wave rose even higher! Shaking all around and the island is slowly collapsing. The people around are screaming in fear and praying for a miracle to survive!