
Part 8

The severe destruction of Coralia was blamed on Yurena, everyone believed that she was the one who brought misfortune to their race. However they found a new home and they called it "Pulum" which means "Treasure".

They let Yurena live in their new abode but on one condition. They will give her a mission on the surface of the earth. And that mission is a must, she has no right to refuse.

"I'm not in favor of you doing the mission and I especially don't want you to do it. I have an idea, why don't we leave here? Let's move to another place away from the mermaids who judge you," Celes suggested with a mix of emotions.

"Mother, where we live now is the safest place for us mermaids. The other part of the ocean is dangerous so I will not allow you to leave here," Yurena answered.

"But, it hurts me when they say something cruel and unpleasant about you. My heart really aches a lot," Celes answered, starting to cry.

"No, mother, I'm not hurt anymore because they've been calling me plague and misfortune all my life, so I'm already used to it. I'll be hurt more if something terrible happens to you. You're the only thing I have now. That's why I can't handle it and I won't forgive myself if something bad happens to you. I only ask one thing, don't leave this place because it's safe here. I will do the mission and I will succeed, mother. This is my promise," Yurena said. She had to do the mission because of three important things.

First, she needs to prove that she is not a jinx or plagued. Second is because she had no choice but to do it. Perhaps this is her fate. And third is because she wants to take the opportunity of finding her long lost father in the high land.

"Are you sure about your decision?" Celes asked, her eyes full of worry.

"I'm sure mother, I've made a decision. I also have something important to do above ground," Yurena replied to her mother.

"Your decision is really painful, but I can see in your eyes that you are determined, how can I refuse?" mother answered.

Days passed, and Yurena's eighteenth birthday arrived.

Mermaids who step at age eighteen automatically gain legs when they rise to the ocean. And this night is a special moment in Yurena's life because it is the first time she will stand on the ground with her feet.

This is also the first time that Celes took Yurena to the island of Karikit to do her "first stand". At that moment, the young woman felt extremely nervous because the elders said that it really hurts to have legs for the first time. But she won't know if she doesn't try.

"Yurena, I brought you here to the island of Karikit because this island is special to your father. Here, he often worships the moon and gives thanks for all the blessings it has given. So it is appropriate and special that you do your first standing and stepping on the ground here," Celes explained.

"I'm afraid, mother," Yurena answered, worrying.

"All first times are scary aren't they? Even the first time you swim and balance in the water is scary too, right?" Celes asked while smiling. "Don't be afraid and trust yourself," she added.

At that moment, Yurena went up to the shore and sat down next to the rocks. The moonlight was strange at that moment. It was as if it was fun to witness the first rise of the silver-tailed mermaid.

While Yurena was sitting on the rock, the moonlight hit her silver tail causing her scales to glow.

After a while, it seems that the scales on his tail are gradually disappearing to be replaced by legs. At that moment, she could not believe what she was witnessing. She's getting legs and feet! And it was indeed beautiful! "Mom, I'm getting a thigh, I can see it!" Yurena's excited voice, she couldn't hide her deep admiration of what she's seeing. It's really surreal, just like a dream!

It didn't hurt, she didn't feel anything strange about the gradual change in her body. And after a few minutes, Yurena finally had legs, she tried to move it until she was surprised because it moves the way she wanted!

Yurena laughed, full of amazement while touching her legs. "This is amazing! The elder mermaids say it hurts when we get legs, but it doesn't actually hurt," Yurena wondered.

"Try to put your hands on the big rocks and try to stand up, please," Celes pleaded.

And that's exactly what Yurena did, she tried to move her legs and felt a little pain.

And when she stepped on the ground she felt more pain. It was like she stepped on a thousand needles. It feels that her legs are tearing apart!

Yurena screamed, making her cry a lot as she slowly stood up. She holds tightly to the rock to support her body. "That's right Yurena, take it slow and don't rush it. Take your time, take a deep breath and relax," Celes suggested, worrying.

Yurena continues to stand up and balance, the pain she feels continues. Maybe it's true what elders say that having a leg is the most painful thing a mermaid can experience, but it's the most worth it!

After several hours of pain, Yurena successfully regained her balance. She thought her suffering was over but it was just beginning. Because all she did was only "standing up". Now she will face the second challenge of being a human, and that is what they called the "first step".

Meaning, she will try stepping her feet for the first time.

Under the full moon, Yurena took her first step.

It hurts! Her feet were tearing apart. It feels like a thousand needles piercing her skin.

She screamed and burst into tears, then fell to the ground.

At that moment Celes felt sorry for her, but she could not approach and help Yurena. Because a mermaid must learn to stand on her own feet to make her legs strong. Well, that's a traditional belief for mermaids.

"Get up Yurena, you have to stand up again," said Celes

"I can't do it anymore mother, it's too hard, it hurts too much," Yurena cried, she wanted to give up.

"If you surrender, how will you find your father on the high land? How will you succeed in your mission? Think of your mother, your father, your silver-tailed ancestors, they are all watching over you and guiding you tonight. You are not alone, Yurena," Celes said, her voice full of hope.

When Yurena heard what her mother pleaded, she tried to get up and stand up for the second time. She put her hands on the rock and tried to regain her balance.

While she was in that position she saw silver glowing lights around. All these lights were flying towards her as if dancing in front of her. Even Celes was amazed at what she witnessed, maybe it was true that her ancestors had been watching over Yurena and now they were helping her stand up.

"This event is a miracle. Yurena is favored by the moon and probably by her ancestors. I think she will succeed in her mission because she was already blessed," Celes said in her mind as she watched the silver lights dancing around Yurena.

At that moment, Yurena felt a strange strength and for the first time she was able to step on her feet until she could walk properly.