Special Lessons

Part 9

A few days later after Yurena gained her legs, the news spread to Pulum, their new abode..

"It's good that Yurena has legs, the pest will finally disappear in the ocean," said an old mermaid.

Celes felt angry when she heard what the old mermaid said, "What did you say? Yurena is not a pest and not a jinx! Stop blaming her because she has nothing to do with your lives!" She defended her daughter.

She looked around and said, "What's wrong with all of you? Why are you all so cruel? Instead of working together, we destroy each other? Do you think our ancestors will be happy with what you are doing?" she added.

"Mother, don't fight anymore, we can't do anything because their minds are closed. I'll just do the mission to end all this," Yurena said, holding her mother's hand and walking away.

"Sometimes we also have to fight so that we are not oppressed. If you are going to continue with your mission you must learn to defend yourself, is that clear?" Celes asked Yurena.

The lady smiled, "I can defend myself, you don't have to worry about me mother. Everything will be fine for us."

"If your decision is really final and it won't change, I want to teach you the things you should know when you set foot on the high ground. Our lesson will start tomorrow, are you ready?" Celes asked, smiling at her daughter.

"I'm ready, thanks for the support, mother," Yurena replied smiling, she hugged her mother tight.

And that's the set up, Celes starts teaching Yurena all she knows about the highland. It will be remembered that Celes lived and socialized in the human world for several years before she failed in love and decided to return to the ocean. In those few years she had learned and experienced a lot.

Their training will take place on the island of Karikit where she learned to walk. Now she and Celes both stood on the ground, she was holding a large box that she had taken from the cave of the island.

"This box contains some of my important things above the ground. I hid it here on Karikit Island along with your late mother's things," she explained.

"Is my mother heading to high ground too?" Yurena asked.

"Yes, I took her there maybe two or three times. Your mother was very happy then, I still remember her beautiful smile. I think it's time you learn the way of life there. Are you ready?" Celes asked.

Yurena nodded while smiling, "I'm ready, I'm excited to learn all this."

"The very first thing you should learn is to wear clothes. This is the most important thing on earth. A human does not walk naked. Like I told you, other humans are evil, they can hurt or abuse you when you walk naked or without covering your body. That's why wearing clothes is the most important of all," Celes began and she showed Yurena her clothes on the ground. She took care of it so much that it is still in good condition.

This was the very first thing that Celes taught Yurena, the proper way to wear clothes. She also explained to the girl that she CANNOT show her naked body to anyone on earth, especially to a man because it is improper to do. People are malicious and dirty minded.

Celes also taught Yurena how to walk properly with slippers. "It is worn on the feet to protect our skin from hard and sharp objects that we may step on. It also protects our feet from the heat and cold of the weather, try walking wearing slippers," Celes added.

Yurena walked wearing the dress and the slippers. She learned quickly and now she looks like a normal girl standing well. With Yurena's beauty, Celes was sure that the men above the high ground would surely be stunned.

Yurena's physical features are extraordinary, her face is like a goddess who rose from the ocean. Her skin is smooth, her eyes, nose and lips are beautiful. It goes well with her long, slightly wavy hair.

As Yurena stood on the sea shore while staring at the waves. Celes couldn't help but cry because she resembled her parents. And if her mother is still alive, she will surely be happy to see the beauty of her grown up daughter.

As the days passed, Celes continued to teach Yurena knowledge, now she is teaching her how to properly clean her body. "Since you are no longer in the ocean, you will feel heat and sweat on the surface of the land. Sweat makes your body stink, you need to clean and bathe. You also need to learn private activities such as defecating and urinating properly," she added.

Yurena went through intensive training, everything her mother taught her she remembers well. They don't know what kind of mission she will be asked to do but it is better that she has a little knowledge about the lifestyle of humans, and so that she will not be like the mermaids who ascended to the surface of the earth without knowing anything about life.

"And there's one more important thing you should know, Yurena," Celes said, as they both sat on the rocks getting some cool air from the ocean.

"What is that, mother?" Yurena asked.

"I want you to know that during the day you can have legs. They won't go away even if your feet get wet. But at SUNSET you have to go back to the sea because your tail will come back again," Celes reminded. .

"Then our feet are not permanent?" Yurena added.

Celes shook her head, "no, that's why I got caught, right? I've also been running back to the ocean for almost a few years when the sunset approaches. It's hard to catch up with being a mermaid on the surface of the earth because people will definitely kill you. You must have seen how much the fishermen want to catch you," Celes explained.

Yurena continued in asking questions, "Why are they catching us? What is our sin against them?"

Celes sighs, "Because our tails are equal to a great treasure. This is the reason why they are looking for us. Yurena, be careful there on the surface of the earth because the people there are more evil than you expected.