
Part 36

"Bro, is this true on the front page of the business column?" Kyle asked as he entered Mao's office with the newspaper.

"About what?" Mao asked, unaware that the press had released Maxine's publicity yesterday.

"It's not a big deal. Just a picture of you and Maxine kissing on the lips with the caption "The Perfect Business Couple is Getting Married!"

"What?! Look!" Mao asked in shock, he immediately took the newspaper and saw the headline about Maxine's upcoming marriage and in the lower portion of it was a picture of them with their lips kissing.

"Fuck! What is this? Why are they putting false information in the newspaper?" Mao asked with a hint of annoyance.

"So that means you don't know about this? Maybe it's Maxine's publicity to talk about you and your businesses. We know she's really good at getting attention," Kyle replied, trying to figure things out.