I Found You

Part 65

Yurena was shocked when she saw Mao in front of her. She didn't think that the man would follow her to the town of Rosalka just to see her. The truth is that she had already let go in the hope that she and Mao would meet again, but here he was now, standing in front of her.

She couldn't quite describe what she must feel, she was happy to see Mao but there was a fear because there was a possibility that their lives would be in danger again. Until now, Yurena's mind is still fresh on how Juno chased them, she is sure that the threat to their lives is not over yet. So, it was a mistake that Mao went here to Rosalka to look for her.

Another thing was that she was enveloped in shame because now Mao knew her true personality. Mao already knew she was a mermaid and the days of pretending were over. How will she explain everything to the man? Will he accept her? Will Mao understand her situation? These are the things that disturb Yurena's mind.