Puzzle solved

Aera smilingly looking at Anderson, "I find you… Jimin."

Bella exclaimed as she distantly observed the bandaged shoulder, "Aera… shit…"

She hastily neared Aera, said, "Game over, Aera." Aera saw the Bella, her pupils widened.

"Did you find her?" Anderson asked as he got to his feet.

Bella managed to cover Aera's face with her body, "Yes, sir. We found her."

Rang surprisingly looking at Aera, "Number 85. Sir, I am the one who got her here, two days before."

Anderson angrily stares at him, "How many times I've advised you not to employ any anonymous girl."

"I am sorry sir."

Anderson makes an effort to face her. However, the guards covered her face and followed her outside. Bella said, "Thank you, sir for your help." As she finished speaking, she walked away.

"What a mess have you caused, Rang?"

"I am sorry, sir. But she also seems hurt and utterly devastated."

Cho, who was running toward Anderson, let out a loud gasp. Rang asks, "What, Cho?"

"Unknown-girl, she is the unknown-girl, who wanted to convey the important message to you, sir."

Rang wonders, "She already knows Anderson sir…!"

Han-na yells out of the top of the stairs, "Jimin, the lady who came here was at the Blue Mountain Palace with Lucas."

Rang exclaims, "Who the hell is he? And Jimin…!"

In worker-girl clothing, Jenny appeared out of nowhere and said, "Jimin that is Aera."


"I am positive, she is Aera. Go and save her soon."

Han-na yells, "Jenny…!"


Rang was confused, "Where have they been hiding?"

Anderson ordered, "Rang, hurry up. Cho start the car." They quickly departed.

"We will succeed if we leave this woodland region. Drive fast," Bella instructed the driver. Aera was seated in the back seat of the car with two guards on both sides and her face covered in a black cloth.

"Why, Aera, are you making my brother's life difficult? He suffered a lot because of you. I beg you, stop bothering my brother. I hold my anger towards you because of my brother… Just happily starts the life with my brother. Do you understand me of what I said? Why is she silent? Check her…"

"She fainted, ma'am," stated one of the guards.

"It is also good for us. Otherwise she would make a big fuss."

Unexpectedly, a driver came to a stop. "Why in the world did you stop the car?" Bella was startled by a flashing car bumper light.

She came out of the car, "What the…?" When she spotted Anderson, she halted.

Anderson's face glows as he sits on the car bonnet in a pitch-black wilderness. His appearance was so audacious, and his demeanor was so confident. "Bella, is it the name you go by?"

Bella was shocked as he heard Anderson's words, "How did you know?"

"When I initially caught a sight of you, I was dubious. I wasn't sure, but now I'm absolutely certain. You resemble more like your mother… Stella Jeson. I mean, you are Jeson's daughter…, the deceased Jeson's daughter."

Anderson said as he stepped out onto the car bonnet, "I hunted you for more than 3 years, I felt sorry for you, because of what my father did to your father."

"Sadly, I was unable to locate you… and your brother. Some of them said, you both died. But I didn't believe so; that Jeson's offspring wouldn't act in such a ridiculous manner. I had faith, one day that the full grown snake would eventually visit me and strike her vengeance."

"Eventually you arrived, the highly poisonous vengeance snake."

Bell says, "Yes. You are too smart, Anderson. We're going to exact our vengeance today." As she spoke, a few more cars arrived, loaded with countless thugs and guards.

Anderson chuckles, "Rang, Cho… shall we start. I think… It would probably take a while. But don't leave anyone without wound."

Bella said, "We will see that too."

Anderson get close to Bella and whispers angrily tone, "I forgot one more thing. Say Hello, to your brother… Lucas. And let him know that I'm coming for him." As he said, he began to hit.

Rang and Cho are energetically battling against the guards. Anderson spinning 360 degrees in the air, smacks the man with his foot. He adjusts his coat and runs his fingers through the hairs. He punches a guard with one hand while moving gently.

Bella was terrifically glaring at them. She attempted to leave the car with Aera. Rang standing in front of the car, "I am sorry. The person we need is still inside the car. After you've given her to us, you're free to leave."

Bella ignored his warnings and attempted to start the car. Suddenly the front windshield of a car shattered into pieces. Rang turned around, which was Cho. "Rang sir, are you okay?"

"Yes, Cho. I am good. I believe that the inside lady has bleeding." Bella stepped out of the car, leaving the place with the guards. Thugs of Lucas left. Cho opens the car's back door gently, Anderson approached Aera in a startled manner.

He gradually took off the black fabric that had been covering Aera's face. "Aera…!" he murmured in a worried voice. Her mouth cloth was untied by him. She is in an unconsciousness state. He dragged her out of the car.

"It seems so bad on her shoulder?" said Ji-ho, after treating her. Aera was unconscious as she lay on the bed. Ji-ho continues, "She treated her injuries on her own. She experienced immense pain, which is why she tripled her pain medication intake."

Han-na said, coming forward, "Then she isn't going to wake up."

Ji-ho added with a smile, "Don't be alarmed. In a while, she will open her eyes." As he spoke, he directed her attention to Anderson, who was standing silently behind Rang, "Anderson… you are bleeding. Come, I will treat you."

Anderson remarked nervously, "No. It didn't hurt much."

Cho suddenly yells, "Moving, her hands moving…!"

Ji-ho moved closer to Aera in his wheelchair. He assesses her vital signs and pulse. Aera gradually opens her eyes, Jenny asks, "Aera, are you all right?"

Aera said in a groggy tone, "I am going to kill you."

"What? I can't hear you…"

Rang remarked, "She claimed she was going to kill you."


Aera continues, "You murderer. Why you pushed me down the sixth floor? It hurt like hell. I swear, one day I am going to push you."

Jenny remarked between tears and a smile, "I do wish that."


"Don't strain yourself. No rush, we will talk afterwards. I am glad to see you returned."


Ji-ho clears his throat, "Uhh… We should let the patient get some rest. Step out everyone. Ander… watch her."

Anderson was hesitantly positioned next to the mirror, his head bowed. Aera softly lifts her dripping tube hand with a gesture of come.

He sat down next to Aera, tears streaming down his eyes. "I am sorry, Aera. I shouldn't have left you. Sorry."

Aera said with a smile, "I found you too…!"

Anderson turns in the direction where she is looking. "Couple Teddy bear. I thought I lost it. I searched everywhere. But how…?"

"I stole it out of your apartment."

"Ahh… you visited my apartment."

Aera caressed his chin as her hands were quivering. "You seem more handsome in this coat suit."

"Are you angry with me?"

"A little, but no longer. I really, really miss you. I was waiting for you to come to me. But you weren't there. Why? Are you mad at me?"

He continues to sob, "No. Why would I be mad at you? You didn't do nothing wrong."

"After hearing such words, I feel relieved. I now feel as though I am at home. You lived in my home without paying rent for a month. I will therefore…"

"You are going to stay here only for a month…!"

"Month, my foot. Going to stay life time…."

Anderson smiles with a tear in his eyes, he tries to hug her. "Ahh… it hurt… My shoulder… Save those hugs for later."

"Yes." Both were smilingly conversing.

Lucas was acting aggressively and threw vases, picture frames, and illustrations and wall hangings. He smashed liquor bottles, soda cans and glasses. While Kang showed up, his guard said, "Boss, those are all your antique collections. That picture you collected from France exhibition. He also broke all the bottles of old wine… Boss…!"

"Be glad that he didn't shatter our heads."


"Like me, you should take it as a fun. Ahh… my precious wine bottle," Kang whimpers hilariously.

Jeson joins the scene and is startled by how chaotic the place is. "Lucas, what are you doing?"

Lucas panting heavily, "Dad, I failed, again, in front of Anderson. He abducted our Aera."


Lucas implored him, "Dad, you know Anderson very well. He would obey your commands since you raised him. Get our Aera back. I can't go on without Aera for another day. Dad…! Don't you pay attention to me?"

"It's a relief now."

"Dad…! Are you insane? What are you babbling about? Relief…!"

Jeson screamed, "I am not your dad."

Lucas shrieked with shock, "Dad…! No… Yes, you are not my dad. So what, just get Aera back. Please…"

"I've already spoiled my daughter's life. Because of me, she had been through a lot. Now she is in competent hands. I am not going to intervene in her life."

"Wait a minute. Are you now siding with Anderson?"

"I am not siding with anyone. I'm protecting my child."

Lucas laughed wickedly, "All those years you were pretending like you cared me… All of it was a lie, right?"

"And now you're ignorant. You lost your father when you were ten years old. From that point on, I treated you like my son. I adored you, more than my daughter. I believed you blindly, did things without asking questions. But you weren't true to me. Dutch club…"

"What Dutch club?"

"Recently, I discovered that you attempted to kill me at the Dutch club. I nursed a cunning fox these all years without realizing its true nature. Now, I came to my senses. To the very end, I will defend Aera from you."

"Bravo… Bravo… it's a complete relief. I felt burdened by those lies and was unable to even chew or swallow. Now that you know who I really am. I won't be hiding any longer. Yes, I did attempt to kill you. However, you left before the bomb exploded, due to your daughter's sickness."

Kang cursed at him, "He is such a cruel monster. How could he kill his…? Ahh… I'll pass out if I remain for another minute. I am getting out."

"Dad… No, you are not my dad. Wait and watch, how I retrieve Aera and gonna kill your stepson Anderson, too."

Aera opened her eyes, saw Anderson seated next to her. Closed her eyes, again, opening her eyes, "Ahh… You startled me!"

"You had a dream that Anderson was seated next to you," says Jenny.


"Liar. I know you very well. Get up, I will help you change your dress."

Aera slowly got out of bed; Jenny was getting her dressed. "Bo-ra… what is she doing? Why isn't she with you?"

"We are the one who left her. Bo-ra sternly forbade us from going outside after Han-na was seriously hurt. Therefore, we sneakily left the hospital, without telling her."

"Oh… I miss Bo-ra."

"I too. Finished. Are you hungry?"

"Lately, Mr. Lee actions have increased my suspicion," Park remarked, as were Bo-ra and Jeong eating at the noodles restaurant.

Bo-ra questioned, "What are you talking about? He agrees to work on the Anderson case as a result of you two."

"Yes. I too know very well. But, why are we looking for Aera? Why did he urge me to get a warrant to search Blue Mountain Palace? He knew that Anderson wasn't there. What was he actually doing?"

Jeong joined with him, "I'm also confused by that. If Senior Park knows that we're looking for a girl, he will be furious with us."

Bo-ra is considering the words of Park.

Aera is being escorted down the stairs by Anderson, "Be careful with your steps."

On the dining room table, there was fighting going on. Anderson asked, "Rang, why are you picking a fight with Jenny?"

Rang says, "I will tell you."

Jenny interrupts, "No, I will tell you."

Rang again, "Sir, she will lie. So I will tell you."

"Did you call me a Liar?"

Anderson says, "Sit down, Aera." He gently assists Aera in taking a seat. "Cho, what's going on?"

"Sir, Jenny ma'am prepared the food. Rang sir enraged because of that. 'Why did you cook the dish when the working girl should have done it?' Rang sir argued with her."

"Aish… that is a problem. Hey, Rang don't make a fuss. I've ate Jenny's food before; she is an excellent cook. Sit and eat."

"No, sir. How could we let an outsider to cook recklessly? What if she tried to…?"

Jenny completes the sentence, "Kill you, right?"

Cho savors the food, "Rang sir…!"

"Hey… you keep silent. I am not going to slide it off."

Cho said, "This is the food we ate two days before. Same taste, same flavor...! Taste this."


Jenny said, "I cooked that food as well."

Rang sat down and began to eat, "Yes, Cho…. Same taste." Cho and Rang continued with their meal. Anderson gave them a smile.

"Han-na, what took you so long? Sit and eat," said Aera, as Han-na arrived, sat down next to her.

Anderson feeds Aera, "Open your mouth. Aaa…"

"Hey… you are embarrassing me. My left hand is sore not my right hand."

"Just open your mouth."

As they were finishing their meal, Ji-ho and Lucy walk in. "Aera, right?" questioned Ji-ho.


"You appear so good right now. Your wound will also recover swiftly", as Ji-ho mentioned, Aera noticed Lucy.

Aera exclaimed, "You…!"

Lucy said, "Unknown-girl…! Ji-ho, she is the one who rescued me from the Palace."

Anderson asks incredulously, "Is she the one?"

"Indeed, Ander. The thought of what may have occurred, if she hadn't helped that day is terrifying."

Ji-ho said in gratitude, "Thank you, Aera. You saved my girl."

Aera smiled at them. While Cho raised his hand, "Aera ma'am, don't you remember me?" with a broad smile on his face.

"Ahh…! Men's toilet man, right?"

"Yeah… that is me."

"I greatly appreciate your help that day."

"But I failed to deliver on your message." Sadly, Cho continues, "The letter unintentionally slipped into the flames."

Anderson said, "Who said you failed? The message was delivered just in time."

Cho is now grinning. Rang ponders, "Wait… Whoa… Cho's unknown-girl, Lucy's unknown-girl and Sir unknown-girl all are one girl that is Aera. Whoa… Unbelievable."

Cho echoed his exclamation, "I too… Unbelievable…! The cuisine is so wonderful."