Hide and seek

"No, Aera, I'm doing just fine. Look at me; I have nothing but some scars. With those scars, I am much more handsome," said Han-na.

Aera chuckled, "Handsome…" Dragging his hand toward Ji-ho's room, "Now I am totally understand your mental health. Come with me."

As they both enter Ji-ho's room. "What is the matter? Is your wound hurting again?" worriedly questioned Ji-ho.

"I've never felt better. He is the problem; he ran away from the hospital"

"No. They discharged me."

"Don't take his words. Could you examine him? His head was severely wounded."

"Obviously. That's my one and only work," Ji-ho examined his body.

"We need to perform a CT scan, only then I say with certainty. Come see me at the hospital. This is my card." He received his business card from Ji-ho.

Aera advised, "You should take Jenny to the hospital. Are you hearing me?"

"Ahh… you are annoying. I said that I am all right. The hospital ambiance scared me the most."

"Are you a child? Afraid of needles and medications."

"I have no phobias about those things. The atmosphere in the hospital then smells of injections and…" Look at Ji-ho as Han-na stated, "I didn't mean doctors. I swear…"

The two then began to stroll through the garden. Aera says at the outset, "I am sorry."

"For what?"

"Because of me, you and Jenny went through a lot."

"That jerk Lucas is the cause of everything. That idiot…" he paused and turned to face Aera, "Shall I curse him? Because he is no longer your brother."

Aera laughed at him, "Yes."

While Anderson looking at Aera on the terrace, sighed. A guard gives over the file and says, "Sir, here are the particulars of Lucas and his sister Bella."

Anderson is examining Lucas's details.

Aera and Han-na entering the hall, where Rang and Jenny were arguing.

Rang asks, "Why did you alter the curtains color? Who instructed you to alter that?"

Jenny argues, "Nobody instructed me to do it. Look at the walls and consider how blue curtains might go with them. You ought to prefer white."

"Who granted you the authority to alter the decor in this residence? You are merely a guest; this is not your home."

"What? Guest…!"

Aera and Han-na made eye contact and took a deep breath. Han-na asserted, "They won't stop fighting. I'll take you into the room."

Jenny adds, "Yes, I am a guest. What about you? You only serve as a guard."


"Hey, Aera and Han-na. You guys must have noticed that we are fighting. How dare you ignore me? Hey…" Jenny screams at them.

"Don't turn back," said Han-na, ascending the staircase.

"You two should head back to Seoul," said Lee.

Astounded, Park asked, "Why sir? We didn't even locate Anderson. If we go back with bare hands, Senior Park is going to kill us."

"I apologize. I gave some thought to it. I came to the conclusion that Anderson wasn't worth catching."

Bo-ra deemed Lee's statements, perplexing.

Lee adds, "I am not in charge of his case anymore. Why would I risk my life skating after him? That makes sense if I want to exact revenge on him. He has nothing to do with me, though. I failed in my attempt to capture Anderson. Because of him, I wasted my 10 years, but not anymore. Just return to your place."

Lee looked at Bo-ra and said, "You remain. You should have to meet someone."

"What will you do about Anderson? You are going to give your Aera to Anderson?" Kang teased Lucas.

"Shut your mouth, or I will kill you."

In the midst of smashed liquor bottles, Kang poured a broken glass of alcohol into Lucas's rocks glass. Kang is dejectedly gazing at the display of cracked wine bottles.

"I have a plan."

"What plan?"

"Did you hear about Robin?"

Kang gave some thought, "Robin… No, I never heard him… Hold on a minute. Robin..! He is the one who killed…"

"Richard, Anderson's father."

"However, he is currently behind bars."

"He was imprisoned last month. I spoke with him and struck a bargain as well."

"You are really something. But… you think it will work out."

"Why do you have such a doubt? Haven't you heard of Robin's prior records? Nobody kept track of his murder totals by numbering them like stars in the sky."

"I was also aware of that. Now I'm thinking about Anderson. We cannot predict what Anderson will do next. You know what, when he was seated in his father's place. He was such a merciless murderer that he killed each and every person who had connected his father's death."

Kang adds, "But he left Robin alive, even though he was this… this close to his eyes. After that, he somehow caught into police, and I am sure that was done by Anderson. Why did he leave him alone is still the question on the mafia's minds?"

"Anderson is such a mysterious person. Nothing has been revealed. Where was he for those five years? Everyone was aware of his presence in the club and he died that night. But, how did he return alive?"

Lucas replies, "Someone is helping him from behind. May be his security guards."

"No. I am damn sure. They also puzzled like us. They even shut down their Mafia operation while Anderson was gone."

Lucas was deeply contemplating Kang's remarks.

"Do some thinking. How did he avoid every police attempt? Never been caught anyone's hand. Police caught me five times…! That's not the matter right now. First, find out who is helping him. Then try any further steps. Don't hold him in low regard."

"Ahh… I don't think it would work," Aera said to herself, exhaustingly, sitting on the bed with a dress in her hand. "Jenny is busy at fighting with that man. How could I change my attire?" She endeavored to change her outfit with one hand once more, but failed.

Anderson walks in looking for some documents. Aera asked, "Need some help?"

"No need…. There it is. I found it…!" as he said, he looked at Aera, who was holding a dress.

Anderson reached for the door and shut it. Anderson gestured for her to, 'Come here.'

"What are you doing?"

"Changing your clothing."

"Ahh…! Are you insane? Leave now, I'll be able to get dressed on my own."

"Don't think badly. Just consider me as a worker-girl."

"Does that make sense?"

"Well, what do I do now? With closed eyes…! How could that possible to change your dress with my closed eyes? What if I touch some untouchable parts?'"


"Close your eyes. Don't think me as a man, just for a few minutes. Pretend like you are my patient and I am your nurse. Shut your eyes, this idea will work."

Aera closed her eyes, with a lot of shyness, while he changed her attire. After he finished, he got closer to her face, peered at her shy expression. He gently kissed her on the lips.

When Aera opened her eyes, Anderson wasn't there. Her face was flushed.

Anderson was staring at the image of Lucas while perusing his background files. He used his palms to rub his entire face. He pulled back the drapes and peered out the darkly lit outside through windows.

'I'm going to kill your father and Anderson right in front of your eyes.' 'I'm going to kill your father and Anderson right in front of your eyes.' Aera has experienced the terrifying voices of Lucas in her dreams.

She abruptly awakens from her nap, "No…" She adjusts her hair while panting heavily. Looking around, "Why Jimin hasn't arrived yet?"

She walked down a flight of stairs, the house was incredibly quiet. She went to his office and looked into it as well. He, however, was not there. "Where had he gone at this midnight hour," she wondered as she glanced at the clock, which read 2.00.

"When will they stop fighting? My eyes get sore," lamenting Aera to Han-na. Jenny and Rang are arguing in front of them as they both sit on the sofa.

Rang said, "Don't modify anything in this house; we've grown accustomed to it."

Jenny claimed, "I am not making any changes. Just embellishing your home. Why do you argue with me so much?"

Han-na woefully said, "I am bored with these two fights."

Aera asked, "Today's topic what?"

"Changed the color of lights. How long can we watch them for? I am bored."

A sudden idea rose on Aera's head, exclaiming with a big smile, "Then, lets hang out outside."

"I also thought that."

Rang and Jenny shout at the same time, "No."

Aera and Han-na questioned, "Why not?"

Rang stated, "There is no safe at outside."

"I concur with him as well. What if Lucas caught sight of you and abducted you again?"

Aera exclaimed, "Unbelievable, just a second ago, both were fighting like brother and sister. You now concur with him?"

Han-na said, "Then should we stay at home due to that jerk, like a coward?"

Rang said, "No… Uh… Yes, sort off."

Anderson entered the residence with red eyes, as they were having a conversation. Rang asks, "Did you stay out all night?"

"Yes. Dealt some unfinished business."

Aera asked, "Jimin, shall we hang out outside?"

Anderson causally replied with yawning, "Yes. Where would you like to hang out?"

"Yahoo… Han-na get ready…"

Rang pathetically said, "Sir…!"

"You seem so worn out. Why did you agree to go out?" Rang asked.

"No, I am fine," Anderson and Rang were following them.

"Fish cakes so tasty, Han-na take it," fish cakes gave Aera to him as they sauntered through the market area.

Then they went to a street in the garment area, "This scarf is nice, where is Jimin?" Her eyes are wandering.

"I am here," Anderson emerged from the street, where a man lay down with blood on his nose.

"Where have you been?"

"Rest room…"

"Ohh… This scarf looks so nice on you. Excuse me, sir, pack this scarf."

Then Jenny and Aera went inside a store in the mall, they saw some shirts. "Jimin, what's your shirt size?" Aera inquires, "Han-na, where is Jimin?"

Han-na looks around, "He was here next to me. Where had he gone?"

Anderson exited the lift where a man has suffered severe facial injuries. Aera wonders, "Where did you two people disappear? Go and change this shirt."

With labored breathing, Rang explains, "That restroom along the street was gross. So we made use of this mall restroom."

Rang caught Jenny's skeptical gaze as she asked, "How is it possible that the boss and his security went to the restroom at the same time? Something seems strange."

Rang said with a wry smile, "I'm wondering about it too. How come the toilet got us—?"

"Aish… Stop it"

Aera and Jenny are at the flower garden. They are moving through the garden, which is full of gorgeous adorable flowers and is appealing due to the wide variety of colors ranging.

Aera said, "Han-na, I have never seen this blossom in my life, it is beautiful." As she said, she turned around and looked for Han-na.

While Anderson and Rang are bending forward, gasping heavily. Rang said, "You are a good fighter. That left hand punch was awesome."

"Thank you," said Han-na, who was drenched in sweat and standing next to Rang.

Jenny drew closer to them, "Let's go home. I am tired."

Rang exclaims, "What? You are tired..!"

"Yes, roamed all day. My feet ached, you three were happily relaxing apart. We two went shopping, stopped by an art gallery, and then walked to a garden."

"Right, we did nothing."

Aera wondered, "Then had you three played hide and seek?"


"You three are more exhausted than us. Sweating, gasping heavily. Perhaps, you three got into fight."

Rang manages the circumstance, "What are you speaking? Do we appear to be children certain to fight? We do our jogging here because we forgot to do it in the morning. Now, I feel relieved. Sir, we should head back to our house."

While they were conversing, Jenny wiped her blood on her wrist. She recalled, when she visited a gallery with Aera, a thug followed Aera. She prudently beat the thug in secret while hiding behind Aera.

The following morning, Aera is sitting next to Anderson and admiring his face as he sleeps. She thought back to when he had been sleeping next to him in her apartment, saying, "I miss these sleepy Jimin."

She came down the steps, Han-na said, "Aera, come and eat."


"Rang sir, there is something you need to see," says Cho as he runs hurriedly toward him. Rang dashed after him.

Aera wonders, "What is that?"

A worker-girl said, "Aera ma'am, Doctor Ji-ho, looking for you."

"Ahh… I forgot, he told me to have some medications. I am coming."

Aera leaves the dining area. Jenny looks at the rice bowl, "Rice is empty, and I'll fetch some rice."

"Yes," Han-na was solely dining.

Rang was looking at the CCTV, which displayed a car arriving. "How did they easily get inside our forest area? Cho, alert the guards. They are approaching our residence."

"Yes, sir."

A car stopped at the entrance of Anderson's residence, a man came out of the car, who is Lee. "Bo-ra, come out. Don't scare."

Bo-ra stepped out of the car with trepidation. When they attempted to enter the residence at the same instant, some guards blocked them.

Lee frowned at them, "Use some sense." He shows them an ID card, "Now I may enter the house."

Lee entered the room as security guards surrounded them. Bo-ra spotted Lee pulling out his gun.

Han-na heard a noise, so he came to the hall area, "Bo-ra…!"

Bo-ra saw him, "Han-na…!"

Han-na wondered, "Bo-ra, what are you doing here?" while Rang and Cho enter the hall area.

Rang drew out his gun, pointing at Lee, "Stay there, man. How did you get inside our forest area?"

Bo-ra immediately moved in front of Han-na as Lee raised his gun on him. Bo-ra said, "Sorry, Mr. Lee. I am not going to let you hurt anyone," stretched her hand in a defending manner.

Han-na staring at her in a confused expression. Cho asked, "Rang sir, this lady came with him. Why did she suddenly stand up Han-na?"

"Beats me…!"

Lee asked, "What are you doing? Have you forgotten why we came all the way here?"

"I know, Mr. Lee. You came here specifically to meet Anderson, right? However, I won't permit you to do that."


Jenny entered the hallway suspiciously and yelled, "Lee..!" as she spotted Bo-ra guarding Han-na from behind. "Bo-ra...!"

Jenny suddenly stand in front of Bo-ra, with stretched arms, "No…"

Rang said to Cho, "What are they all doing? They are confusing us."

Lee said while aiming his gun at Jenny, "Just move out. I have no intention to killing anyone. I only want…"

Jenny uttered, "Anderson…! Forget it. Just get back where you belong."

Rang, glancing at the three of them as they were standing one behind the other, "What a cringy show..."

Anderson asks as he descends the stairs, "What are you guys doing?" He came down, standing next to Han-na while staring at Bo-ra, "Bo-ra…!"

Rang was shocked, "Anderson sir…!" Suddenly, he took a step closer to Anderson, guarding him.

"Hey, Rang, step aside."

Lee yelled in a stern voice, "Anderson…!"

Anderson moved Rang aside, looking of Lee, "Uncle…!"

Every one of them in the hall area exclaimed, "Uncle…!" "Uncle…!" "Uncle…!" "Uncle…!" "Uncle…!"