Everyone needs family

"Uncle…!" "Uncle…!" "Uncle…!" "Uncle…!" "Uncle…!"

As she entered the hallway, Aera peered at the armed security guards. Moving forward, she approached Han-na, Bo-ra, and Jenny, who were lined up behind each other, "Bo-ra…!"

Bo-ra uncomfortably flashed a smile, "Hii… Aera… How are you doing?"

"Mm… Fine…!"

Aera looking at the guards, said, "All of you lower your pistols. He won't harm anyone; he is Anderson's uncle."

Jenny exclaimed, "How could you know about that?"

"I'll explain to you, first you two must lower your hands, our posture seems like something out of a Titanic movie." Jenny and Bo-ra lowered their hands as Aera was done talking.

Everyone at the table was quietly eyeing one another. "I found this photo in your room," Aera said as she placed the photo on the table. She points out the man in the photo, "This is your father, right?"

Anderson shook his head with a gesture of yes.

"I noticed that he appeared familiar to me at first glimpse. I reached the conclusion that he resembles Mr. Lee more. So I connected the dots, Mr. Lee might be your father's brother."

Rang examined the image and then turned to face Lee, saying, "Yes, both resemble one another. That's why he looks familiar to me."

Jenny and Bo-ra also examined the picture of Anderson's father.

Lee chuckled, looking around, "This is my father's place. This is where I grew up. How come I failed to locate this place, earlier? I forgot you received it from my father as his grandson. Stupid father… All water under the bridge."

Anderson's was grinning at Lee as he spoke. Lee adds, "How are you doing, my nephew? Why are you smiling at me?"

"It's you…"

"What me?"

"Don't look at me like a dumb kid. You are the one who took me after the bomb attack, and treated me while I was in a coma for five years." They were all shockingly staring at Lee.

Anderson chuckled, "When I contemplated who aided me, you came to mind. But I didn't anticipate you, because you despise me and my father."

"I don't dislike you. I dislike what you are doing. And stay out of your father's business; that was between brothers, and we dealt with it too."

Bo-ra asked, "Mr. Lee, had Anderson stayed with you in the States?"

"Yes, he was the reason I fled the country. His condition was grave. I should have taken him to a large hospital, but a lot of people were looking for him. They hadn't easily acknowledged his passing. I therefore made the decision to switch to a bureaucrat's role in foreign affairs."

Jenny exclaimed, "Whoa…!"

"He unexpectedly awoke from a coma when I traveled back to Korea with him. He got out of the hotel. I looked all over for him but was unable to find him, so I returned to work to help him."

Anderson interrupts, "I never begged you to help or save my life. You are the one who never captured me when I was close to you."

"Yes, you didn't ask for that. What other options I have, I made a promise with my brother to protect you until my last breath. That goddamn promise…"

Jenny spoke to herself, "That's why everyone needs a family to protect them."

Lee continues, "Don't think like you owe me nothing. I still let Jeson go unrestrained as you requested." Anderson showing a gesture of stop-talking towards Lee. "Then now, too…" Lee paused and fixed his gaze just on Aera.

Aera questioned, "Why would you let my father go?"

"Uhh… Because of this imbecile. His 15-year upbringing was overseen by your father, your father is almost Anderson's second father. He therefore begged me not to hold your father."

"I didn't beg you."

"But… sort of you did."

Jenny interrupts, "But Aera's father attempted to kill you. Then, why are you defending him?"

Anderson, Han-na and Aera yells, in unison, "No…"

Jenny and Bo-ra inquisitively looking at them, "Then what?"

Han-na said, "Aera's father didn't try to kill Anderson." Bo-ra raised her eyebrow towards Han-na.

Jenny asked, "Then who did?"

Anderson said, "It was…"

Aera interrupts, "It was Lucas, who has been pretending to be my brother all this time. He deceived my parents as well as me." She sighed, "Sorry, for not telling you… I was embarrassed."

The atmosphere became eerily quiet.

Aera chuckled, "Don't know how to react to this situation? Should I rejoice for Jimin, that my father nurtured him well? Or should I be upset for me, that my father didn't care about me…?"

Suddenly Han-na yells, "Your father cares about you…" Everyone is focusing on Han-na.

Bo-ra asked, "How did you know that?"

Han-na stumbled, "It… it was…." He let out his breath, said, "Aera, I told you that I stalked you… after I came from China."

Anderson wonders, "Stalking…!"

"I frequently visited your apartment, sometimes late at night. I really didn't think much of the old man who once stood for a long period peering at your balcony. He returned the next month, too, stopped by more than five times, stared a long time at your apartment from a distant. Mr. Lee instructed us to locate a 50-year-old male who roamed around your neighborhood. That's when I learned that 50 year old man was your father."

He adds, "He came to see you maybe once every month. But has never been approached due to…"

Aera completing his sentence, "Lucas…"


Jenny thought to herself, "I am her close friend, yet he knows everything about her."

Lee looks at Aera, "You once saved your father."


"In 2017, you got into an accident, right?"


Bo-ra stated, "Aera, that one, college final year fire accident."

"Ahh… yes, I got into a fire accident."

Lee said, "On that day, your father was in the Dutch club where the bomb explosion took place. Fortunately, thanks to you, your father escaped the area before the bomb detonated. He heard about your accident."

Jenny said, "But his father didn't pay her a visit on that day… May be because of Lucas…" Everyone was looking at her, as she said. "Sorry…!"

Lee said, "He was near the death trap, almost your father escaped without a scratch, because of you. Anyway, the past is past. Remember that you are not alone. Take a look around you; everyone is trying to keep you safe. Han-na, he fought the cop for you. Jenny saved you from being almost trapped in Lucas's hand. Now Bo-ra, Anderson, your father, and…" as he spoke, Cho raised his hand.

Cho remarked, "I too protected her. And going to protect her."

Lee continues, "This place is so dangerous." Anderson angrily staring at him.

"But for you this is the safest place. We have no idea how your brother, will attack us. So just be safe."

While strolling through the lawn, Cho stated to Rang, "Rang sir, the house was filled; every room was taken. If this continues, we might have to spend the night in this garden."

"I am afraid too. First, we must remove them one by one from this place."

"I am all in."

Aera attempted to exit the room as Anderson pulled the door to his room. "Are you going somewhere?" he asked as he observed her.


"To Blue Mountain palace?"

"Yes, after hearing about my father, it was difficult for me to retain my composure. What if Lucas discovered that my father had backed me up? Even though, he was unaware of my father, I don't think it is safe to let my parents alone. I have to go…"

"Aera, have you forgotten about Lee said in the morning? Everyone made a tremendous deal of effort, to safeguard you. Don't ruin this."

Aera doesn't pay attention to Anderson's statements, and she keeps muttering, "No, no, no, no… I thought they two were sinners. I despised them, when my father and mother tried to talk to me, I ignored them, like a stupid. I thought, I was the one who had endured all the suffering. But they experience greater suffering than I do. Even though I was near to them, they were unable to see or touch me.…"

She attempted to down the steps while saying "I am the big sinner," as if she were emotionally unstable.

She was frozen when Anderson abruptly gave her backwards embrace. "I am sorry Aera. But, I can't let you go."

Han-na was watching them from the hall area, woefully. He turned around and headed back to his room.

Anderson sobbed as he gave her a backward hug and said, "Please. Don't do this, Aera, for me. I swear, I will protect our father no matter what. In order to do this, I need you. I want you to stand by my side. Please…"

"We made a deal. You know there's no going back once you've made a deal with me," arrogantly, said Lucas, at the club.

"Am I looking like a coward to you? I am fully conscious of the risks inherent. Don't give a damn advice to me."

"Okay…!" both were drinking.

"I haven't seen your father. Where is he? Then, when did you begin handling your father's business?"

"Things happened. My father is not well, you know, that getting old… sickness…"

"I understand. In a week, I will give you Anderson's head on a plate."

Lucas remarked angrily, "I don't think you get it properly, Robin. I want to hear Anderson's heartbeat, which means, I want him to be alive."

"That's quite difficult, to get him alive. We can't do…" said Robin.

"That's why, I want it."

Robin sighed, "Okay. I will give it my all."

"I have some other crucial matters to deal with, prior to Anderson."

Half asleep, Anderson moves his hand across the bed, but Aera isn't there. He got up from sleeping, turned his right-hand side where Aera was sleeping. He gave her a hug after calming down. "Are you sleeping?"

Half asleep, she answered, "Yes."

He kissed her on cheeks. He resisted the urge to inquire, but he asks, "Why did Han-na stalk you? Does he love you?"

"You haven't been sleeping because of this," Aera said as she turned around to face him.


"That is too straight forward."

"I know nothing about that. Tell me, why did he stalk you?"

"You did that too… stalking…"

"Me… when?"

Aera smiled, "You hit the P.E.T master, who spoke awful things to me. Teddy, the dog man was beaten to a pulp. If he didn't sell all of his dogs, you threatened to make him your dog. And…"

Anderson scratching his head, "Stop it... I am not going to ask about Han-na. Just sleep." Aera grinned and slept off on his shoulder.

The following morning, Aera and Jenny were standing in front of Bo-ra, with their hands crossed. While Bo-ra was seated on the sofa. Bo-ra said, "You two better explain. First you Jenny."

Jenny murmured in a hushed voice, "No Bo-ra. We meant to tell you when we left the hospital. But…"

"What but…?"

"Ahh... Hey, don't incriminate us. Try to understand our situation."

Bo-ra glares at Aera, "You had the audacity to try to leave without notifying us or anyone else. What if Han-na didn't help you, that day?"

Aera purses her lips and exclaims, "Ahh... Due to prolonged standing, my hand hurts. I forgot to take my medication, too…" She grips her right shoulder and says, "I'll be here shortly. In the meantime, you question her."

Bo-ra chuckled, "I suppose your wound is in your left hand. You're holding your right shoulder."

"Aish… stupid Aera," said Jenny.

"Ahh… my left shoulder. Perhaps the ache has been shifted from left to right." Bo-ra was glaring aggressively at the two of them. Han-na enters the room as she does.

Ha-na regretfully said, "I'm sorry. I didn't let you know that Jenny and I had left the hospital."

Bo-ra said, "Stop it. You've already offered me enough apologies. I'll accept one of your excuses from there."

"Yes… How are you doing these days?"

"I'm doing great, even without these two idiots." s Bo-ra mentioned, Jenny and Aera left the room unnoticed.

"Where have the two of them gone?"

Han-na said with a smile, "Jenny messaged me that you were reprimanding them. She requested to save them."

"Hey, you better get a beat from me."

Lee is examining the picture frame that has three men in it-Richard, Lee, along with another. Ji-ho asked, "How are you doing, uncle?"

"Damn good. You?"

"Look at me. I'm more than fine."

Lee touches the photo frame of the additional-man and apologizes, "Sorry. I skipped the funeral of your father. Due to Anderson's…"

"You don't' need to explain, uncle. If my father were around, he would have advised, 'Protect Anderson first.' Now, I'm taking over for my father in doing the same."

Lee smiles, "Yes… you father liked him more than you."


"When did you shift your hospital here?"

"Following Anderson's return. Here, every day many injured guards arrive, more than in my hospital. Additionally, I am paid considerably more here."

Lee giggled as Ji-ho was speaking.

Rang enters Anderson's office room, "Sir, we found Bella's whereabouts. Should I tell our guards to fetch her?"

"No need. I will handle her by myself. I must speak with her personally."

"Yes sir."

Anderson steps out of the house.

"Han-na, are you insane? What are you doing?" Jenny and Bo-ra were arguing with Han-na.

"My intention of saving Aera has been accomplished; she is already in a safe place. I have nothing to do here," said Han-na.

Cho and Rang entered as they were having a quarrel. Rang looks at Han-na, "Are you leaving?"

Han-na gave a head nod in agreement.

Cho and Rang are grinning as they glance at one another.

Rang said, "Tell me the destination, I will drop you off."

Jenny growled fiercely at Rang, "Hey… Keep your mouth shut."

Han-na said with a smile, "It is okay. I'll handle on my own."

While Aera crossed the room, where they were conversing, Aera said, "Why are so many people congregating in Han-na's room?"

Jenny said, "Han-na is leaving…"

"What? I won't let you go."

Bo-ra questioned, "Are there any other reasons why you wish to go."

Han-na replied in a quiet tone, "Yes… Shin... Back in those days, Aera was there next to Shin. After Aera left, one by one, we departed too. Shin is by himself over there. Even though he hates me; as a brother, my obligation is to protect him."

Aera remarked after giving it some thought, "I feel you. Give me two more days, though. I too miss Shin; we all should visit Shin."

Jenny said, "How's that possible?"

"I'll find a way. Han-na, just wait two more days."

Instantly, Han-na said, without pausing to ponder, "Yes."

Jenny said, "Unbelievable, we two had been persuading him for more than two hours, but he hadn't changed his mind at all. Yet now… Ahh… Whatever, Han-na is staying, that's all I want."

Rang and Cho were hopelessly glancing at one another.