Let her cry

Aera was sadly crouching on the grass and gazing at the fully smashed car.

Anderson rubbing his eyebrow, around the car, Jenny, Bo-ra, Shin and Han-na were standing.

Anderson raised an eyebrow in Rang's direction as a sign to go console Aera. Rang anxiously approached her, "Sorry, Aera. I really didn't want to ruin this brand-new car."

Cho exclaimed, "Is this a brand-new car, really?"

Jenny replied, "Was a new car."

Han-na consoles her, "Aera, don't worry. I will buy you a new car as exactly like this."

Anderson was envious of Han-na's speech, he rushed inside the house. He offers the car key to Aera. Aera asked, "What's this?"

"My Benz car… it is an imported model. From now on, you may use this car." He pointed out the brand-new, sparkling Benz vehicle.

Jenny wonders, "Fascinating…!"

Aera shouts, suddenly, "Hey, I don't want any car besides my car. I want this car to be brand new."

Cho said, "It is utterly damaged. Even the old automobile store will buy this car is doubtful."

Jenny said, "Shut your mouth, Cho."

Rang sighed and handed Aera the key, calmly saying, "You didn't even drive this vehicle. Tomorrow, the car won't be able to be operable. Just drive the car at once."

Jenny busted out laughing. Shin asked, "Jenny, why are you laughing?"

Aera murmured naively, "I don't know how to drive."

"What…? Ahh…" Fit of rage, Rang words staggered. "Don't know how to drive…? Then why in the world did you buy this car…?"

"Jin-won…" Aera said as she stood up and rubbed the car. "I bought this car in memory of Jin-won, my friend."

Han-na whispers in Jenny's ear, "The high school dead guy, right?"


Rang grinned angrily and said, "Hey… it doesn't make sense. Ahh… You crazy individuals, driving me crazy too."

Anderson said, "Cho, take him to his room."

Cho snatched his hand forcefully, and left the place.

"Aera, come inside. It's getting cold."

"I will be back in a few minutes. You go first."

All of them go out of the garden area. Aera is sitting in the garden, dejected.

Next morning, Shin applying ice bags on Jenny's back. Jenny screams with pain, "Ahh… it hurts… Ahh…" lying on the sofa.

Shin flattering her, "Wow, your fighting was so outstanding yesterday. I want to fight like you, can you show me how?"

"Of course. Fighting is much easier than you might think. Rang was looking at her while they were conversing. "You just go with the flow of—"

He was noted by Jenny. Rang approached her tentatively, "Is your back pain, all right?"

"Why are you concerned about me?"


"Just leave. If you don't have anything, you."

Rang laid some keys on the coffee tables. She wonders, "What's this?"

"Keys of store room. Store room key. Get anything from that storage room if you need to change anything inside the house."

Jenny took the keys, "Are you sick?"


"Why are you acting in such as strange way? This is not the real you."

Rang said with an awkward smile, "The worker-girls aren't performing their duties efficiently. So I'm only giving you the duty of keeping an eye on them, up until the point of you stay."

"Strange… very strange."

Rang left the place. Shin said, "I think he likes you."

"Ahh… You have no idea about him," she said while grinning widely. "We almost never end the day without a fight." Han-na pushed Bo-ra in their direction as they were conversing.

Bo-ra murmured to him, "Han-na, he only listens to Aera's words. How can I persuade him?"

Jenny asked when she noticed them, "What are you two whispering about?"

Bo-ra said, "Shin… You have to—"

Shin interrupts, "No… I am not going anywhere…"

Jenny asked, her eyes wide with bewilderment, "Why do you go anywhere?"

"Han-na wants me to return to Seoul."


Han-na added, "This isn't safe for him. And he has class too."

Jenny said, "Why this place wasn't safe? We all here with Shin."

Shin declared, "I am on semester breaks; there is no need for me to be in class. Importantly, Aera consented to letting me stay here."

"Why Aera said that?"

"Hey… stop your brothers fighting. You go with Bo-ra, buy some groceries. Here is the list," Jenny handed the list to Han-na.

"Hey…, Jenny?"

"Why? In the middle of a forest, are you two working on anything else…? We are in the vocation holidays. Go and buy the groceries."

Aera staring on the damaged car in the balcony. Lee walked up to her and said, "Aera…?"

"Mr. Lee…"

"May I have a word with you?"


When Aera saw him stutter, she said, "It's okay. Tell me…"

"Yes. Aera… Don't leave this house at any situation. Just stay here."

Aera was staring at him aimlessly.

"Anderson and Lucas were already at war. It got more serious once you showed up. They are both much more enraged. To attain you, the two of them will go to any extremes. One bit of good news, though, is that you are on the side of Anderson. Don't leave the premises recklessly."

"Yes, I understand, Mr. Lee. Are you going somewhere?"

"My son and wife are flying in from the States. I am going to send them back to States."

"Why Mr. Lee?"

"Lucas isn't aware that I'm assisting Anderson. If he knew about that… you know what will happen. I'll be back soon, look after yourself."

"You too, Mr. Lee." Lee smilingly left the place.

On the streets, Han-na and Bo-ra are buying groceries. Bo-ra stated, "The time is running out. Once it gets to dawn, it's hard to get back into the forest. You go and buy these things."

"Yes." Han-na was walking along the street. Han-na's grocery bag fell to the ground as someone ran into him. When the veggie spilled, Han-na grumbled and turned to them, seeing a group of men pursuing an elderly man. He silently took the vegetables and when he stood up, witnessed the old man, shockingly.

He tries to approach the man. From behind, Bo-ra grasped her hand. "What are you doing here, Han-na?"

"No… That old man…"

"What old man?"

"That old man looked like Aera's father, Jeson."

"What are you blabbering about? Aera said that her father and mother had left the country."

Han-na confused, "No… But… he looked like her father."

"Let's go, Han-na. Perhaps you misunderstood. Come, it's starting to get late." They headed back home.

Han-na had a vague memory of the elderly man he had seen on the streets. Jenny, Bo-ra, and Shin were chatting beside him.

Anderson enters the hall area, rushingly, "Everyone get back to your room. Fast."

They were all staring at Anderson with empty eyes. He again shouts, "Hurry up, now."

Anderson raced up the stairs quickly. Rang was questioned by Bo-ra, "What is going on with Anderson?"

"Lucas is coming to our place."

Han-na queries "What… our place? Here…!"

"Yes. You four remain within the room, don't come outside."

Some of the guards hollered, "Aera, ma'am." "Aera, ma'am." "Aera, ma'am."

A guard said, "Sir, Aera ma'am is not in the garden and balcony area. We looked into every place."

In the bathroom, Aera is having a shower. "Aish... why the heck is everyone yelling at my name. I enjoyed a great bath when I was alone by myself. Here… Ahh…"

Anderson shrieked as he entered his bedroom, "Aera..." "Where is she? Has she left the house?"

"Why is everyone calling my name," Aera asked as she opened the restroom door.

After seeing Aera's face, Anderson relaxed. To hug her, he came up close. Aera shouts, "Don't come…, I'm still in the shower. What's the matter?"

"That is…"

"Spit it out. Is it about Lucas?"

"Lucas is coming… here..."

"What? Why is he coming here?"

"Beats me. Whatever the circumstance, you should remain in the room. You understand, right?"


Lucas got out of the vehicle and looked at the Benz that was completely ruined. He entered the hallway with a smile. Anderson is seated on the sofa with his legs crossed. While Bo-ra, Jenny, Shin, and Han-na observed them via the slightest door opening.

Shin asked, "He is the main villain, right?"

Jenny replies, "Yes."

Lucas sat down on the sofa and lit a cigarette, "Are you doing well, Anderson?"

Anderson said with a frustrated groan, "Yes."

"But… I am not doing so well without Aera."

Anderson clenches his teeth. Lucas said, "Relax, I am not here for Aera."

"Then why on earth are you here?"

"My sister Bella. Where is Bella?"

Anderson grinned, "Why are you asking me about your sister?"

"You were the one who stopped by my sister's hotel room before she checked out."

"Yes, I went to see her. But I'm not sure, where she went afterwards."

"Anderson, don't get involved in my family's business. You have already shattered my family."

"Aera and Jeson are not your family."

"Who the hell are you to make that decision?"

"Just leave the place. I don't have Bella."

Lucas gets up, tossing the cigarette to the ground and smashing it with his shoes. "Is Aera still in here?"

"That's none of own business."

Aera is frightfully standing behind the doors. Lucas yelled, "Aera, you brother here. Don't you want to see me? Come out and say hello to your brother, Aera. I miss you a lot."

Jenny stated, "I totally disgust him."

Bo-ra stopped Han-na from leaving the room by saying, "Haven't you heard Anderson's words. Stay here. Don't do anything stupid."

Lucas asked, "Aren't you going to come out?"

Anderson stops him, "That's enough. Just head back to your place."

"I know my sister very well than you. I know how to drag my sister here."

Lucas adds, "When I stepped out of my car, I noticed a Mercedes-Benz car on the lawn. Suddenly, a song popped into my head. I am not a good singer. But I try it out for you,

"Once there was a cub, lived in the Jungle,

Cub doesn't know that he is the king of the Jungle;

Mmmhmm hmm….. Mmmhmm, Mmmhmm….."

After hearing the song, Aera became overwhelmed and started to perspire heavily.

Jenny was confused, "Hey, Bo-ra… I heard that song before."

"I too. The song is so familiar to me. But it doesn't strike into my mind."

Lucas sings,

"When the cub realized that he is the king,

He became more terrified, for no one would be his friend;

Mmmhmm hmm….. Mmmhmm, Mmmhmm….."

Aera frighteningly opened the door and left the room. Bo-ra yells, "Jin-won song…!"

Jenny said, "Yes… At high school, Aera and Jin-won performed this song."

"How did Lucas know that song? We almost forgot that song?"

Shin silently states, "Aera…!"

Han-na said, "Why Aera came out of the room?"

Aera is desperately descending the steps. Anderson stopped her, "Aera, what are you doing here? Get back to room."

Aera approached Lucas without even listening to what he had to say. A large grin spread across Lucas's face as he exclaimed, "Aera, how have you been doing?"

Aera yelled furiously, "How could you know that song? That is Jin-won's song… How did you know?"

"You become so skinny. Haven't you eat properly?"

Aera screamed, "How could you know that song? Answer me." Due to her shouts, the entire area stood silent.

With his eyes fixed on Aera's face, Han-na left the area.

Lucas laughed wildly, "Hadn't you ever been curious about Jin-won's death?"

"Jin-won death…! You knew that too…! How?"

"How could I forget his death, Aera? I killed a lot of people all because of me. But I did kill one person—Jin-won—for you. How could I have forgotten him?"

Shockingly, Jenny, Bo-ra, and Shin entered the hallway. Jenny questions, "He killed Jin-won…! No… he committed suicide."

"Bingo…" Lucas approached Jenny and said, "Yes, he committed suicide. However, I made him do it."


"Aera… I told you I fell in love with you on first sight. I frequently visited you while you were in high school. Whenever I saw you, you were with that dumb jerk. You were happy when you were with him. That damn smile annoyed me, how could I have let that useless guy make my Aera happy? I then made the decision to kill him, looked into his bag full of Benz car stickers."

"Then I beat him to death. I wanted to use my own hands to slay him. But that jerk begged me that he wanted to see you at last. I therefor made the decision to let him to commit suicide by himself as he wished."

Aera's eyes welled up with tears. "You are not a human, Lucas."

"Yes… I am much certain of that. Jin-won was terribly pathetic. I had hoped he would survive, but sadly he passed away."

"You crazy psychopath," Aera sprinted over to Lucas and grabbed his shirt. "You must be deserving of hell for eternity..." Aera was dragged back by Anderson and Han-na.

Anderson said, "Aera, calm down."

She yelled fiercely while being restrained by Anderson. "You better die, Lucas."

In spite of their pulling back her by Anderson and Han-na as well, she violently rushing towards Lucas, "Let me go… Let me go…"

Lucas, "This is my favorite coat, you creased it. Then, what I came was done. I came here today for Bella. Anderson, if you see Bella, please convey my message, 'Her brother is waiting at the house'. Then Aera no longer, I'm not going to see you, here. I am certain that you will visit me."

They tightly grip Aera despite her attempts to escape their grasp and yell, "Hey…, I am going to kill you…"

Lucas smiles broadly and waves his hand before leaving.

Aera was released from their hold and sat down on the ground. The room fell silent entirely. A teardrop that falls to the ground.

Bo-ra said, "Jenny… Aera is crying."


Aera begins to break down and cry. Her sobbing noise filled the entire house.

Bo-ra tries to console her. Jenny holding her hand, "She had suppressed her tears for all these years. Let her cry…"


Anderson patted her shoulder, "Cry out, Aera. Let out all the sorrowfulness out of your heart. Cry as much as you can..." Aera kept sobbing as thoughts of Jin-won rushed across her mind. "Jin-won…"