Want to stop the mess

As Shin slammed the door, Jenny turned around, looking at him, "Shin…!"

"Jenny, I can't sleep, because of what happened today… Why are you gazing out the window at this time?"

Shin walked up to her while gazing outside, "What Aera is doing?"

"Relinquishing past memories."

Aera ignites the matchstick on the Benz car, which starts to burn.

Bo-ra also came over to Jenny's bedroom. Bo-ra and Shin are leaning on Jenny's shoulders from both sides.

Shin stated, "I am scared."

Bo-ra also said, "I too… scared."

"It's okay. Things will definitely return to normal."

Anderson is on the first floor and is drinking a whiskey, silently gazing at the on fire car.

"Cheers." "Cheers." Rang and Han-na were having drinks on the houses roof.

Aera said, "Bye Jin-won," while glaring at the flaming car.

Han-na jolted out of sleep and shouted, "Aera." Shin, who is sleeping next to him, wakes up as he shouts, "You nearly scared me to death."

Han-na got out of the room. Shin with confusion, "What's on going on with him this morning?"

He rushed into Anderson's office room. "Anderson… Anderson…"

"What is the matter?"

"Aera's father is still in Korea."

"No… Kang said that—"

"Why did Lucas come here, and leave without even touching Aera? Keep in mind what Luca stated yesterday, 'Then Aera no longer, I'm not going to see you, here. I am certain that you will visit me.' And two days before, I went to the market, I witnessed an elderly man who looked like Jeson being chased by some thugs, although I wasn't sure at the time. But after Lucas visit, it makes sense."

Anderson paused after hearing Han-na's statements, recalled Lucas's antics. "Would you please refrain from telling Aera about her father? Just stick by her; if we tried to stop them from going outdoors, they would become suspicious. So you should protect them."


"Jenny…!" yelled Shin as he hurried into her room.

"What happened? Has Lucas arrived again?"

Bo-ra said, "Stop joking. What's the matter Shin?"

"Come out and take a look for yourself." Bo-ra and Jenny exchanged expressionless looks as Shin said.

Jenny exclaimed, "Wow, is this our Han-na?" Han-na is dressed in a black coat and tie akin to an Anderson guard. He appears extremely attractive and handsome.

Bo-ra couldn't let her eyes away from him, stunned. Jenny asked, "Wow…, when did you join as Anderson's guard?"

Han-na smiled, "I am going to protect you all while we are here."

"Yes… Hey Bo-ra, why aren't you saying anything about his look?"

Bo-ra thawed as Jenny shook her, "Ahh… You look good in a suit."

"Thank you."

"Should we check on Aera's condition?"

"No, Bo-ra. You know her, she never gets comforted by others words. She will be fine on her own. Give her some time."


"Sir… we looked into Bella's whereabouts, but couldn't track her location," a guard informed Anderson.

"Yes, you go." While Rang enters the room.

"Ander…, Aera's mother only boarded the flight. Her father…"

"In Lucas's control. Ahh… Why didn't he just leave the country? Things are only getting bigger."

Rang silently stood. He suddenly said. "Lee… Ander, Lee sir, has still not returned."

"Aish… I warned him against going alone. Due to the mess with Lucas, I forgot about him."

Anderson called Lee, but he didn't pick up. "Shit…"

"And regarding Robert—"

"No… I can't hear anymore issues... I am already exhausted."

Rang slowly placed the tickets on his desk.

"What is this?"

"Opera concert ticket gave by father Brian."

"How is he doing?"

"Yes, good. He urged me to give you this concert tickets since he knew how much you would like it."

"Ahh… I have no time to enjoy this concert."

Han-na knocked on the door as Bo-ra sat somberly on the bed. "Yes, Han-na…"


"Shin is with Jenny, is learning martial arts from Jenny."

"Ahh… okay." As he turned around to leave the room, he came to a standstill.

He approached Bo-ra and inquired, "Are you okay?"

"I'm not sure. Lots of thoughts flowing through my head. I'm uncertain of who to believe and who to ignore."

"What are you speaking? We are all here with you; why are you scared of nothing?"

"Han-na, shall we leave the country. Aera, Anderson, as well as we... begin a new, quiet existence free from the sounds of gunfire, running for alive, chasing—"

Han-na placing his finger on her lips, "Shh…"

Bo-ra froze as she stared into his eyes. He adds, "Calm down, Bo-ra. Why are you putting so much stress on yourself? Among us, you are the most courageous. You chased Anderson twice on your own, without my assistance. Now what happened to you? Be brave, Bo-ra… Once the issue is resolved, everything will be fine."

"What if we fail?"

Han-na stumbled, "Don't give negative thoughts. Just get some sleep."

Anderson was immersed into deep thoughts, "Bella… Lee… Aera's father… Lucas holding hands with Robin…"

After having a sudden impulse, he took his coat and left the room. He is moving through the hallway as Aera descends the stairs.


When Anderson heard her voice, he suddenly halted, "Aera…!"

Aera with a blank expression asked, "Are you going somewhere?"

"Yes, some—" Suddenly, Aera gave him a kiss on the lips.

Anderson was stunned, looking at her. "No important job."

Both were entering the bedroom together and kissing. Aera took off his shirt, picked her up, and placed her on the bed. They were sharing an intense kiss.

After a while, Aera was lying on Anderson's shoulder. He asked, "Are you feeling better?"


"I am sorry about Jin-won."

"It is okay. Now I am fine."

"Yes. You haven't eaten all day? Aren't you hungry?"

While Anderson was making noodles, Aera thought back to when Jimin used to cook every day at her apartment. She giggled.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Nothing…" She went him and gave him a backward hug.

Anderson lifted her, seated on the cooking counter. "I love you, Aera," he said as he kissed her.

As he said Aera blushed, "I too love you…" both were kissing while the soup was boiling aside.

Hurried into the hallway as Shin took Jenny and Bo-ra hand the hand. Jenny asked, "Hey… what are you—"

Shin said, "Look at her," pointing to Aera, who was dancing joyfully in the hall.

Jenny exclaimed, "Aera… how could she have changed within a day."

Jenny and Shin are seen quietly glancing at Aera as Han-na comes to a stop. He smiled as he viewed her dancing.

Jenny joined in with Aera's dancing. "Why are you so happy in the morning?"

"Should we all feel happy if something good happens...?" Aera answered while dancing.

"No…" Shin and Bo-ra also joined them. Cho was persuaded to dance by Jenny. They made a lot of cheerful noises in the hallway. Anderson smiled as he watched them dance on the stairs.

Jenny yelled, "Hey, Han-na come…" Han-na shyly dancing with them.

"Did you call me?" Han-na asks as he walks into Anderson's office.

"Yes…" On the table, he placed some tickets. "Opera concert tickets… take all of them with you. Rang will accompany you."

"But Anderson…"

"Don't worry. My father Brian, will be there to watch over you."


Aera tying Anderson's neck tie, "Come with us… I get bored without you…"

He adjusts her hair, "I also want to go with you. But Lee is missing… he still doesn't get back. I need to look into him."

"Yes… I understand. Take care."

Anderson kissed her on forehead.

Jenny, Aera, Shin, and Bo-ra were delighted in the opera concert. Han-na, Rang, and Cho were in the backseat keeping watch over them.

Brian entered the musical venue and greeted Aera by shaking her hand. Aera was staring at him blankly. Rang explains, "He is Anderson's godfather, Brian."

"Ahh… it's nice to see you, sir."

"Enjoy the concert."

In the house, Anderson wandering, took a photo frame of Lee with his son and wife in it. "Where have gone? You assured me that you would look out for me… Already, I'm in a big mess… Ahh…" while he heard someone's entering the house.

He immediately hid in the closet as the two men searched Lee's home. Anderson peered at them through the closet holes.

A man showing a file to another man, "Let's go…"

Anderson attacked the man after emerging from the wardrobe. He twisted his hand backwards and grabbed the files, saying, "Explain this…"

A man yelled in pain, "We know nothing about this. Only my boss gave us the order to acquire these files."

"Boss…? Robert…?"


"Lee was taken by you…?"

"We don't know…"

"Where is your boss?"

While walking to the bathroom, Aera sang a song while admiring herself in the mirror. A woman walked up to her, handed her the phone, Aera questioned, "What's this?"

A woman replied, "Your friend…"

"Friend…?" Aera suspiciously looks at the woman, who is wearing the same dress as her.

Aera, curiously answering the phone, "Hello…"

From nowhere, a bullet hit the woman who is in front of Aera.

Woman died after falling to the ground, horrified Aera. On the other line of call, "Are you scared?"

Aera fearfully turns to face the direction the bullet came from. Again on the other line, "Don't search… you can't find them, Aera."


"Bingo… come to me, I am waiting for you."

"Are you insane?" Aera tries to hang up the phone.

"Don't hang up the phone. I have another surprise for you. Your father is here with me… wish to hear your father's voice."

"Don't come here Aera. Stay with—" shouted Aera's father over the phone.

"Dad… Dad."

"That is, indeed, your father. Do, as I say. Right now, get out of the restroom, take right."

Over the dead woman, Aera leaped. She moves a few steps to the left to get near to the musical venue. Suddenly, a second woman who had been shot in the head fell to the ground behind Aera.

Aera spookedly turned around and stared at the dead woman. Lucas said, "I warned you, Aera. Do as I say. Or the number of fatalities will rise. Aera, proceed a few steps."

Aera did as he said. "Look at Han-na; behind him is a man standing with a blue coat; if you looked into his hand, there must be a pistol... is it?"

Aera was taken aback. He adds, "This isn't over. Take a good look at Jenny and Bo-ra; each of them has a man standing behind them. All of those are my men. If you proceed, to another step. I'll smash her skull."

The two men who were sneaked into Lee's house, enter the casino ship. Robert was seating and drinking alcohol, he asked, "What took you two so long? Where is the file?"

The man handed the document over. He laughed as he perused the documents. He observed a man with his face concealed standing with the two of them.

"You two morons, why did you bring abducted person here? This is our business dealings ship, what if someone see him?"

"We didn't abduct him. He insisted to come with us."


Anderson uncovered his face. "Hii… Long time, no see, backstabber."

Robert chuckled, "What are you looking, morons? Catch him."

The thugs start to hit him. Anderson took his gun from the back of his shirt, shot them at the knees. When the bullet hit their bodies, everyone shuddered.

He threw the gun at them and whacked them hard with his fist. Robert attempted to attack him from behind while grabbing a steel rod. Anderson abruptly spun around, a steel rod hitting his forehead.

When he tried to beat him, Anderson pulled the rod from his grip. Blood streaming from his forehead, he said, "You never wondered why I let you live."

He throw the rod away. He teared up, "Why do everyone making me a monster? I never wanted this life. If you hadn't my father that day, perhaps, today, I would have lived as a decent family man."

A blood that drops from his eyebrow, he wiped it. "I saw your five-year-old son when I pointed the gun at your head. If I killed you that day, your son might murder me in retaliation… It never stops I kept you alive because I wanted this to stop. And I locked you up in jail. I hoped that after spending all these years in prison, you would realize your mistake. But I was wrong… you're never gonna change."

As Anderson was speaking, he bowed to the ground out of guilt. Begging, "Anderson, let me live…"

Anderson chuckled, "I want to end this. What are your current plans with Lucas?"

He grabbed his shirt collar, "Answer me…"

"Anderson… Opera concert…"

"How did you know about that?"

"With Brian's guards, we mingled our guards…"

"Shit…" he aggressively fired at the ceiling.

Robert pleaded, "Anderson… spare me this one time."

Anderson went to the man, who is sailing the ship. He was pushed into the water. He said to Robert, "If you are alive, we will meet again." He fired at Robert's knee.

Anderson dived into the sea.

Robert screamed in the middle of dead bodies, "No…"

"No… Lucas, don't do anything." Aera screamed.

"Turn back, Aera." Aera turned back.

"Wait… I need to do some finishing touches, because I was severely insulted by your pals. I have to make restitution in some way."

When a gunshot was heard, she froze and screamed, "No…!"

Lucas warned, "Don't dare to look back, Aera. If you did, another bullet would enter another side of Han-na's torso."


"Run right now."

The sound of gunfire terrorizes the concertgoers. After being wounded in the right shoulder, Brian cries in agony.

Jenny and Bo-ra staring at Brian in fear.

Rang ordered the guards, "Call the ambulance immediately."

The crowd was moving there and there. Han-na wonders, "Where is Aera?"

"Went to restroom."

Jenny, Bo-ra, and Han-na sprinted to the restroom. On the way they were startled to see a woman's dead body.

Aera was attempting to leave the area when three guards stopped her. "You shouldn't leave this place. It's Brian boss order."

While holding the phone, Aera was terrifically glancing at the guards. She is unable to move at all. She closed her eyes as she heard a gunshot, the guards dying in front of her.

Blood of man splashed on her face, "Run fast, Aera… Backdoor, my thugs waiting for you."

Anderson was driving his car quickly while Aera rushed for the backdoor and opened it.