Not a nightmare

Anderson made a call while driving, "Cho… I sent you the location where Lee was detained."

Aera attempted to open the door, but stopped and remembered Lee's statements, 'One bit of good news, though, is that you are on the side of Anderson. Don't leave the premises recklessly.'

"I am sorry, Jimin." She plucked up the bravery to open the door.

Bo-ra, Jenny, and Han-na were startledly staring at the dead body of a woman. As a guard approached them, he said, "Restroom…! Come and see that."

Han-na rushed to the restroom, stunned after seeing the dead woman. Recalled Aera was wearing the same outfit as when she entered the concert.

Jenny and Bo-ra are halted at the door, "Aera…!"

Han-na's heart beats thundering, approached the woman, who is lying on her stomach. He himself said again and again, "It shouldn't be Aera… it shouldn't be Aera…"

He turned her with trembling hands, "Ahh…" he backed away, exhaled relaxingly.

Han-na burst out of tear while smiling, "Aera is alive…" patted on his chest.

Anderson rushing towards the musical venue, which is deserted. Shin is lying on Jenny's shoulder, regrettably. Bo-ra and Han-na were standing hopelessly. Rang approached him, "Ander… Brian was shot."

"Is he—?"

"He is fine… Aera is missing."

Anderson suppress his emotions. Shin forced his way up to him and said, "This is all your fault."

Anderson was staring at him in silence.

"Before you showed up, everything was tranquil. Problems started to arise one by one, all because of you."

Shin reached to grab Anderson's shirt, instantly Han-na stopped him. "Shin… come to your senses… What are you doing?"

Shin chuckled, "You loved Aera, and then why didn't you protect her? Why did you let her into this mess? You are also like your father…, who abandoned my mother… You're doing it now. You are no different than your father in any way." Han-na tripped as Shin was speaking.

Jenny abruptly slapped him in the face, "Shut your mouth, Shin. You are crossing your limits. As you mentioned before, that he is not your brother, then you don't have the rights to spoke him in such a manner."

Bo-ra followed Shin as he exited the area, "Shin… wait…"

The place fell into completely silent.

In the house, Anderson is sitting in the hall while blood dripping from his forehead, which hits the floor. Ji-ho rolling his wheel chair near Anderson.

Anderson tried to move away. Ji-ho said, "Stay silent. Or I will stitch your raging eyes." Ji-ho is stitching on his forehead.

Lee entered with Cho. Cho uttered, "Sir… Lee sir."

"Gross…" exclaimed Ji-ho as he took a glance at Lee, who is badly hurt.

"I presume I must sew the entire body."

Anderson asked, "Aunty and Kang-joon…?"

"They safely reached the States."

Ji-ho tending to Lee's wounds, "I thought you would be dead."

"Aren't you happy about my return?"

"Not much…"

"Hey… I am your uncle… You expected my return as I died... Whoa!"

Ji-ho smirked, "I get used to it, losing of our beloved ones. My father, mother, Anderson's father and mother and my sister. I lost my legs too... I have no knowledge of Mafia business, but I know one thing for sure. At the end of this issue, we will lose the lives of our loved ones."

He adds, "And I am preparing myself for that every day…" His words made Lee's mind race.

Aera tried to open her eyes, but she couldn't. Everything that she sees is blurry. She attempted to move while lying in bed but failed. She mumbled, "Water… water…"

She managed to move, as a result she fell from the bed. She observed someone approaching her in her fuzzy sight, whom she mistakenly identified as Anderson. She raised her hand to him and smiled, "Jimin…"

But the man was Lucas, she was hoisted and put on the bed. Aera was mumbling as she passed out.

Anderson made his way to the hall area door, while Bo-ra and Jenny stood in front of him. He was looking at them aimlessly.

"You don't have to come with me. It isn't safe—"

Jenny interrupts, "You've known Aera for five months. But we've known her since she was five. Although we are both aware of the danger, we must still save Aera."

Bo-ra remarked, "Because she is our family. We got back here for her. And once Aera started to love you, you were also a part of our family. Our family member cannot go to battle on his or her own. Let us join you."

Lee enters the hallway, "Anderson… you can't defeat Lucas by yourself. You need someone to support you, and we are here, family…"

Rang joined them, "Let me join you too."

Cho said, "Let me too, sir."

Shin requested hesitantly, "Let me to join with you. I am sorry for what I said before."

Han-na follows them into the hall. Anderson looking around him at everyone.

Anderson rolled up his sleeves, "Then why are all of you staring at me… move fast right now."

As he shouted, everyone hastily moved away.

In the meeting room, Anderson projects a picture of an island, "This is Orchard Island. Lucas has been staying there, so he must have kept Aera at this Island."

Jenny questioned, "How could we get to the island?"

"This island is off-limits to visitors. The entire island belongs to Lucas. Nobody could easily access the island."

Cho asked, "Then how do we save Aera ma'am?"

Lee uttered, "Ship…! Your casino ship…?"

Anderson said, "He won't permit anyone…, other than his drug dealers, gangsters, thugs…"

He displayed some images of men, "These are the men who are dealing with Lucas."

Rang after noticing the image, "Ander… this is Kim, head of the tiger club."

"Yes… He is… when I regained out of coma, he beat me near Aera's apartment. I scheduled a meeting with him. Uncle…, what about the file that Robert was searching?"

"Ahh… that one. When I learned of his release from jail. I feared that he would harm you… So I discovered some of his unlawful activities, somehow he was aware about that… That's why Robert men broke into my house."

"Then they don't know about you and me, yet."

"No… not yet."

Han-na immersed in thinking, suddenly he yelled, "I suppose I also found a way."

Rang blankly looking at him.

Han-na turns towards Jenny, "Jenny go with me and Bo-ra…"

Lee said, "No… I need Bo-ra. We must keep an eye on what they do on the island. I called two more police to assist in locating the island. So Bo-ra and I will stay here."

Anderson said, "Then you go with Jenny and Cho."

Jenny said, "Shin too, join with us."

"Okay… Rang would be with me. Finding Aera comes in second on our plan. Before that, you stay alive... Everyone."

Everyone yelled, "Yes." "Yes." "Yes." "Yes." "Yes."

"Hey, Han-na…, what's the plan? You said that you've found a way. What's that?" Jenny questioned while Han-na waved his hand at a man.

"Whom is he waving his hand at?" Jenny was surprised to see Daniel, the rude gangster. "Daniel…"

Han-na explains, "When Anderson displayed the men's photo, who works under Lucas... I spotted him in the photo."

"Awesome… Han-na, you are such a brilliant."

"You wait here… I will go talk to him."

While waiting at the restaurant, Jenny observed Shin's forlorn demeanor. "I am sorry for slapping you."

Shin is seated with their heads down, not even trying to hear what she is saying, "Hey I apologized to you… because of—"

"I am the one who is sorry to you. I should not have used swear words with them."

"Now I feel relieved. Then you had let your rage out at Han-na as well?"

"No… That part, I'm never going to forgive."

Jenny scowled and raised her eyebrow. Shin adds, "I need some more time…"

"Ander… Kim refused to meet us," remarked Rang.

Anderson takes off his coat in the club. Rang said, "What are you doing? To fight…? Aish… we are searching for Aera, keep that in your mind, don't do anything irrationally. Be patient, I'll work it out in another way."

"I have absolutely no patience." As he spoke, he kicked the bar stools and threw the chairs over the liquor showcase, the glasses and bottles shattering into pieces.

Rang sighed, "May be I should have teamed up with Jenny."

Anderson yelled, "Go and get your boss right away or I will burn down your club."

Park and Jeong, surprisingly gazing at Anderson's residence. Park wonders, "Why did Mr. Lee call us again?"

"May be he discovered Anderson's location." Lee came over as they were having a conversation.

"Did you get what I asked?"

Park said, "Yes, Mr. Lee… we got the authorization to investigate the island from Senior Park. Additionally, he stated that you would once again be handling Anderson's case."

"Ohh… I am happy."

"What's the point of looking into that island? Is Anderson hiding here, then?"

Lee horribly laughed, "Yes…"

Aera awoke from unconsciousness once again with dizziness and began to walk slowly and erratically. She splashed the water on her face, "Wake up, Aera… wake up…"

She left the room while leaning against the walls. Perturbed, she stood on the balcony and peered outside, asking, "What is this? Why is this area surrounded by water?" She paused to ponder, "Orchard Island… No, no, no…"

She tried to discover the exit from the house, but it was useless. Suddenly Lucas grabbed her hand, "Where are you rushing, Aera?"

"Lucas… Please, let me go out of here."

"Do I seem foolish to you? Don't be an obstinate Aera. Stay here with me."

"Father…, father… Where is my father? Answer me…"

"I killed him."


"Yes… He was no longer a good fit for me, therefore I killed him."

"You psycho bastard," Aera tried to attack him. Suddenly, a woman suddenly injected her neck from behind, she collapsed.

Lucas grabbed her, "Aera, you are tired. Get some sleep. Close your eyes, sleep…"

"You…" she fainted.

"Hey…" Kim yelled as he walked into the club.

While glaring at him, Anderson bites his lip.

"I should have been killed on Seoul's streets that night."

"You missed it… your bad time. I have no time to chat with you. Sit, I want—"

"Get out of here right now."

"Why not first see this video?" Anderson showed a video.

"How did you obtain this video? Give it to me."

"If I release this video, you will never be able to walk freely in Korea. This is an assemblyman…, Jang, right? It was filmed on your cruise six years ago. You're holding hands with a great man's. What if I send this video to the opponent party that you were delivering women to the assemblyman?" On the table, he placed some paper.

"What's this?"

"Your international drug trafficking activities. Which release should I make first?"


"Don't dare to shout. If I share this footage, you'll go to jail before that assemblyman would kill you."

"Tell me what I should do?"

"Want to enter the orchard island?"

"You gotta be kidding me."

"No… I am dead serious."

"Hey… Because of your father, I am speaking calmly to you. Entering the island of that psycho is really risky."

Anderson grinned, "Psycho… He is your boss, how could you call him like this?"

"Jeson is my boss, not him. All these years, we all believed Jeson handled the business. Out of the blue he appeared. Because of his presence, everyone is still in a state of shock. He is such a cruel man and psychopath, demanding us to pay a 45 percent more share. Don't think about approaching the island."

"I am at a loss for options. Help me, please…"

Kim gave him a long look before saying, "Okay… I will help you, because your father fed me a lot of times."

"It would take a day to reach the island," Daniel informed Han-na.

Daniel said, pointing to a ship, "We will sail in this ship."

Jenny asked, "Is there another way to get to the island?"

"It has… but that way only for food and beverages. Not for gangster like us."

Han-na said, "It's okay."

Daniel said, patting Han-na on the shoulder, "It is dangerous to enter his place. But I'm doing it for you; you are a good person. Is this the same woman you previously mentioned?"


Kim gestures with his hand toward a man, "Alex…"

"What's the matter? Has Lucas asked women to be sent with food?"

Rang and Anderson exchanging glancing uncomfortably.

"No…" He pointed out Anderson, "He wants to sail as a sack of rice."

Alex burst out of laugh, "I have no time for you jokes, go away."

After a short while, blood was pouring in Alex's nose, "I'll do as you say. We will depart in the morning. Get ready."

Anderson exhaled, "The work for which I came has been finished."

Rang dragged him out, "Why did you punch him in the nose?"

"Hey… Because of that punch, the work is finished."

Rang frowned, "Now I feel bad for Aera."


Rang walked away. "Rang… wait for me."

Aera wakes up in the middle of the night and murmurs, "This is a dream," while seated on the floor. "This place is not real… Everything is a dream."

With food in his hand, Lucas entered the room and said, "This is not a dream. I am real."

Aera clutching her ears tight, "No… don't hear his words. This is a nightmare."

Lucas laughed wildly, "Eat this food."

"Get out of this room," Aera said as she threw the food dishes aside.

Lucas yanked her hair, "Don't make me a monster."

"You are already a monster."

"Right… call me whatever you want. If you eat this food, I will show you your father tomorrow."


"I haven't yet killed your father. But tomorrow, I will do it in front of you. Should be ready for that. Eat now."

Suddenly holding her leg as he started to stand up, "I beg you. Leave my father alone. Please… Please let go of my father, since I am with you."

"I don't want that. How could I have been deceived by your father all these years? I despise him."

"You attempted to kill my father as well. Past is past. Please… let my father go…"

"I'll give it some thought tomorrow—it has to do with your behavior. Never consider leaving this island."


"Good girl… now eat the food."