Things tear apart

Anderson changing his suit while his phone began to ring. Aera picks up the phone and placed it his ear. Anderson answered, "Hello… Now?"

Aera was staring at him blankly.

Anderson and Aera are leaving the stairs. "Cho… You take them all to the church."

Rang questioned, "Aren't you coming with us?"

"Father Brian called, urgently requested to meet. I will be there pretty soon."

"Okay. You all accompany us."

Han-na said, "You and Jenny go first. Three of us will follow, after you."

"Yes. What about Lee?"

"Suddenly, his superior asked to meet with him. He departed for Seoul early in the day. He promised he would be there to join us that night."

"Okay." Rang and Jenny drove off in Cho's car.

Aera said, "Don't be late."

"Okay," Anderson replied.

While driving the vehicle, Bo-ra asks, "Aera, what should we get for Jenny?"

"Everything happened so quickly that I nearly forgot to give her a wedding present."

They stopped by a Jeweler store.

Anderson got out of the vehicle and went inside. He walked over to where Brian was resting, "Father, how is your wound?"

"It's fine."

"I am sorry. I didn't have time to visit you since I was too busy with other stuff."

"It's okay, no rush."

"I already informed you yesterday, we are holding a marriage ceremony. Why did you insist on meeting with me ASAP? Is there a problem?"

When Anderson received the cover from Brian, he opened it and took a blank glance within.

Jeson and Lucas are traveling in the car. "Dad, don't scare. Today I won't harm your son and daughter. You heard, Today I saved Anderson from me."

"Lucas, listen to—"

"I am starving, dad. Why don't we have breakfast here?" He ordered the guard, "Stop near the good restaurant."

Jeson hastily got out of the car and started sprinting when it stopped. A guard attempted to capture him, but Lucas said, "No need. He will definitely come to me."

Aera hopelessly said, "Nothing in this place suits Jenny well. What should we buy her?"

Han-na suddenly had the thought, "How about we book their honeymoon tickets?"

Bo-ra said after a little pause, "Awesome. That is a really good idea."

Aera said, "Yes… We wasted a lot of time here, so let's move on quickly."

Anderson was poring through the documents when a guard quietly shut the room door. "Dad, I've already read these documents and I disapproved of it too. Why are you now displaying to me this useless thing?"

He responded befuddled, "I guess I showed you the wrong file. Examine this file."

Anderson doubts arise, "I don't have time to look over this stuff. Later, we will catch up."

"No…" said Brian, clasping his hand.

Anderson has been thinking back, since he entered the house, "Open the door, dad. I have no time."

Three of them got out of the car. Aera exclaims, "Whoa…! This location is wonderful."

"Yes. Come Aera, we are becoming late."

Bo-ra stopped as soon as she entrance the church. Aera and Han-na headed behind her.

Aera questions, "Why did she stop? As they are nearing her.

The way Aera was staring at the man who was lying on the ground was disconcerting.

As Han-na drew near to him and turned his body, who is lying on the ground, lifeless, "Daniel…"

Bo-ra asked, "Who would have done this?"

Han-na wails whereas tremblingly touching Daniel's blood covered face, "Daniel….!"

Aera stuttered, "No… no… Jenny…" she dashed for the church.

She walked up to the church and rattled the gate, which is locked from the inside. She shuddered, "Lucas…!"

Brian declared, "I'm not ready to let you go."

"Had Lucas been here before? What the hell did he say to you?"

"Stay with me, Anderson. Don't even consider visiting church."

Anderson was taken back, "You brought up the church to him?"

Brian nod his head in a gesture of yes.

Anderson relinquished his hand away from him, "You made a huge mistake, dad. If something terrible happens, I won't be able to forgive you."

As he got close to the door, Anderson yelled, "Open the damn door…" He fiercely rattles the door.

"I am protecting you, Anderson."

"This is not protection, dad."

"Lucas promised he wouldn't hurt you any longer if I kept you in here."

"Do you believe his sly words?"

"I don't care about that. I wish, my son to be alive. Don't want you to explode in a bomb."

"Bomb…!" He strode over to him with a brashness, "What bomb?"

"The explosive was planted in the church by Lucas."

"Shit." He pulled his gun out and fired at the door lock. He fought the guards brutally as they attempted to restrain him.

Aera spotted Rang writhing on stage with blood on his stomach. Jenny appears distraught, who is being held by two thugs. The knife had blood on it, and Lucas was clutching it, seated on the bench. Cho collapsed to the ground, bleeding from the head.

"Aera, you came...!"

"Lucas…! What the hell are you doing? Stop it…" She vigorously pounded on the gate with her hands.

Alongside Daniel, Bo-ra and Han-na are kneeling down. Han-na hears Aera's screaming, "Aera…!"

Both moved toward the gate, viewing the situation. Han-na said, "Rang…!"

"Welcome to one and all. First and foremost, I should apologize to you all, I altered the ceremony that you all had intended to be a wedding into a funeral."

Aera begged, "Lucas, don't do this. If you want to get revenge on me, act out your wrath on to me. Don't injure them, please."

"You are a liar. You promised not to leave the island, but you did. With the aid of these dumb imbeciles. How did you get this dare… from Anderson…? Where is he? He sent you outside while staying at his father's house safely. Do you still have faith that he will keep you safe?

Aera weeps, "Lucas, I am sorry."

"Sorry…? You understand that none of this would have happened if you had stayed on the island. Your stupidity will cause your friends to perish today."

While Anderson is driving his car to church at top speed and attempting to call Cho, the line is disconnected.

Han-na was looking around the church to see if there was an alternate entrance.

Rang hemorrhage excessively, Lucas says, "I suppose he won't be alive." He went near to Rang, "Is it painful? That's how I hurt, when you shot me. You want to say something to me?"

Rang muttered in a low voice, "Go to hell, bastard."

As a result of his wrath, Lucas stabbed his stomach once more. Rang cries out in misery, "Ahhhh…."

Jenny pleaded with sobbing, "Leave him."

He reached her, "Then you will suffer for what he did."

Rang said, blood trickling into his mouth, "Don't do anything to her."

"Then, should I stab you once again." He came up to him with a knife.

Aera screams, "Lucas… Stop it. This is between us, don't hurt them."

Han-na enters the hall through a little trapdoor while they are still speaking. He attempted to beat Lucas, but his thugs quickly grabbed him from behind.

"Aera, may I kill him too?" He placed the knife where the gunshot wounds were on his chest and pressed.

"Stop it Lucas, please."

"I don't feel the need to kill you right now. It is time to go. Guards just leave them, one by one, they all eventually die."

Anderson rushes into the church. To enter the hall, Han-na opens the gate. Aera asked, "Jenny, are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Jenny was so distracted that she didn't even hear what they said. She approached Rang gradually. Rang advised, "Don't cry. I'm okay."

Cho, who is unconscious and laying on the ground, is roused by Han-na. Cho rises progressively.

"Rang…!" Anderson said as he entered the church. "Had Lucas done this to you?"

Han-na stated, "I called Ji-ho to get here quickly. He is on his way…"

"No… Tell them to go back. We should all get out of here as soon as possible."


"Lucas hid the explosion in the chapel. Hurry up, leave." Anderson made an effort to raise Rang.

"Ander… it hurt…"

"It's okay. Things will be alright once we get to the hospital."

With panting heavily and watery eyes, Rang pulls Anderson's hand away. "It really hurts a lot. I don't think I'm going to make it. You all leave. Save yourself first."

Cho, who is seated on the floor, noticed the bomb, "Bomb….! Stage under there is a bomb." It displays the time remaining, which is 5 minutes. After carefully inspecting the explosives, Cho startledly declared, "It is hooked with Rang sir; it will explode if he moves, and within the next five minutes."

Everyone was stunned by Cho's statements.

Rang grinned while in agony and said, "Stop wasting your time on me. Leave."

"Don't speak in that way. We still have time, and I'll find a way out."

"We are very acquainted with the bomb's mechanism. And you disregard the fact that I am no longer your guard, thus I won't listen to you. As a friend, I want you all to live. Anderson, please don't label me a sinner. I don't want you to spare my lives while endangering everyone else's lives... Jenny, get out of here. I'm sorry for breaking our 'I will be with you till the very last,' commitment. Sorry…"

Anderson hugs Rang, "I am sorry." He then grabs Aera's hand and says, "Hurry, we need to go."

They are leaving the area reluctantly. Cho and Han-na lastly held Rang's hand.

Jenny closed the gate as everyone exited through it. Aera whirled abruptly when she heard the gate sound, "Jenny, what are you doing? Open the gate."


Bo-ra banged the door with great force, "Do you have a death wish? Open the door."

She smiled, "Death wish…"

Aera cries out in a pitiful tone, "Jenny, I am scared. Don't do this to us."

"My entire life, I lived alone. I detested it so much when I had spent the day by myself in my room, glancing at the walls again and again. When I began to love Rang, I quickly lost the ghost of loneliness. It no longer terrifies me, it vanished out of my life. But now, I think about Rang, that he won't be in my life…, not anymore. The ghost again haunts me."

"What are you speaking? Come out, time is running out."

Jenny sobbed a little before wiping her tears away, "Go Aera, live your life. Bo-ra, do your job very well. I am going to be fine, I have Rang. Go…" She approached Rang as she spoke.

Anderson glance at his watch, "Aera, Han-na… hurry up…"

Aera screams, "Jenny…" Anderson drags her out of the church.

Five of them left the church racing.

Jenny went near him. He asked, "Why are you doing this?"

"Because, I love you." She picked out the folded piece of paper and tore it apart.

"Don't want to know your parents address?"


He held her hand, "I love you."

"Last sweet kiss," the bomb goes off as the two are kissing.

Bo-ra and Han-na wept hysterically while fixating on the burning church.

Lucas from afar, says, "Save your tears, you have to cry a lot."

Aera remembers when Jenny said, 'Don't eat anything here. Your stomach will get upset, the taste was awful too. After you finish your work, come and eat at my restaurant.' And when she was pursued by thugs in Seoul streets, she saved her and in Blue Mountain Place, too, Jenny saved her.

Senior Park questioned Lee, "What are you doing? You omitted to even provide Anderson and Jeson's contact information. Do you honestly think you're performing the job or…?"

"Senior Park, you again appointed me, because you lack of evidence and cops to get Anderson, right?"

"Yes… But—"

"I have an important occasion today. You ought to have called me if you wanted to say this to me."

"What do I do? The higher-ups pushed me all the way to the brink of damnation. Please disregard what I previously said and wrap up this matter as quickly as possible." The phone of Lee rings as they are talking.

He answered, "Cho… how is the wedding going?" "What?" He hung up the phone and hurried out of the room.

"Lee, I didn't finish my speaking. Ahh… he is driving me crazy."

Lee enters the Anderson's house, which is so silent. He notices Anderson who is staring at his blood hands.

Anderson remembers Rang's words which was in pain, 'It hurts.' He suddenly stand up and moved into his office.

Anderson threw the things in the office room, tear up the papers. Threw the chair on the photo frames, the piece of glass struck in his cheek. He sat down distraught.

Aera is taking the bath, without thinking of anything. After bath she enter the room, where Han-na and Bo-ra were sobbing. She grabbed Bo-ra's hand, "Come."


Han-na asked, "Where are you taking her?"

"Follow me, Han-na."

Anderson sitting on the floor remembers Rang words of, 'Many lives have already been lost. Probably just leave everything behind and begin a peaceful new life with Aera. Before, you had nothing to worry about; now, you do. Consider it once more.'

Lee noticed Aera, who is moving towards the door, "Aera where are you going?"

"We are leaving."

Han-na asked, "Leaving…!"

"If you leave here, you will be in more danger."

Anderson descending from the stairs, he said, "Leave her."

Lee said, "Have you gone crazy? What are you two even speaking?"

"Before I have nothing to worry about, now everyone there it scared me to hell. It would be better if they all leave."

"You scumbag. There is no use to talk to you. Aera… hear me out, don't leave this house."

"I want to protect the life of balance individuals. Sorry."

Anderson stepped in front of Aera, "Look at my eyes. You think I am bad guy?"

"I am not saying of what are you doing is bad. Nothing in this world is bad neither good. It's all about what we like and what we don't like. If we aren't capable of doing things that we don't like we say that as bad. I know you entered this business by accident but question your heart, do you like what you are doing?"

Anderson paused of her words.

"Take care, Jimin." as she said, she left the house with Bo-ra and Han-na.