Let the past to be let past

Aera is standing in front of her apartment and gazing in for a while. She slammed the door as she entered the house and cried aloud as leaning against it.

Anderson's office is entered by Cho, who says, "Sir, Brian sir wants to meet you."

"Say I'm busy."

"He is standing outside our home, awaiting."

Anderson said, casting a quick glimpse at him through the window, "Tell him, don't ever come back here and show his face to me."

"Yes, sir."

"Wait… Send the female employees and security guards home. Tell them not to report to work any longer."


"Do as I say."

"Yes sir."

Aera standing outside the college where she works. She conducts lecturing on a regular basis and works restlessly in her cabin as well.

Bo-ra is seated in front of a computer and has been gazing at its windows as well without winking. While her Senior Ye-jin notices her, "Hey… Bo-ra…. Bo-ra, what happened?" She jolted her awake.

Bo-ra suddenly came to senses, "Huh?"

"What huh? Are you okay? Why do you appear to be depressed? Is there something going on?"

"No… I am fine," as she said, she moved to the restroom. Her hand was abruptly tugged by Han-na, who appeared out of nowhere. He gently hugs her by holding his hands behind her head. Bo-ra broke into a loud cry and began to sob.

A guard of Lucas informed him, "Sir, Robin sir is waiting in the hall."

Lucas sitting on the couch with a haughty demeanor, "Why did you want to meet me?"

Robin chuckled, "You think I am stupid. Why did you stop all of my drug dealing?"

"I no longer need you."

"Don't forget I killed the great, great mafia Richard, with one shot. Don't mess with me. Just let me do my job, Lucas."

"You killed great, great mafia, that's why I hired you to catch Anderson. Where is he?"

"I'll get him shortly. Because of him I spent two days on the boat without any help. I am still in rage, surely get him soon."

"Dump your excuses in the trash. I am telling you in the good mood, just leave."

"I won't leave until you approve of my dealings."

Lucas suddenly drew his rifle and shot him in the head. "I told you to leave, I am not in the mood for killing. But because you insisted, I did." "Get rid of his body."

Aera is working when she notices an anonymous message on her phone. She quickly went to the terrace to seek out someone. Suddenly she realized, "Eugene…!"

"Come out, Eugene…"

Eugene emerged from behind of terrace door, "You haven't changed, Aera."

"Why should I change? You continue to be the same, yet pull pranks on me."

"Just tried to divert your mind."

Aera gave her a vacuous look as she glanced back.

"I learned about Jenny through my father."

Both were drinking on the terrace at night. Aera curiously questioned, "Your father said? Your father converses with you?"

"Not that much. Only a little bit occasionally, after you showed up that day onwards."

"That's good to hear."

"Are you okay?"

Aera smiled, "When did you begin to show concern for me? You always torture me."

"Before I tortured you, and there was Jenny there to console you. But… Sorry for my past actions." Aera paused and began to sob while Eugene continued.

Eugene pats her shoulder, "It's okay."

Aera in a half-drunken state, wandering the dark roads, "Why is the sun searing so viciously? Argh…"

"Even the road wasn't made straight by them. Why? I am sick of this irresponsible society," she was babbling as she walked down the street. She suddenly moved a hand to her back and grabbed an unknown-hand.

Aera said in an inebriated manner, "It's been so long, Bella."

Bella punches Aera in the cheek. "Ahh… my cheek. Are you insane? How long did it take me to apply makeup, in the morning? My face got big by sobbing. I found it difficult to disguise it, you spoiled it…"

"Stand up, fight with me."

Aera giggled, "Fight…! I am not combative. But Jenny is a skilled fighter. When she arrives, she will finish you, so hold on while I call her." She dialed her number, "Why doesn't the call connect? I despise an irresponsible society. …"

"She is totally drunk. Shit…" Bella yanked at her hair tightly.

"Ahh… leave my hair, you stupid."

Aera uses her head to bash Bella in the nose. Bella's nose is oozing blood.

"Go away. I am not feeling well," Aera declared as she spun around and took a few steps.

Bella pulls at her hair once again from the back. Aera spins abruptly and strikes Bella's chest using her foot. She sat on Bella's tummy; she shook Bella's hair furiously, "I told you, I am not feeling well."

Bella tried to stab her using the hidden knife.

Aera said while wrenching her wrist, "You are more like your brother, Bella." Took the knife out of her hand and slashed Bella's hand.

Bella cries out in pain, "Ahh…"

Aera gets up and hits her own head, "Come to your senses, Aera." She turned her head to see Bella bleeding.

She approached Bella and took her hand, placing it on her shoulder.

They both got to Aera's apartment. As she cleaned Bella's wound, Aera said, "Don't scream."


Aera shut her mouth, "I told you not to shout."

Aera asks as she sits next to her, "Why are you looking at me?"

"Why did you let me be allow here, recklessly? How about I stab you again?"

Aera sighed and pressed Bella's wound.

"Ahh… hurts, leave my hand."

"Like brother like sister."

"Who said that? I am not like my brother."

"Your brother didn't send you, right?"

"How did you know that?"

"Just. Why did you intend to try to kill me? I hadn't met you before in my life, however I recently found out about you. What did I do to you? Why are you throwing hatred at me?"

"Because of Lucas… He tried to kill me, because of you. Anderson was correct that my brother's men had attempted to kill me, but Lucas's words tricked me. After Johnson's passing, he formed an alliance with his allies and drew all of Johnson's men to him."

"So you came here as a result of your personal vengeance."


"You know what, if my father's wasn't a member of the Mafia, we might have all lived under one roof. My father allowed me to stay near to him, and you and Lucas might be living with me as my sister and brother."

Bella smiled, "Are you insane?"

"I am not kidding. I desired to live with a brother and sister-filled family. Lucas may not have been turned in this way if we had actually lived like that."


"Forgive him, Bo-ra."


"Forgiveness is not really about setting the sinner free. We need to liberate ourselves from them. Our hearts grow burdensome if we hold resentment toward someone for a long time."

"After everything he did to you, do you still want to forgive him?"

Aera smiled, "It's almost midnight. Sleep here."

Anderson stayed up all night in the office room the following day, sitting in a chair. He noticed the sun's beams on his face in the morning.

He entered the hallway and turned to face the kitchen, where Rang, Jenny, Han-na, and Bo-ra were accustomed to working. Without anyone in it, the entire home is speechless.

Cho interjects as he gets close to the car, asking, "Sir, may I drive the car?"


Anderson drives the car by himself.

Bell of Aera's apartment rings, and she shouts, "Bella, open the door."

Bo-ra was startled when Bella opened the door and grabbed her shirt. "What are you doing here?"

"Let go of my shirt."

"Did Lucas order you to murder Aera?"

Aera emerged from the bathroom, "Bo-ra…! Leave her."


Bo-ra is glaring angrily at Bella at the dinner table. "Aera, do you believe her?"

"Stop it, Bo-ra. Eat."

Bo-ra tastes the soup, "Whoa…! Have you made this soup?"

"No… Bella."

"I don't want it then."

"Hey, Bo-ra, just eat." They were all three eating quietly.

Bella begins, "I forgive him."

Aera muses, "Forgive who?"

"My brother. I wasted my life for seeking revenge. First, Anderson, for killing my father. Then I wanted to kill you, because my brother tried to kill me."

Bo-ra joked, "Do you think we believe you?"

"I believe you."


"Where will you begin your life?"

"From my starting point."

Lee entered Ji-ho's room, "Did you see Anderson? He isn't inside the home."

"He appears so gloomy; perhaps he needs a distraction. He then left the house."


"Why are you still here, uncle?


"Everyone has gone. Some people left the house, while others drifted away the entire world."

"You previously stated, 'At the end of this issue, we will lose the lives of our loved ones.' You mean it? You already predicted it, that who would be going to die?"

"Yes. Don't worry, uncle. You still have a lot of time, go and live with your family."

In a reckless, full-speed drive, Anderson, recalled Rang's face again and again, 'After this issue, would you accept my resignation?' 'I will continue to be your best friend. No matter where I go, that will never change.'

He hit the tree, passed out instantly, and the automobile came to a stop. He is unconscious and bleeding on his head.

"What is this?" Aera questioned.

Eugene retorted, "Open, and see it."


"I used to work there before moving here. They continue to call me to go back there, but I refuse them. As a result, I requested a favor in your name. Aera, stay there for a while."

"Suggesting me to hide."

"I prefer that as a survival."

"Lucas will undoubtedly return to retrieve you."

"I am also waiting for him. Forget it, I am not going anywhere."

Lim observes Han-na, who appears to be quite upset. He walked up and said, "Han-na, I am hungry. Come on, we should go to eat."

"I'm not hungry, feel free to leave,"

"Ahh… why are being like this? Come and have fun with us."

Bo-ra approached him, "Lee, you go first. I will come with Han-na."


"What are you doing? I know you've been close to Jenny for the past few months. But this is not going to bring Jenny back Just let it go, though. Let the past to be let past. Consider the people who are nearby."

"Shall we go for a drink?"


Anderson awakens and scans his surroundings in confusion. "This isn't my house at all…!" When he decided to exit the room, a man from outside opened the door for him.

"Within it, where are you going? Rest here."

"Father…!" When he looked at the old-man, he was astonished.

"No… Not your father am I."

"You resemble my father… You are…"

"What you are perceiving is right."

Anderson then becomes lightheaded. Things started to blur, and he collapsed.

Han-na and Bo-ra both were drinking. She fills both her and the Han-na glass before pouring one more shot glass.

Han-na asked, "For whom?"


Han-na says as he takes the soju bottle and pours another glass, "This is for Rang."

"Yes… Have you met Shin?"

"No, he traveled to Jeju Island with pals. He recently called, and when I told him about Jenny, he wanted to return back here. But I advised him to just stay still. How could I soothe him while we are already going through a rough time?"


Aera was roaming around the streets when she spotted Jenny's eatery. She came to a stop and continued to observe for some time. When she got close to the restaurant, she opened the door and saw Bo-ra and Han-na having drinks.

"You guys are here…"


Bo-ra inquired, "Did you send off your friend, safely?"

"Who is that?"

"Her new pal, Bella."

"Bella…, Lucas's sister?"

"Yes. It is a long story, I will explain later. Aera, answer my question. Why were you so kind to her?"

"I wish to fix the issue, don't want to resist it."

"Sometimes, I don't understand you, Aera."

Aera slurping her soju in solitude. As Lim moves closer to them to collect the soju bottle, he accidentally pulls Aera's bag, causing it to fall to the ground.

"Sorry, Aera." Lee retrieves the items from Aera's bag which are scattered.

"It is okay."

Bo-ra took notice of the anonymous letter lying on the ground. "Germany…! Explain this?"

"Leave it. It's not a big deal."

"Are you considering moving to Germany?"

"Haven't made a decision yet."

"Well, will you make a decision later?"

"Bo-ra, why are you picking a quarrel with me?"

"Eugene suggested this, and I'm still in a state of confusion."

When Bo-ra raises the question again, Han-na readily holds up her hand and makes the 'No' eye sign.

"Do whatever you want."

"Yes… also you. Will Han-na accompany you to Busan?"

Han-na asked Bo-ra in a vacant tone, "Busan…?"

"Just going to gather some stories regarding psycho-killers. Chung Senior ordered me to go. I neglected to inform you."

"Then, when will you be getting back?"

"Probably within a week. Han-na, if you could do me a favor, watch out for Aera for the time being."

"In your eyes, do I look like a kid?"

"Honestly speaking, want to ensure your protection."

"Anderson… Anderson, wake up," said an old-man, whose house, where Anderson was receiving treatment.

"Eat this… you are so frail," the old-man said as he offered the soup to Anderson.

Anderson was shadily observing the soup while he was not eating.

The old-man understands his looks, after tasting a spoonful of soup, he said, "Now, eat."

"Why do you look like my father?" Anderson asks as he gently consumes the soup. When two children enter the room and begin to fight.

An old-man said to the children, "I told you two not to step in this room."

"Grandpa, he is the one that begins the fight with me," one of the kids stated.

"Okay, okay… you two visit granny, and she will tell you stories. Refrain from coming here since your second cousin is resting."

Anderson ponders, "Second cousin…!" The two kids went out of the room.

"Don't think too much, Anderson. You head is not in a good shape."

"You better explain to me, then."

"I'm your father's brother, Jae-wook."

"But my father never mentioned you before."

When Jae-wook got to the closet, he took some pictures out and presented them to Anderson.

Anderson is visibly shocked as he examines the image of the four men. "This is my father, this is Uncle Lee…"

"And this one is me and the other one is Ji-ho's father."

"What the…?"

Jae-wook grinned, "Your father kept a lot of things from you. I am one of his big lies. Your father was not the elder one. I am the elder."

"This is totally doesn't make sense. Even uncle Lee, had never mentioned you."

"I left the house at the age of 30, when I learned about my family's business. I left without alerting anyone since I thought that wasn't the appropriate place for me. So everyone hated me, my father, Richard…, Lee, though, assisted me because he was also desperate to leave the house. He never disclosed my existence to anyone, not even his spouse."

"How do you know about me?"

"I rarely heard about you from my old acquaintance, who works for you. He told me that Ji-ho's father died, I attended his death ceremony too. I only know a little about you because of Lucas's bomb blast event. I know Aera too."


"Get some rest, you exude enormous anxiety. We will discuss this at a later time."