
Its now afternoon the next day and papa has already picked me up from preschool. when we got home he told me to get ready for bed then come to the main room


"yes? papa needed me?"

"ah yes.."

I walked to a seat next to him and he began

"do you have a quirk?.."

---Aizawa POV---

"do you have a quirk?.."

I asked and she looked at me for a moment before answering

"yes! yes! suki has a super cool quirk!"

"oh what a relief.."

she looked at me then questioned

"hm? why?"


"oh! because you can be an even stronger hero in the future! yeah that.."

I had said that to avoid her question because

in reality if she didn't have a quirk she will be criticized in society.

uh back to hanasuki

I ask her what her quirk is and she calls it

Azurila's lotus leaves

as she begins to explain her quirk I take out a notepad and write every thing she says down

apparently her quirk is quite powerful it allows her to have full control over anything her lotus entraps even herself. meaning, when in her lotus she becomes partially untouchable and basically a god in some sense.

her quirk also amplifies her senses along with strength and stamina.

the leaves and petals from the lotus flower heal any external injury weather it be long-term or short term

basically she could become a pro hero at 12 with the right training and material.

-----Hanasuki pov-----

dad told me that I need a quirk to be a stronger hero in the future but I already know he's lying to me.

if i didn't have a quirk I'd be treated like that annoying broccoli boy izuku bullied, mistreated, and judged.

yeah but I told him all about my quirk, or at least what my memory showed

after all of that I saw dad put his notepad away

and stand up to walk away, but before he could I quickly said

"Papa!! can my friends come over tomorrow?"

I asked him this because mina and momo had asked to come over yesterday before I left, I don't know why though.

"sure what are there names and I will have to meet there parents."

"umh! pinky alien is mina-chan and onee-sama is momo-sama"


'wth are these nicknames???'

--back to hanasuki--

papa answered after awhile

"ok.. what are their last names?"

"uhm uhm ah! mina-chan is uh ashido!"

"and.. uh uhm ehh..- oh! yes yes momo-sama is yaoyorozu"

"ok..- WAIT HUH?"

--Aizawa POV--

"ok..-WAIT HUH?"

'I wasn't informed that the yaoyorozus daughter would be attending public school..'


I heard suki's voice ring in my ear and snap me out of my thoughts.

"ah yes..your friends can come after school."

"ok thank you papa!"

"yea.. c'mon let's go to sleep."


she asked confused I don't know why though

anyway we walked up the stairs turned right then went too our own bedrooms. not before saying good night of course

"goodnight suki"

"umh.. nighty nighty papa..."

she said sleepily

I entered my room and slowly nodded of to sleep awaiting the next day.