Aldera Junior High

A/N {there will be a lot of time skips in the chapter

so bare with me next chapter will be longer than others.}

--Time skip to middle school hanasuki Pov--

it was the beginning of my first year in junior high!

I wonder if i will be in the same class as our protaganist??

ah I got too excited hehe anyway I make my way downstairs to the dining room and see my dad making breakfast I go and say hi too him in the most cheerful way possible

"Papa! good morning!!"

is what I said as I happily jumped on him

"well well.. look who's in a good mood

good morning suki"

he responds with a small smile while still fixing food for us.


After finishing eating dad drove me to school

ah I'm so excited!! I just can't wait, it is the exact same school izuku-kun and katsuki-kun went to!

who wouldn't be excited!?


Okay calm down suki don't get too excited.

what if we're in different classes?? that'd be disappointing..

anyway we arrived at school and I said goodbye to dad


"Bye bye papa! I will see you soon!"

I said with a bright smile to dad as he rolled up his window. he did this because he would attract attention . that is the one thing different in this world unlike the original Mha things have changed.

Such as Aizawa being the no.3 hero publicly instead of him being in the shadows.


soon he left and I entered the school

as soon as I walked through the gates eyes were on me.

I mean I am an angel they are probably mesmerized by my beauty!

oh yeah my appearance over the years has increased in beauty and cuteness, my hair is tied into a thick high ponytail because it grew very fast since i turned 7 years old. my chest size has grew considerably larger to where most people would think I am a teen already, if they didn't see my height that is. I'm not particularly short but I'm not average either somewhere in the shorter range though. my lips have gotten softer and my fingers slimmer.

As I was walking to class I saw mina and momo and decided to walk with them to our homeroom

after finding out we have the same one.

when we make it to class we see our protaganists

izuku and Katsuki




is what mina me and momo say when we spot katsuki totally ignoring deku

"what the hell did you just call me extra!??"

"hehe Kat looks silly when he's mad"

as soon as I say that he goes bright red

"u-uhm hey guys"

oh yeah I forgot about him

"oh hi zuku I forgot about you"

I say with the most innocent smile on my face

mina struggles to not laugh and momo quietly giggles

"Class settle down!"

oh yeah it that good for nothing bullshit teacher they had. what was his name again? eh to irrelevant.

the class settles down and the prick starts teaching.

nothing special just boring learning

---Time skip 2nd year---

"kat, izuku wait for us!!!!"

I yell to the two from afar

"what do you extras want?"

"we want to walk with you guys!"

"that's fine suki"

izuku finally joins the conversation after being silent the entire time



this year was pretty much the same as the last with me having all A's and being first in everything of course!

--Time skip 3rd year--

finally the start of the canon I hope in this universe all might still trains izuku

if not this world is doomed..


A/N{ hello! told ya there's a lot of time skips, the next chapter will be out on Christmas day or the day after it depends how I will spend it. hehe see ya later!}