Entrance Exam-{continuation}

-[A/N hello I would like to say we have reached exactly 40.25k views for this novel. Thank you if you are still reading, I would also like to apologize for my horrible uploading schedule, this is not a promise that I will upload faster but a promise to try to upload more frequently. I hope you enjoy this chapter.]-

-(no one's POV)

The group was walking through the gates of UA and they were ready for the entrance exam.

Many people were there and all of them looked albeit very strong by UA terms.

Not long after they had arrived in a auditorium of some sort and watched speakers,without a doubt this was utterly boring for the students

There was literally nothing interesting other than iida and izuku's rambling,until they go to the point on explaining the robot point levels for the exam.

After the..rather loud speech from uncle Hizashi we left to some gates.

Unlike in the anime I took my friends hand and ran toward the city

What a sight, robots and students such a fair fight. Well students with quirks.

Now then let's begin! The path to My Hero Academia!