Zero Pointer!

[Hanasuki POV]

I ran off to get as many points as possible while I saw Izuku and Uraraka near two tall buildings.


I smiled a bit than continued destroying the robots.

I currently had my lotus surrounding me as I floated from here to there and used the enhanced strength feature

'This feels just like a video game!'

I said with a very happy smile

Soon a loud boom was heard all across the city. Even the the spectators where startled for a moment, they were all turned towards the zero pointer that was now falling down

Izuku with a broken arm was falling down, having saved Uraraka from the huge Zero pointer robot.

Uraraka had managed to use her quirk: Zero Gravity, To slow down his fall while UA's trusty recovery girl healed him with her quirk.

Izuku was fine after a few hours and me and Mina came to visit him. We saw Uraraka as well but she left a bit after.

He was in a bad state but we were sure he'd be ready for the start of school next week.