Is this my room?

"Thank you so much mum and dad." she said and embraced them. Mum and Dad?

"Kyla don't you have a room?"Daisy asked.

"She does Daisy, we're gonna see it right now. Come on, Kyla."Mrs Francis said and we went to another room.

"Oh my God."I blurted out before knowing it. The room was amazing. Beautiful chandelier, purple walls, purple curtains, beautiful cushions, book shelf, and the bed was so big. It has a purple blanket and four pillows. "Is this my room?"I managed to ask.

"Yes, it is. I hope you like it."Mrs Francis said with a bright smile.

" I love it, it's beautiful. Thank you so much."I said.

"You're welcome honey. I'm sorry, we couldn't get you girls clothes because we didn't know your preferences. How about shopping tomorrow?"Mrs Francis asked.

"You mean, we get to go to a mall?"Daisy asked.

"Yes."they chorused.

"Can we go?"Daisy asked me.

"Of course Daisy."I said and she was excited.

"Alright girls, freshen up, so we'll all have dinner."Mrs Francis said. They left the room. I laid on the bed, and oh God, it was f****** comfy. Unlike the beds at the orphanage, I would sleep on this bed alone. At the orphanage, four to six people would have to share a room as big as this. But right now, I'm gonna have my privacy. It felt so good.

I freshened up and wore a blue gown. My phone rang, it was Grace.

"Hey lucky girl."she hailed.

"Grace."I called with a smile.

"I heard your parents are billionaires."she said.

" Yeah, figured that out too. My room is a blast. It's so so beautiful."I told her.

"Really? Oh girl, I do envy you."she said and I laughed.

"Please don't, I'm sure you'll get adopted soon."I said.

"I wish " she said.

"I miss you guys already."I said.

"We all miss you too, how about Daisy?"she asked.

"She's enjoying every bit of this."I said.

"Of course, and you should too."she said.

"I don't know Grace, they are really nice people but I'm still getting used to this."I said

"Sure, I understand. By the way, guess who checked up on you."she said.

"I can't guess, just tell me."I said.

"Josh."she said.

"Josh? What did he want?"I asked.

"I don't really know.. I gotta go Kyla."she said.

"Ok, bye."I said and hung up.

Josh was actually my ex-boyfriend at the orphanage. He broke up with me like two months ago, saying he didn't want me anymore. I later found out that he was dating Lacey, a girl in my room. I was kinda sad when he broke up with me but I got over him quickly. So why the hell does he want to see me?

"Kyla!!!"mrs Francis called and I hurried downstairs. They were at the dining table already. Little sis was sitting next to Mr Francis. She seem to like him a lot.

"Let's eat."she said and I sat beside Mrs Francis. We were served dinner and we started eating. It feels nice eating with the ones you can call family.

"Do you want more?"Mrs Francis asked me.

"No ma'am."I said.

"Mum."Daisy corrected.

" Oh sorry, m..mum."I said.

"It's ok, you'll get used to it." Mrs Francis said and I nodded.

After dinner, we went to our different rooms, I was still fantasizing about the house when the door opened. Daisy ran to me.

"Daisy what is it?"

"I can't sleep."she said.

"Come here."I said and made her sit on my thighs. She placed her head on my chest. "Is this ok?"I asked and she nodded.

"Kyla do you like mum and dad?"she asked.

"I guess so." I said.

"Are we gonna live here forever?"she asked.

"Do you want us to live here forever?"I asked her.

"Yes Kyla. I love it here, I don't want to go back to the orphanage."she said and held me tightly. I kissed her head.

"You won't go back."I said.

"Kyla, are they always going to be nice to us?"she asked.

"Yes Daisy."I said.

"Are we going to get admitted in a real school?"she asked and I thought about it shortly.

"I think so Daisy. Enough with the questions, go to sleep."I said and she shut her eyes. She soon fell asleep. I carried her to her room.


"What do you think about the girls?"My husband asked.

"They are fine. I really like them. Daisy seems to like you a lot."I said and he smiled.

"Yeah, she's a sweetheart. What about Kyla?"he asked.

"I haven't spoken to her that much. She seems to be a little withdrawn." I said.

"She's still trying to get use to everything, give her sometime and she will be open."he said and I sighed.

"I hope so. I can't wait for her to be free with me."I said with a smile, cuddling with him.

"I've made arrangements for their school."he said.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot. They'll be going to school on Monday. I hope it's a luxurious one, I want the absolute best for them." I said.

"Yes honey, they'll love it."he said.

"Will you be going with us to the mall?"I asked.

"I don't think so, I've got a meeting to attend."he said. "Will you be fine?"he asked.

"Yeah, sure."I said.



"Dude hurry up."Mitchell shouted from outside. I hurriedly wore my Snickers and dashed out. "Why do you have to take so long to get dressed?"he asked.

"I have to look hot and great."I said and he laughed.

"You're so funny." he said and we both got into the car and drove to the mall.

I'm Jeremy Wilbert, the only child of a billionaire couple, Mr and Mrs Wilbert. I'm eighteen years old and so handsome. Yeah, I am. Every girl's dream guy. Everyone thinks I'm a spoilt brat, arrogant and proud. Well they're not wrong in their judgement.

I've got four close friends, Violet, a cute and sassy girl. Mitchell, the carefree lover boy. Brian, the brainiac and Crystal, Mitchell's girlfriend.

We got to the mall and alighted from the car. We walked in.

"Where do we start?" I asked.

"The colognes."Mitchell said. We walked there and started picking out the ones we wanted. After that, we walked to the wristwatch section. A little girl ran pass me, almost falling the wristwatch in my hand.

"Daisy."someone called and we bumped into each other, making the wristwatch fall.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry." she said and picked it up.

"Are you blind or what?"