We bumped into each other.


"Are you blind or what?" The guy I bumped into asked angrily.

"Excuse me?"I asked staring at him. How dare he asked such a question?

"I asked a question, are you blind or what?"he repeated. I dropped the wristwatch on the shelf.

"What kind of stupid question is that? Huh? We bumped into each other and you're blaming me?"I asked confidently. He glanced at the guy close to him.

"Are you seriously talking to me that way? Do you know who I am?" He asked, raising his voice.

"And who the hell are you?"Mrs Francis asked as she walked to us. "How dare you raise your voice on my daughter? Do you own this place?"she asked.

"She was at fault here, madam. Tell your daughter to watch where she's going." He said.

"I can see you have no manners at all young man. Listen to this, never you raise your voice at my daughter ever again, she's not your servant, ok?"she scolded and he scoffed and walked away with his friend. "Such an arrogant child."she muttered and turned to me. "Are you ok, dear?" she asked and I embraced her tightly. No one has ever stood up for me as she did. I was always left to face every challenge on my own. "It's ok dear, don't let him get to you."she said and I nodded and refrained from her. Daisy came to us. "Daisy stop running away from us, ok?"she said.

"Sorry mummy."Daisy said. We continued our shopping.

"Let's get you a phone."Mrs Francis said.

"But I already have a phone"I said.

"You need a better one."she said and I didn't protest further. She bought me the latest phone.

"Isn't this too expensive?" I asked.

"Not at all Kyla."she said with a smile. We went to the book shelves, there were so many novels. I kept staring at them. "You know, you can take them if you want Kyla."she said.

"Really?"I asked happily and she nodded. I started taking the ones I found interesting. . I really enjoyed reading novels. We bought school bags, obviously we are to start going to school on Monday. Mum said we'll get our books and school uniform from the school. We bought so many clothes, shoes, bags, jewelries and lots more.

After shopping, we went to the park because Daisy wanted to go there. Then we went back to the house.

I quickly freshened up and went downstairs. I perceived something sweet. I traced it to the kitchen. Mum was directing the chefs on what to cook.

"Kyla."she called when she saw me. I walked to her. "You're hungry already?"she asked.

"No."I said even if I was hungry. We walked out of the kitchen. "Thank you for what you did for me at the mall." I said.

"Why are you thanking me? I'm your mum now and I just did what was required of me. There's no need to thank me ok?"she said and I nodded.

"Dad is back."Daisy yelled from the living room. We both walked to the living room.

"Welcome honey." Mum said and embraced him. He pulled me to an embrace too.

"I've got something for you two."he said to Daisy and I.

"Really? What is it?"Daisy asked. He brought out a pink Apple laptop and gave it to me.

"Oh my God, is this for real?"I asked.

"Yeah it is, I figured out you might need one."he said.

"This is so amazing, thank you so much."I said.

"And have this credit card." He said stretching it to me.

"What the.."I stared at it in awe.

"Take it Kyla." Mum said. I took it and stare at it.

"I get to use a credit card?"I asked.

"Of course darling. You might need it. "Mum said and I embraced the both of them.

"Thank you so much."I said.

"And here's for my little Daisy."dad said and gave Daisy an iPad.

"Oh my God" She screamed and we chuckled. "Do I really get to keep it?"she asked me and I chuckled.

"Of course Daisy."I said.

"Yippee."she said excitedly. "Thank you so much mum and dad."she said.

"Alright kids let's have dinner."mum said.


I can't believe that lady had the guts to speak to me in that way just because of that cheap girl.

"I think you should calm down before you do something drastic."Mitchell said.

"If fate ever makes me meet that cheap girl again, she's gonna be so sorry."I muttered. Mitchell's phone rang.

"Hello Crystal.."he answered the phone. Crystal is actually his girlfriend. I'm really not a fan of girls or dating, though people think I've got a girlfriend except those really close to me, like Mitch, Crystal, Brian and Violet. I'm only with girls for the sex and after that, I'm off. Violet is the only girl friend I'm close to. She's fun to be with and I didn't want to take our friendship to another level. And I guess she feels the same way.

"J."Mitch called. I noticed he was done with the call.

"So what does she want?"I asked.

"The usuals, hanging out together."he said and chuckled.

"So what story did you cook up for her this time?"I asked.

"I told her I wasn't feeling so well. But actually, I promised Ashley to meet up with her by four."he said and I laughed.

"Bad guy. Seriously, how do you joggle your girlfriends?"I asked with a chuckle.

"Not easy, but trust me, it's a lot of fun."He said and I laughed more. Yeah, Mitch is a Playboy. Here's got three girlfriends. Crystal, his main girlfriend, the one he truly loved and the one I'm acquainted with. Ashley, his party girlfriend and Tessy, a girl he recently met.

The door opened and Brian came. He's the nice nerd among us.

"What's up dudes?"he said and shook hands with us.

"We're cool."Mitch said.

"What's up with J?"he asked.

"Some girl just got him pissed off."Mitch said.

"So J, you're trying to date her?"Brian asked.

"Hell no!!!"I exclaimed and they both laughed. "I'm not trying to court that bitch, I want to deal with her."I said.

"As usual."Brian said and Mitch gave him an high five.

"You've got that right."Mitch said and laughed. I threw a pillow at him. "Oh guys, I gotta run now."he said looking at his wristwatch.

"The girlfriends business?"I asked.

"Yup."he said and stood up.

"You're never gonna change."Brian said as Mitch left. "You two got some serious issues. On one hand, he's busy chasing after girls and on the other hand, you're thinking of dealing with them."Brian said.

"While you're somewhere in the middle right?"I asked with a smirk.

"Well it's not bad if you treat them nicely. Take Crystal for example.. She's our friend but yet we allow Mitch to fool her around."he said.

"So you're telling me, you wanna spill the bean to her? Mitch is also our friend."I said.

"But what he's doing is not right"he said and I sighed.

"It's good enough that you know that."I said.

"Whatever man. Is there something to eat in the kitchen?"he asked standing up.

"I think Mom made something before they travelled. Just check."I said and he left for the kitchen.