
"If I'm able to read whatever you just said, you will agree for me to take you out on a date.."I interrupted.


"I'm not finished.. and if I am unable to read it, then you can do anything you want to me or tell me to do anything and I'll do it. Deal?" he asked stretching his hand.

"Are you kidding me? Go on a date with you? As what?" I asked.

"As friends."he said. I sighed, this is crazy.

"Fine." I said and shook hands with him.

"Not fine, deal." He said.

"Alright.. deal."I said and laughed.

"Yes!"he said with a smile, like he just won a jackpot.

"Alright, do I get a chocolate chip now?"I asked.

"Yes, you sure do."he said and gave one to me.

"come on, let's get to class now." I said standing up and pulling him along with me.

"Slow down, Kyle." he said following me. He swept me off my feet and I was shocked because he carried me in a bridal style.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

" I'm carrying you down as promised." He said and proceeded downstairs.

"Put me down, I can walk."I said as I was uncomfortable. What if students sees us like this?

"stay put, okay? I'm gonna carry you down." he said looking at me.

"Ok, but stop looking at me." I said looking away from him. He laughed.

"You are really something else."he said and I just smiled. He continued walking down the stairs. I looked at him but his eyes were forward. He looked at me and I quickly looked away. I heard him chuckle. Jerk.

We finally left the stairs. He gently puts me down.

"Thanks."I muttered, avoiding eye contact with him. We walked to the class and all eyes were on us. Gosh, will they quit it already?


I walked to my seat and sat down.

"Where are you two coming from?" Violet asked.

"Somewhere." I said.

" where?"she asked and I saw that she looked angry. Why?

"Give him a break, Vi."Mitch said.

"I want to know J. You two are becoming too close and I don't like it."she said.

"What? She's my friend, we are just hanging out..."

"Doing what?"she asked interrupting me.

"What sort of question is that? We were talking."I said

"About what?"she asked and I bit my lower lip angrily. Crystal held her.

"It's ok Vi," she said and they turned forward and started whispering to themselves.

"What's her deal?" I asked Brian and Mitch. They both shrugged. She was getting my nerves. What's up with her new behaviour these days?

After school, the guys and I went to my house.

"Dude, seriously, what do you two do together? You guys are always last to come to class after lunch break."Mitch said.

"Come on, he said they were talking." Brian said.

"Exactly." I said and sat on the couch. They both sat down too.

"Were you two.."Mitch paused looking at me suspiciously.

"What?" I asked.

"Were you making out with her?" He asked laughing.

"Dude, what the fuck?"I threw pillows at him.

"He's always saying rubbish." Brian said.

" I'm not making out with her, we are not even dating." I said.

"When does Jeremy need to date a girl before making out with her?" Mitch asked.

"Enough of that, she's not like that. She's different." I said.

"Oh, and he's defending her now."he said making Brian laugh.

"Okay, here's the truth. She is helping me to study." I blurted out. They stared at me for sometime and burst into a round of laughter.

"What the hell!"Mitch exclaimed.

"You are studying now? I mean a book?" Brian asked.

"Oh, I think he means a girl." Mitch said and they both laughed and high fived each other.

" I actually mean a book. I'm reading, studying, chemistry precisely."I stated.

"What? He really seem serious. Are you for real?"Mitch asked.

"Of course." I turned to Brian. "listen to this..the topic, separation techniques in chemistry..."I went ahead and explained it to him. "Am I right or yes?" I asked and they were staring at me like I was an alien.

"What the fuck was that?" Mitch asked.

"Oh my god, that girl is a magician. She really helped you to.. oh my God, Jeremy."Brian said and stood up and walked to me. "How did she convince you? How did you do what she said? I've always tried to get you into reading but you've never taken me serious"he saidd.

"Well, as hard as it might seem to believe, it's true. Plus, you're not as cute as her so why would I listen to you? She even gave me a topic to study today, and if I am able to read it, I'll be winning our deal." I said smiling widely.

"What deal?" Brian asked.

" I'll be taking her out on a date." I said and he gave me an high-five.

"Smart you really like her."Mitch said.

"It's just a friendly date and nothing more."I said.

"That's so last year."he said.

"Anyways, congratulations. Keep it up."Brian said and I laughed.


"You accepted to go on a date with him?" Grace asking excitedly. She actually came for a visit. We sat on my bed.

"Yes I did. It's a friendly date and besides, I wanted to give him some encouragements." I said.

"What if it develops to an actual date."She asked.

"I don't know about that." said and shrugged


I was going to call the girls out for lunch when I overheard their discussion, I was tempted to eavesdrop.

"What if he asked you to be his girlfriend?" What would you say?"Grace asked.

"Well, I won't be able to give him an answer."Kyla said.

"Why?" Grace asked.

"You know, I don't think my parents would agree to that. I just want to get good grades so they'll be proud of me."Kyla said. Does she think having good grades are the only things that will make us proud of her? We are already proud of her as it is. We just want her to live a normal teenage life and enjoy it. I knocked on the door.

"Come in." she said and I walked in.

"Mum" she called glancing at Grace, probably wondering if I overheard their conversation.

"You girls should come downstairs for lunch."I said and walked out of the room.


"Do you think she heard us?"Grace asked.

"I don't know but I hope not." I said. We walked downstairs. Daisy was already eating.