J love.

The next day, mum dropped us at school before going to work. I accompanied Daisy to her class then headed to the seniors hallway. I saw a note, pasted on my locker. I read it.

"Come to the balcony." Definitely Jeremy.

"Gosh."I muttered. He wants me at the balcony? With those stairs? This morning? I'm not going.

I took my books for the day and shut the locker. I headed to class. As I walked pass the staircase, I stared at it and groaned.

"Curse the curiosity in me."I muttered and decided to meet him. I walked up the stairs. Oh, this is frustrating. Why do we have to meet all the way here?

Well, one thing is for sure. I do enjoy the cool breeze and the scenery.

I finally got there. I sat down on the floor, breathing so hard. He walked to me, laughing.

"You think this is funny?" I asked.

"It is." he said and stretched out his hands. I held him and he pulled me up. We walked to the desk and sat down. He gave me an energy drink. "I knew you'll be tired, so I brought it."he said. I drank half of it. I felt strength coming back to me.

"Thanks."I said. "Why am I here?"I asked and he stood up, dropping his bag on the desk and he stood in front of me.

"I'm gonna tell you what I read yesterday."he said and I nodded for him to go on. He listed the elements and talked about their symbols, atomic numbers and atomic mass. I clapped for him.

"Bravo" I hailed. "That was amazing." I said and he smiled and moved closer to me, with our faces almost touching each other. I blinked rapidly. What was he trying to do? He looked into my eyes fixedly.

"Are you scared?"he asked and I felt his breath.

"N..n..no, I'm not."I stuttered. He chuckled and moved away, standing straight. My heart was already pulsating.

"I hope you haven't forgotten our deal" he said and sat beside me. I sighed deeply, out of relief.

"Um..yeah, and you won."I said.

"So I'll be taking you out on a date tomorrow, by 10am."he said.

"10am?"I asked.

"Yeah, it's Saturday. You'll be free, right?"he asked.

"I'll have to inform my mum first. If she agrees then I'll text you my address."I said.

"In that case, I'll give you my number."he said.

"I meant on Facebook."I said.

"No, give me your phone."he said and I gave it to him. He saved the number and gave it to me. I looked at it.

"Why did you save it with 'J love'?"I asked.

"It doesn't matter."he said.

"Ok, let's get to class."I said and we walked the stairs. He carried me all the way downstairs. "Don't you get tired of carrying me?"I asked.

"Nope..I could carry you all day." He said and I smiled. "I do exercises regularly. I also lift weights." he said as we started walking to class. "Do you want to see my packs?" he asked lifting up his shirt.

"Stop that."I laughed and quickly covered up his shirt. He chuckled.

"Hmm.. Someone is being protective of my packs?" he teased.

"No I'm not."I said pouting. We got into the class. "I'll see you later." I said and went to my seat while he went to his.

"Hi girl," Regina called excitedly.

"Hi, what's up?" I asked.

"Well.. Brian wants us to study together again." she said.

"That's nice. You two are good friends now. It won't be long before he falls for you."I said.

"Oh my gosh, I can't wait."she said. The English teacher came to the class.

I kept thinking on how to inform mum about the date tomorrow. How will she react to it? I hope she doesn't get mad at me. I'll accept whatever she says. If I'm not allowed to go out, I'll just apologize to Jeremy.


We got home and alighted from the car, but mum didn't.

"Kids, I have a meeting to attend. I'll be back a little late, ok?"she said.

"Ok mummy."Daisy said and mum pecked her. She ran inside. I walked to her door.

"Mum... I...I.." I couldn't find the right words.

"What's wrong dear?"she asked and came out of the car. She felt my temperature.

"Mum, I'm fine. I just want to..to ask for your permission...for tomorrow."I said.

"What's happening tomorrow?"she asked. I cleared my throat.

"Um..I..um.. JeREMY... JeREMY wants to..to take me out on a date.. tomorrow. It's just a friendly date, I promise." I said and bit my lips waiting for her response. She smiled and cupped my cheeks in her hands.

"Why did you hesitate?"she asked and I stared at the ground. She raised up my chin.

"It's ok, you are allowed to go..but you'll have to come home on time, ok? She said and I smiled.

"Yes mummy, thank you so much."I said and embraced her with a smile.

"Next time, do not hesitate to ask me or your dad for whatever you want, ok? You would get it instantly. Do not be scared of us. You and Daisy are our babies and you should be bold and outspoken, ok?" she said and patted my cheeks.

"Yes mum. Thanks again."I said.

"Alright, I'll see you later, ok?"she said and pecked me before getting into the car. She drove off. I ran inside and quickly called Grace on the phone.

"Mum agreed to it." I said and threw my bag on the bed.

"Oh really? I'm coming over, this instant."she said and hung up. I chuckled. Crazy girl. I took off my uniform and had a quick shower. I came out and wore a pink short jump suit.

Grace came in. "Hey girl."she said.

"Grace."I called and embraced her. "It's so nice to see you."I said.

"Yeah, I know." She said and we both laughed. "Ok, ok, ok now let's get down to business."she said and I was confused.

"What business?"I asked.

"What are you gonna wear to your date?"she asked and I rolled my eyes.

"One of my clothes, of course."I said.

"I know, but which one?"she asked and walked to my closet.

"Maybe a jean trouser and any shirt that catches my fancy."I said.

"What? You're going on a date and not the grocery store."she said.

"It's just a friendly date, remember?"I asked.

"Yeah but, things might change over there." she said going through my clothes.

"Things like what?"I asked.

"Like you might just become a couple." she said and giggled naughtily.

"No way."I said.

"Things happen Kyla."she said and came out with a pink flare gown. I haven't worn that ever since I got it. I feel like it's too short.

"This will do."she said and placed it on the bed and went to my shoe rack. She brought out a pink low shoe. She also brought out a pink hairband.

"Oh gosh, Grace. It's all pink."I said.

"Yeah. Guys love girls that loves pink."she said.

"Really now. And what makes you think I want him to love me?"I asked.

"Your subconscious mind does."she said. "So you have to wear these and do a little make up. Put on some accessories and most importantly put on a body spray. Smell nice, always smile.." she went on and on. I switched on my phone and texted my address to Jeremy. He called me immediately.

"Hi Kyle, I got your text."he said.

"Ok, JeREMY."I said and Grace quickly came close to me and was trying to listen.

"So how's everything over there?"he asked.

"Everything's cool. How are you?"I asked.

"I'm good. I'm watching a movie right now."he said.