Wonder woman.


Jennifer is Miss goody-two-shoes sister all along? It's so unbelievable. But I was happy that my sister was alive. Kyla held my hand and pulled me to her. Grandma held both of us.

"Now my J-J is complete." she said with tears in her eyes.

"When you called me J-J, did you actually mean Jeremy and Jennifer?" I asked.

"Of course. What did you think she meant by that?" mum asked.

"Actually, not Jeremy and Jennifer, but Jennifer and Jeremy. She came first." Grandma said.

"What?" Jennifer and I exclaimed.

"You mean she's elder to J?" Kyla asked and laughed.

"Yes, she's elder to him with 5 minutes." Grandma said and they all laughed at the look on my face.

"Seriously?" I asked.


"Seriously?" He asked and Grace walked up to him and pulled his left ear.

"Yeah seriously, I'm your elder sister. So it's time for payback." She said and everyone laughed at him as he winced in pain.

"Muuum." He yelled as Jennifer continued pulling his ear. We laughed more.

"Ok Jenny, let go of your brother's ear. I'm sure he has learnt his lesson now."Mum said.

"I'm letting you go because of mum." Jennifer said and let him go. He rubbed his ears.

"Ouch, it hurts." He said and I walked to him and helped him rub his ears.

"Is that okay?" I asked and he nodded.

"Thank you so much Kyla. You are a blessing to this family." Mrs Wilbert said and embraced me, so did Mr Wilbert and Grandma.

"J-J if you ever leave Kyla I'm so gonna deal with you." Grandma said and we laughed.

"Thank you so much Kyla. You are a good friend, my best friend." Jennifer said and embraced me tightly.

"It's a party right? Let's sing the birthday song." Daisy said and everyone giggled. They sang the birthday song for the three of us and then, the music started. Everyone started dancing. I walked to my parents.

"Happy birthday sweetie," mum said and embraced me, so did Dad.

"My big sister is a Wonder woman." Daisy said and embraced me. I giggled. "Happy birthday." she said.

"Thanks Daisy" I said.

"Okay, where are the chocolates?" She asked looking around.

"I don't know, ask J." I said and she went to him.

"You're really a blessing, not just to them, but to us." Dad said and I blushed.

"We're going to sit with the Wilberts now. You guys have fun." Mum said and they left. J came to me.

"Quick question, can we hide from Daisy? I think I showed her the wrong place for the chocolates." he said and I laughed.

"Come on, let's go to our friends." I said, holding his hand.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because they are our friends?" I said.

"We'll go to them later.. Thanks for everything babe. I finally have my sister with me.. but I didn't expect her to be this annoying." he said and I giggled.

"She will hear you." I said he chuckled.

"Oh, before I forget." he said and brought out his phone and called someone. "Yes..um, am I speaking with the commissioner of police?.. Yeah.. I want you to get someone arrested." he said and I creased my brow. Who does he want to arrest? He further gave them the address. It was Grace's foster parents house. He hung up.

"Who do you want to arrest?" I asked.

"Felix." he said.

"Why do you want to get him arrested now?" I asked.

"Cause I just found out that he raped my sister." he said.

"You are not just finding out, you already knew that he raped her for a while now, so why didn't you anything then?" I asked.

"Babe, I didn't know she was my sister then. I sent guys to beat that douchebag up because he tried to touch you, not because of what he did to Jenny." he said.

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Yeah.. I'll throw him in jail then tell my parents about it. They'll take it from there. Come on let's dance." He said pulling me to the dance floor. I went with him and we danced.

Jeremy is something else. He only cares for those who he loves or likes. I can't believe he had Felix beaten up because he tried to touch me. I thought it was because of my best friend.

"Hey birthday couple." Brian came with Mitch, Regina and Crystal.

"I wish my boo and I had the same birthday." Regina said, leaning on Brian. We chuckled and we all danced.


It's been a week after our birthday party. Jennifer now lives with us and today, I'm pulling a prank on her. I sat innocently with Mum and Dad at the living room, watching a movie.

"JEREMY!!!" Jennifer yelled from her room and I knew my plan had worked. It's so fun having a sister.

"J-boy what did you do?" Mum asked and I tried my best not to laugh.

"I didn't do anything." I lied. I heard the door shut and she walked downstairs. I couldn't control my laughter anymore. I laughed so hard.

"Oh my God, what happened to you?" mum asked, staring at her. Her hair and face was all white because of the powder I put in her hair dryer.

"Jeremy poured powder in my hair dryer and this happened." she said hysterically.

"Jeremy why are you always pranking her?" Dad asked.

"She looks funny when she's angry." I said.

"I'll show you angry." Jennifer said and ran towards me while I ran from her. She chased me around the living room. "I'm so gonna get you for this." she said and I laughed still running.

"Leave him alone Jenny. Come, I'll help you wash it off." Mum said and she held her. They both walked upstairs. I couldn't stop laughing.

Soon, we heard the sound of a car coming in. I stood up and walked to the window. It was Kyla's car.

"Who is it?" Dad asked.

"Kyle." I said and walked outside. She alighted from the car. She was looking so gorgeous in the short black skirt and a white v-neck top with a white sandals.

"Hey babe." she said and embraced me.

"You look pretty gorgeous." I said and she smiled.

"Thanks." she said. Another car drove in and it was one of dad's numerous wealthy friends.

"Dad Mr David is here." I said as Kyla and I walked in.

"Oh." Dad said.

"Hi Dad." Kyla said as we walked upstairs.

" Kyla." Dad said with a smile.

"Come on baby." I said and held her as we walked to my room. She sat on the bed.

"How are you doing?" I asked and stood in front of her, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"I'm doing fine as you can see" she said.

"Well you've got wrinkles on your face." I said just to tease her.

"What?" she exclaimed and ran to my mirror. She stared at her face, searching for the 'wrinkles.' I chuckled and tucked my hands in my pockets, walking to her. I stood behind her.

"You're lying. I don't see any wrinkles." she said.

"Really? Try harder." I said and placed my hands on her waist. She looked at me through the mirror.

"You are something else. What do you want?" She asked and I turned her to myself. I placed my lips and hers, kissing her. She kissed me back and placed her hands around my neck as we kissed.

We pulled out from the kiss, staring at each other.

"You are so cunning. How do you get me to do whatever you want?" she asked.

"It's because you love me a lot and I love you too." I said and kissed her again, this time it was more passionate. But we were interrupted when the door opened, revealing Jennifer.