Drama king.

"What a killjoy." I muttered and Kyla chuckled. "What do you want?" I asked.

"I didn't come here for you, I came for my best friend." She turned to Kyle. "You came and didn't bother informing me." she said with a sad pout.

"Well, she came to visit her boyfriend and not you." I said, still holding on to Kyla.

"Stop it babe." Kyla chuckled and removed my hands from her waist and she walked to Jennifer. They embraced each other. "I'm sorry bestie, I was gonna come to you. I was just stuck with this guy." she said referring to me.

"I understand."Jennifer said. "Alright, I'll leave you guys but come to my room before you leave, ok?" she said.

"I will." Kyle said and Jennifer left. Kyle walked to me. I pulled her to myself.

"So where were we?" I asked and she smiled and placed her hands around my neck.

"I can't remember." she said and I gave her a peck.

"Should I remind you?" I asked and she shrugged so I kissed her.

"Hmm.. chocolate chip." She said licking her lips.

"Do you want one?" I asked.

"Yeah I do." she said. I walked to the shelf and took two chocolate chips. She climbed into the bed and took off her sandals. I sat beside her on the bed and gave her a chocolate chip. She took my laptop. "Let's watch a movie." She said and scrolled to the videos. I leaned on her as we watched the movie.


While watching the video, he kept stealing kisses for me.

"Babe stop." I said trying to concentrate on the film.

"You came here for me right?" he asked, sounding a bit upset. I turned to him.

"Why are you getting upset?" I asked.

"I'm not upset, continue with what you were watching." he said and switched on his phone. Right. He's definitely upset. He always gets upset when he doesn't get what he wants. Drama king.

I paused the movie and shut the laptop. I placed it on the bedside table and moved close to him. I held his arm and placed my head on his shoulder. I looked at what he was doing on his phone. He was just on Facebook. He just kept scrolling through the news feed.

"Babe, look at me.. you are mad at your baby?" I asked, giving him a babyface.

"You're so cute, but I'm still mad at you." he said, trying to avoid my eyes.

"Okay I'm here for you now. Please don't be mad anymore." I said but he didn't look at me, so I sat on him and took his phone from him. He tried taking it back but I stretched it higher.

"You're not gonna give me my phone right?" He asked.

"Yes I'm not." I said and placed his hands around my waist. "I'm all yours." I said and he smirked and placed his two hands on my butt and I gasped. "I don't mean it that way." I said and struggled to free myself from him but he turned me over and he was now on top of me. "Get off me you jerk." I said with a smile. He kissed me passionately for a long time. We devoured each other's lips hungrily. I dug my fingers into his hair while his hands trailed all over me.

He suddenly got off me and laid beside me, breathing heavily. I stared at him. I was feeling so hot down there, I couldn't explain it but I wanted more. I didn't want us to stop the kiss, why did he suddenly stop?

"What?" he asked since I kept staring at him. I looked at the ceiling.

"N.. nothing." I stuttered and bit my lip. He laughed.

"You thought I was actually going to do more than that? Well.. you're not sexy enough." he said.


She gave out a frown Immediately I said that. She got down from the bed and she wore her sandals. I moved to her with a smile.

"Why are you taking this serious?" I asked and tried to hold her hands but she didn't allow me.

"Leave me alone." she said and took her bag.

"What are you doing?" I asked and stood up from the bed.

"I'm going home you jerk." she said and turned to go, but I held her back.

"Why are you going home?"I asked.

"Well, I'm not sexy enough for you to touch so I'm going. Go get a girl that you can do 'MORE' to." she said, emphasizing the 'more' and wanted to leave but I held her tightly.

"Come on, don't be like that. Do you want me to do 'more' to you?" I asked and she looked at me.

"No way.. not yet." she said, muttering the last part and avoiding my eyes.

"Then why are you angry?" I asked.

"You said I wasn't sexy enough." She said, staring at the floor with a frown. I laughed at her cuteness. "Why are you laughing?" she asked and I stopped.

"Ok listen, I don't want to touch you, not because you aren't sexy enough, but because I don't want to hurt you." I said. I was actually starting to loose it while we kissed passionately. I had the urge to take off her clothes and do lots of things to her, since I was aroused. I just had to control myself by stopping the kiss in order not to completely loose it. I placed my hands on her cheeks. She was already smiling. "You are really, really, really sexy, okay? You're my girlfriend, who can be more sexy to me? I was only joking earlier, ok?" I said and she hit me playfully.

"Don't make such jokes." she said and I nodded. She walked back to the bed and sat on the bed. I walked to her.

After sometime, Kyla went to Jennifer's room. Later in the evening, we both walked outside to her car.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I said and kissed her.

"I'll see you too.." she trailed off as a car drove in. I recognised it to be Violet's. She got down from the car. She was wearing a black and white button-down gown that was above her knees. She wore a black sneaker also.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"J.. I.."

"I don't even want to know, just leave." I said.

"J, I came to ask for your forgiveness. I realized that what I did was wrong. Please forgive me." she said.

"It's too late for that." I said.

"J don't say that, please." she said.


"Violet get out of my sight before I lose it." J said.

"J please hear me out. Kyla please help me beg him. I'm truly sorry for what I did to the both of you." she said. J pulled me behind him.

"Don't you dare call her name and never speak to her.. Leave my house." J yelled. I held his hand.

"Baby take it easy. Just hear her out." I said. He walked to Violet and pulled her by the arm forcefully. He opened the door of the car and threw her inside.

"J please don't do this to me." she pleaded.

"Drive her out of here." J said to the driver and he drove out of the compound.

"Babe just take it easy she..." he interrupted me.

"I don't want to hear it." he said angrily.


" I don't want to hear it, just let it be ok?" He yelled at me and I sighed.

"Ok." I said calmly and got into my car. "Drive." I said to the driver.

We drove to my house and I got down from the car. I went in and freshened up, then went downstairs for my dinner.

Well, I'm not mad at Jeremy for yelling at me. I know he did it out of anger. I just decided to come home quietly because I didn't want to get him upset. Besides, it showed that he loved me a lot. He didn't want Violet to separate us again. But I do think that she was sincere in her pleadings. I already forgave her because Jeremy is mine. I just hope Jeremy, Brian and Mitch forgives her.

After my dinner, I went to my room. I really miss Grace, I mean Jennifer. She kept me company while she was here. Now I feel lonely.